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ankit gupta   17 August 2008 at 22:01

formation of a company

respected repliers,

what are the essentials required o form a company under indian companys act ???

Vivek Shukla   17 August 2008 at 20:17

further education through correspondence

Hi, My Junior wants to pursue further legal education after LL.B. of offshore universities, which are having exam centres in India but which are providing jobs to such LL.B. graduates off shore particularly in U.S.A. .Plese send me the details of same at the earliest.Please name the sites or consultants alongwith their names and numbers.

Verma d. Ashish   17 August 2008 at 14:45

grave and sudden provocation

how important is the word "sudden" in the grave and sudden provocation..what can we do in case if the accused went off to bring his rifle on being provocked and shoots the deceased twice who died due to excessive bleeding in his way to the hospital.the first shot was made with a close range on the right knee and the second on the bicep's of the left arm..and accused left the field..the acuused was the professsional night guard in the bank..please guide if there is any scope to prove that the accused lost his self-control and took the step.its a case of appeal in the high court against the conviction passed by trial and sessions judge under sec 302 of the indian penel code.

Srinivas.B.S.S.T   17 August 2008 at 01:18

Pillion rider

Can legal heirs of a person, who is a pillion rider of the vehicle, in a motor vehicle accident can claim compensation by filing a MVOP? i need some citation in this regard

Ashish   16 August 2008 at 22:18

Societies Registration act, 1860

As per Indian Societies Registration Act of 1860 a society can be formed with minimum 7 members to the MOA.

However, if the no. of members in the later years falls below 7 what are the consequences?

Please provide guidance in the above matter.

N.K.Assumi   16 August 2008 at 17:31

Writ petition

Dear Sir,
Can you kindly clarify what is the difference between Writ Petition and Writ Appeal?


ANURAG   16 August 2008 at 16:14

criminal law.

1.>what is the extent of the limitation of the word "sudden" in the section 335 and 334 of the ipc that is grave and sudden provocation leading to death of the deceased.

2.>acc to sec 300(3) of the IPC that the bodily injury shud be sufficient i ordinary course of nature to cause death. on what grounds or evidence can the word "sufficient" be proved.

3.>how one accussed can get the benefit of doubt if he has caused bodily injured that is shooting someone twice, the provocation being grave but not sudden in this case as the accussed went off to bring his gun and came along with a colleague .

Shekhar   16 August 2008 at 13:11

Can a complaint's photocopy be taken by defandent?

Pls. share the various way through to get the complaint copy from the police station ?

srikanth   16 August 2008 at 12:49

Auditor as liquidator

Can an auditor act as a liquidator of a company?
if yes what are the necessary procedures to be followed for appointing the auditor as liquidator

ram   16 August 2008 at 11:56

Decleration of vendor

While Purchaed a property if any decleration from the vendor who is non study person and unable to sing (ill -letarute person)