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Dipen   22 May 2020 at 19:06

Trademark class for software

Respected Experts,

What is difference between Class 9 & Class 42 for software in Trademark.

To be specific, I have a software which will be available to users on subscription basis for a year. Will this be covered under Class 9 or Class 42?

Also whether license key sent on email or in CD, will it make any difference to class applicability?


Anonymous   22 May 2020 at 14:41

Tenant refusing to pay rent and dues

My tenant has informed that he will be vacating my flat in the near future. But he has stopped paying the rent for last 2 months. He has said that he may vacate the flat in the next month i.e.June 2020.
However, even if his rent is adusted against the deposit then his rent and due amount exceeds the balance of deposit amount after adjusting rent for last 2 months. Also, he has caused damaged to the flat.
My query is that what action I can take in case of non payment of rent/dues and his leaving the flat without properly handing over the flat. I would like to request for earlier reply as the tenant may leave the house without information. Thanks in advance.

Wasim Raja   22 May 2020 at 11:52

Regarding reliever charges

As per compliance, we need to give weekly off to deployed manpower ( security personnel’s). On week off day, if you’re asking for additional security guard to be deployed at the locations, which can not be left unattended then you need to pay reliever charges.
Question is we will pay 26 days for permanent guard as per minimum wages and 4 or 5 days i.e. sunday pay to the reliever.
30 days payment to the Guards + Reliever Charges
Sir, Please Clarify the query.

Anonymous   22 May 2020 at 09:56

False dowry and rape case

Thanks for help. It a great platform for getting legal aid. God bless all. Thanks again for being so kind and geneous

Anonymous   22 May 2020 at 08:40

Sole arbitrator appointed by the respondent

Dear Experts,

I was an employee of company X, last year I leaved the company by proper resignation and serving full notice period.
But till date company have not did full and final settlement of my dues like Gratuity and may more, tentative amount of all would be 7 Lacs.
After repeated e-mail communication they are linger on the process.
There was arbitration clause in my service contact. So, I asked them to appoint an Arbitrator, now they have appointed one Sole Arbitrator and given me the address of that Arbitrator and told me to get in contact with Arbitrator further only as Arbitration started.
I have few questions in my mind.

1. How much fee Arbitrator charged from me, and what will be the mode of payment cheque etc., and when I have to pay arbitration fees , at start of hearing or after final judgment?
2. Do I need a Lawyer, or I can fight my case own?
3. Do I Need to sign terms with Arbitrator at start of hearing like oral hearing, written, time period etc.?
4. As I have only Arbitrator address with me, Shall I go to his address directly?
5. As I have a felling that Arbitrator shall me more inclined towards respondent as he appointed him, is there anything on which I can concentrate more while approaching Arbitrator.


P RaviShankar-cell-8939332195   21 May 2020 at 21:17

Withdrawal of private complaint in magistrate court

Sir, I filed protest petition against closure report by police before magistrate. My protest petition was allowed and it was converted into private complaint. One of the accused person was a police inspector. At the time of allowing protest petition magistrate sided with one of the accused (police inspector) and told me that I should not pursue case against police inspector. Since I felt that I cannot get justice in that case I withdrew my case. Now as magistrate is transferred out I want to sincerely pursue my case. Please guide me in pursuing my remedy.

Suhita Mukherjee   21 May 2020 at 09:32

Property mortgaed to bank but no property exists

Respected Sir
A critical problem crop up in a bank where a borrower mortgaged his teacher mother property in bank to secure a loan and his mother is also stood as guarantor.Title deed is also available in registration portal but while taking possession of the property bank is saying 2 cottah property mentioned in title deeds is for 12 ft rasta no property exists.Lawyer as well as valuers did searches and valuation.Bank'complaint is right or occupied by other ? What is way out?

Anonymous   21 May 2020 at 01:50

False objection raised over a public notice of sale

Hello everyone,

I have a said property for which I have a found a buyer. The buyer has put a public notice for the same and a person staying in the building has taken an objection over the same addressing himself as the real owner of the property.
I want to know what can be done from my end and is there any case where it states any punishment for a person making false objection over a public notice.

Rakesh Kumar   20 May 2020 at 22:53

Double registration on same land

My father and my uncle both of them combinedly purchased a land plot no 80 and divided into two parts as 80/P around 2004.

Here issue is we have not purchased full plot 80 we have purchased only half bit from plot 80 while registration land registered as 80/P with two names(my father's and uncle).But when we search with 80, registered name is not reflecting with recent one's.

Unfortunately owner has expired and his 1st wife started property belongs to her and raised GPA in 2016 .We went legally and she cancelled the GPA.

We are paying property maintenance since 15 years and applied current meter, received House No also and paying house tax every year.

Again now she came into picture she registered the full plot 80 into two bits to some other else as 80/p/east and 80/p/west.

Registration completed on 12-5-2020.

What should I do now?
Pls suggest.

Anonymous   20 May 2020 at 22:00

क्या चालान पेश करना आवश्यक प्रकृति का प्रकरण है

जिला &सेशन न्यायलय द्वारा सूचना मीडिया में आई की आवश्यक प्रकृति के प्रकरणों के अतिरिक्त अन्य समस्त प्रकरणों में आगामी तारीख़ पेशी निम्नानुसार निर्धारित की जाती है
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आगामी तारीख़ मई हुई फिर जून हुई
i o को चालान पेश करना था
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