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Krishna Botkul   19 December 2020 at 06:49

Buying slum structure whih is under r&r policy

Hi Sir,
We reside in Mumbai Maharashtra,
Recently I've met property agent who told me to buy house in slum to the kalwa east of thane city.
This Piece of Land belongs to Central Railway and CR has conducted survey as it will go to R&R scheme as per mmrda.
Can I buy any house here , when survey completed by CR.

Anonymous   30 November 2020 at 14:49

Whether society can charge transfer fees in deed of exchange

Can society charges transfer fees for deed of exchange in same society between my family exchange.

Amarjit   19 November 2020 at 11:24

Transfer the brand register other name

Dear Member,

I want to know If any one register any brand name in TM ( as individual ). Brand is register now.

He can transfer that brand name to other person. its is possible and after transfer he don't have right to use that brand because he transfer to other person.

If possible what is the process


Anonymous   09 November 2020 at 11:16

Print literary

Can a Canadian citizen apply for RNI license and the trnsfer of same? if yes what is the procedure

CHANDRAPRAKASH AWASTHI   01 November 2020 at 21:19

Imla malak rights

My Grand Father was a Imla malak on a lease hold land.
On which he has constructed a chawl in 1960. After his death in around in 1967 my father & his three brother became (legal heirs) entered their names as imla malak in the property card.
Also all the four brothers developed a four storey building in1975.
In 1992 my father purchased the same plot in public auction on as it is were it is basis & became single owner of the plot. At present as legal heirs we have entered our names in property card.


ganesh sonar   26 October 2020 at 16:47

Mhada property transfer on event of death

Dear Sir,

My dad had bought a Mhada property but he passed away recently and he havent made any will nor nominee.
Now we want to transfer that property on my mother name from Mhada. Could you please help us to know the entire process and documents involved in doing transfer. We are living in Khopoli and property is also in Khopoli location.
I also want to know whether we will have to pay certain fees to local registrar officer for property transfer or else.

Anonymous   08 October 2020 at 18:19

Wish to hire intellectual property lawyer

My company is looking to hire services from a Mumbai based Lawyer who is passionate about working with Intellectual Property specially in the Information Technology and/or Entertainment Industry.

Please send your profile details here as well as your contact number and we can take it further from there.

Anonymous   14 September 2020 at 22:37

Digital sign contract for consulting services

Hello sir,

I am going to open a online drop shipping store which will be handled by my consultant who himself will do everything related to drop shipping for me with trial period of 14 days and will be charging 30k for charges if I wish to continue and as for setuping the store I have to pay 2 lakh rupees to consultant which will be refundable fully within 14 days if I am not satisfied with service.

So it is ok to sign digital contract or what is the solution.
Returns on investment are good I just need to have the security for the investment
I have sample contract sent by consultant with me.
I request you to please help me for understanding the agreement.
Please contact me at 9765995995

Thanks in advance.

Kalpesh Amin   31 August 2020 at 11:36

Paki enty yet not done after long time process

I have purchase Agri land last year in Aug 2019 still as on date property right i.e. paki entry not done by in mamlatdar now my lawyer go to collector in vadodara what is the actual procedure in collector .....can u say.....

CHAITALI DAS   16 August 2020 at 19:37


Our apartment committee is not registered..They are not working fairly..can i take any legal actions?