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Queries Participated

CCP   01 March 2018 at 12:00

Is ration card mandatory ?

Hello Experts,

Please provide your opinion, whether Ration card if mandatory for we citizens ?
Because, i haven't opted for digitization like many others I know also haven't applied for digitisation.


K D   20 May 2015 at 13:40

Online bidding process


We want to start a online portal under which we are intented to provide services using the bidding process. it means user will post his requirment and service providers will bid there price for it. and after the bidding ends on predefined time,provider with the lowest bid will get the contract and user will pay online for the service.

is it leagal to run such bidding plaatform as per indian law ?

Kindly Advise.


vinay   20 May 2015 at 12:13

Revocation of power of attorney

Can a Power of Attorney be revoked PARTIALLY or it has to be REVOKED WHOLLY.
Request to give under which Indian Acts.

Roland Noronha   20 May 2015 at 10:31


My wife and myself are resident of Maharashtra. We have 3 Sons . My wife and myself have flats one in each name in the same building. All the FDs and SB Accts. and Mutual Funds are in our Joint names.

Need following clarifications:

a) We want to make separate wills.

b) Both moveable and immoveable are the self acquired properties.

c) Husband's Will - Wife is the sole beneficiary and also the Executor.

d) Wife's Will -Husband is the sole beneficiary and also the Executor.

e) If wife predeceases me or in case Wife and I are die together then our three sons will be Equal beneficiaries and Executors. Same applies in Wife's Will also.

Please advise whether above in order. I mean can the beneficiary be the executor?

Can the three sons be the equal beneficiary and executors of the will in our absence from this world.


pankaj kumar gupta   24 September 2014 at 17:48

Can private ltd company can transfer via shares

Sirs, I have a doubt, can a private limited company can transfer a piece of land via sale of shares or transfer of shares mode to a third party without payment of stamp duty, if no, then under what provision it is not possible as it can result huge revenue loss to the exchequer which it collects in form of stamp duty and registration, kindly note that the private limited company's balance sheet also shows few other movable assets including the land and building.

Please advice.

VINOD KUMAR MALSARIA   23 November 2013 at 11:36



After exicute sale deed , valid document sale agreement or sale deed ?

ARKS@tiger   20 November 2013 at 17:40

Live in relationship permission for an ais officer

Being an AIS officer, I had been married for 20 yrs but after that due to extra marital flings of my wife, I filed a DV petition in 2004 n fought it with full intensity in my place of Cadre n den in Delhi too for almost 9yrs. But Thx to the Indian Family Courts, my DV petition couldn't even cross the 20% of the Prosecution. Completely fed up with this mess which was taking a toll of my High profile job, I absented myself which led to dismissal of my DV Petition. I had been paying regular IM to my spouse till the dismissal but since then , no IM is being paid since she didn't move any Appl. I had already proved in the Family Court, Delhi with Doc evidence that all my savings of 20 years were already on her& kids name . She is a lady worth 1 Cr n Court taking a cognizance of this did pass an observation that " she hasn't come to court with clean hands"!!!!!
Out of court settlement was also tried for almost 2 yrs but despite of me agreeing on the demanded amt , she deliberately withdrew. She neither wants to give me divorce nor wants me to settle down in life. Our two sons are adults n financially well settled.
AIS Conduct Rules , 1968 don't permit a 2nd marriage so whether under these circumstances, any Live in relationship would lead to MisConduct as per AIS Rules as well as any Family Law of the Land???
Pl advice.

4WhatIsRight   19 November 2013 at 13:19

Criminal case against director of a b.i.f.r company

Respected Experts,
I am one of the Directors of a limited company of a manufacturing unit. Due to sudden turmoil in business environment our business has run into rough weathers.
For survival of the unit I raised funds, cash loans (not reflected in any books of account) on company's letterheads, from friends.
I have not faltered on any interest payment on those "rukka- parchi"nor i have any intent to default.
But in very recent one of my competitor has started spreading rumors that I am to go bankrupt and Will default on payments of loan they have advanced to me. This has caused panic among the lenders and all of them have suddenly started chasing me for their money. I have been trying to convince them but few are very adamant on immediate refund and instigating others for same.
It is not possible for me to arrange payment of all rukka - parchi loans now and I need six to nine months time to clear them.
Their continuous harassment is making it difficult to look after day to day business activity and further affecting the financial health of the company.
Few of the creditors have good contacts with police and have been threatening to get me arrested u/s.420IPC by forming stories around the rukka-parchi. In very recent one of them got one of such similar defaulter arrested under 420/506/120B with a concocted story.
I am confident that company would return to its glory as we are dealing only with MNC's of growing sector.
One of my friend advised me to refer my company to BIFR then no creditor shall be able to file any complaint or case against the company or its directors.
Other friend suggested making an affidavit and sending it to creditors Acknowledging the loan and seeking time for repayment. Further filing a caveat.
All are cash loans.
I have been making timely payment of interest in cash.
Bank loans are also being serviced on time, but my friends are advising me to default for making it a BIFR case.
What shall I do?

arun   19 November 2013 at 12:55

Section 138

Dear Sirs,
This is my first query in this forum.I thank the experts taking the pains and time to answer the queries in this forum which helps laymen like us to come out of the fear for anything legal.

a brief of the issue: section 138 case against my company .The summons were served against the company , myself and one other director-2 who has resigned now.Being the sole rep of the company now, i have assumed the responsibilities for everything pertaining to the company .This case ,the cause of action is on 27/10/2008.The director-2 has resigned on 31-3-2013.
My queries as under:
1)The director-2 did not appear when the summon was issued.Now the court has issued NBW against him.How can i avoid this take exemption for the non-appearance of the resigned director-2.

2) This case was first filed on 29/11/2008 under case # xxxx/08 by the complainant.Then subsequently the case has been renewed under ref # bbbb/09.We got the first hearing in sep-2013.The complainant a ltd company did not approach for any discussion during this period.Does this situation come under any limitation act?

Thanks again in advance for the valuable suggestions that you may provide.

Gaurav   19 November 2013 at 11:44

Quashing in hc on basis of compromise u/s 482 crpc

Dear Honorable Experts,

We reached compromise during the proceedings of maintenance case (125CrPC). Family court Judge had facilitated the compromise settlement terms as part of their order. Also, passed the first motion.

In 498A, charge is framed on four of us. There are 5 names in FIR. four of them stay in india and one relative stay in US from more than 30 years and come to india once in a while.


Q1. During the HC Quash u/s 482 CRPC of FIR on basis of compromise, how do i make sure that FIR quash is applicable for my relative also who do not live in india? We do not have any contact with her.

Q2. Does Chandigarh HC quashes for all 5 members on the basis of petition filed by 4 of us? or Does POA or vakalatnama signed for 5th one would be required?

I am looking for views on how HC behaves in such circumstances in terms of passing order or what is the standard process dealing with such situations above.


