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Anonymous   24 March 2019 at 13:54


Dear Concern,

Married : 1992 Hindu Marriage act

Children : Son : DOB 16th Nov 1996 (Unemployed )

Daughter : 17th May 2001 (studying inter 2nd year)

Myself : Employed private job Salary take home 69000/- (age 43 years)

Husband : Central Govt Service for basic 53000/- Gross 72000/- Net after deductions 53000/- (age 52 years)

He married a muslim lady who is by profession prostitute aged 26 years. Played a highfi drama of divorce and my husband took 1 lakh from me to give her as meher (got all evidences of marriage , divorce, meher amount transfered)

He tranfered property of 133 sq yards on my name,

My husband without my knowledge transferring every month 10000 to 15000/- , buying gold for her about 76800 /- worth and going to her always after marriage.

he took divorce from that muslim lady to safeguard his central govt service.

Gradually he started calling her in my house in front of my children, one fine day i got irritated and asked him to get of my house as he was continously disturbing my children living harmony.

now he says he will pay be 20,000/- towards maintainance and nothing more than that.


1. How far is it fare at this age if I prove his second illegal marriage he will be suspended from job and i will not get anything?

2. During wedlock there are many pros and cons as a family we face and supporting my husband always and after 25 years because of his mistake i am left with nothing from his Govt Service.

3. After 45 years if i am sick who will take care my daughter?

4. I would like to file case on Mainatainace , how much amount will i get monthly. if he is giving me 20000/- a month , how will i get my daughter married, or provide her education?

Note : i have got each and every evidence of his illegal affair, his bank statements transferring amounts, each and everything

Please suggest, and can i take any action on that lady too, knowing he is married person still she married him.

Kind Regards


Anonymous   14 January 2019 at 22:49

Children custody in divorce

Husband and wife wants mutual divorce...They have 2 children...10 year old boy and 6 year old boy...Both wants to be with mother only...How will the court decides..

Neeraj Sharma   15 December 2018 at 09:08

Sec 406 IPC

Respected Lawyers,

My ex-wife filed a case against me in 2012 complaining that my family members and me did not return her stridhan and other items she demanded for at our main house. She has retained her words in her cross also.

She has produced a paper on which details are that some of the items she is taking with her to her parental house and some of them like jewellery given by us and furniture items are lying with us in our main house. This paper is signed by 6 people, three of us and three of them including she and me on 23.5.2010

When she moved to a rental house with me in July 2010 she and me signed a paper on which it is written that all the items except 2 suits and a briefcase have been received in the rental house on 27.7.2010. She and me both signed it.

Then in April 2011 during her cross examination in the case u/s 125 she accepted before the court that " मैंने अपने वाद पत्र व शपथ पत्र में नहीं छुपाया है कि मैंने मई 2010 के बाद अपना सारा सामान प्राप्त करके अपने पति के साथ अलग रहना शुरू कर दिया था। ये सभी बातें मेरे वाद व शपथ पत्र में शामिल हैं।

In original complaint in 2012 she wrote that she demanded her materials from all of us at our main house which we refused to return.

Can you please throw some light on the possible outcome of the case keeping in view the above points. In fact this is a false case on me just to blackmail me and snatch money from me.

Sk Rajjak Hossain   17 November 2018 at 23:43

Child Custody

Dear Sir,
Need your suggestion on below matter.
On may 2016 Wife filed 498a, DV, 125, bail cancellation and on march 2018 Divorce case against me. All these case stand in my my favour. No movement on 498 Case due to non available of main record as the same is in district court for hearing of Bail cancellation but since 2016 to till the time single notice has not come to us as well as OP not appearing on this case.
On DV case she has failed to prove the allegations and also not appearing infront of court since 2017 to till the time,
On 125 case she has not attending on date since 2017 to till the time.
On divorce case post filed within 15 days she has withdrawn the case i hve got the certified copy of this case.
On july 2018 i have filed child custody case, wife has received the notice and acknowledgement has come on record. Judge has suggested for news paper publication and after 30days gap she also failed to attened on court. Now this custody case is in under expart stage.
Now my question is that.....
1) should i get the expart order infavour of mine.
2) should i get the custody of my baby her age is now 6yrs.
Kindly suggest.

rosali   11 October 2018 at 15:30

Rights of son and daughter in law...

Son and daughter in law have moral duty to support family by every means that is financial support even in critical time for all almost 24 years.....what happens if sisters....demands all the share themselves...when they have not done any in favour of parents...for 27 years of marriage.......this law isnt it daughters in will get more insecure feeling that at end daughter are for shares.....i think now daughter in law .......will think many times share their income in joint families.....why cannt such daughter in law fight for her right.....she is also some ones daughter....she is also a helpless women in such do look into as many uneducated ladies are going through unjustice......whole life they support by saving through poor job like saree fall ...etc.....such conditions can be pl looked upon if.......women are favoured. daughter and not as daughters in law.....

Advocate Ankur   19 September 2018 at 07:26

Stay status

stay order:
The petitioner submits that the respondent has sold his properties and he may be restrained from selling the matrimonial house where both parties are residing. In given facts and circumstances till NDOH both parties are directed not to create third-party interest in the home.

Now after the said order many dates have passed and case has proceeded further. However, Respondent never moved for vacation of stay nor did petitioner apply for an extension.

Q)Is the stay subsisting today or it was lifted on the NDOH ?

perumal   18 September 2018 at 15:29

Hindu succession act 1956 and amended act 2005

A property of two houses jointly constructed stands in my mother’s name. She died during the year 1996, well before the enactment of amendcd Act, 2005. The legal heirs are as follows.
1. My father – Widower - died during 2012, ie after the enactment of amendcd Act, 2005
2. Myself - only Son
3.Ist daughter – married before the death of my mother i.e., during the year 1979
4. IInd daughter – married before the death of my mother i.e., during the year 1983

My father while he was alive, released his 1/4th UDS share of one house (among two) by registerd deed to one of my sister and also made a open in the centre wall between two houses and kept open to the other house which is under my occupation and enjoyment. Through the new opening door, my sister who enjoyed the other house and IInd sister (she was allotted a house by my father in her name by regd.deed) blocked my kitchen, bath room, latrine and stair to upstair threatening that equal share should be abortioned and partitioned.
I have not yet approached any court to seek remedy.
Now, shall this issue will attract sec 23 of hindu succession Act 1956.
Please kindly inform the legality over this issue to proceed further.

lucky12321   18 September 2018 at 13:00

Be-peshi complaint

Hello Experts,

I would like to know What is "Be-Peshi" complaint against wife?


Anonymous   16 September 2018 at 09:22


dear sir
i got married in 1995 under Sikh rites at chandigarh-- due to some problems now i have taken up a case for mutual divorce ---my inlaws have not replied but as a counter have sent a letter to GOC Southern Command Pune to deduct maintenance allowance and give it to there daughter---- i have contacted a chandigarh lawyer rajesh khurana to advise---- the lawyer says marriage comes under prohibition since my mother and mother in law are real sisters -------the lawyer has advised to draft letter to army authorities accordingly--------------- the lawyer has suggested an amount of 3lacs total for the divorce in full and 1.25 lacs as advance-------------
please advise --------------
also kindly let me know the name of any good advocate in chandigarh dealing with such cases--is rajesh khurana a good advocate--i have also been advised the name of one more advocate babban maan at chandigarh-------------------
regards ------
