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Anonymous   18 August 2021 at 22:07

Using both the maiden and married surname in india - seeking

The Name in the documents, like PAN and Aadhar of my spouse since, existing as - ''Sunita Dey'' and ''Sunita Guha'' respectively, I furnished the same alongwith the "Marriage Registration Certificate" with a view for opening Post office Savings Bank A/C. "Sunita Guha (Dey)" has been mentioned as the second A/C holder in the A/C opening form, while accompanying with my name ( Koushik Guha) being the First A/C holder. Although, the said opening form duly filled-in enclosing all the documents needed for but, it was returned back by the postal authority only on the Ground that, - the "Surname" ( i.e. Dey & Guha) in the submitted ID and Address proof are "Mismatching". As far as my knowledge is concerned, Indian, Hindu woman is at liberty to retain her Maiden Surname / use her Married or both the Surnames and she cannot be forced to change surname .
In this regard, your benign self is cordially requested to refer authentic and documentary evidence acceptable in the eye of Rule in Law, in support of using both surnames ( maiden & Married) on production of Marriage Registration Certificate and for this act of kindness I shall remain ever grateful to you.

W   14 August 2021 at 13:27

Ussr 30 years could not break through to its place at the un


ananya singh   14 August 2021 at 12:34

Regarding university recruitment

I want to know that is it possible for a university to changed the seats of for assistant professor vacancy from its earlier advertisement?
Like if an university advertised in 2017 for 2 seat in gen, 2 seat in obc but it was canceled somehow and now new advertisement come 2021 as 1 seat for ews, 2 seat fo obc and 2 seat for sc?
Is it possible or is there any way to make a case or claim?

Ritesh Ranjan   08 August 2021 at 12:40

Contempt of court

A Govt. Authority didn't respond to the notice U/s 80 of the CPC within prescribed time limit. Thus, they violated the order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in the matter of Salem Advocate Bar Association, Tamilnadu Vs Union of India (2005 ) 6 SCC 344. Can a case for initiating Contempt of Court be filed. If yes, then in which Court ? Is there any notice period?

raju   30 July 2021 at 20:32


My friend send me a file on whatsapp to further send on instagram not disclosing the facts of file due to which my account of instagram has been disabled. Can I report to police or any action as per law can be taken against my so called friend. Please advise.

DR SURESHA G   17 July 2021 at 19:04

Female share in ancestral property

Female share in ancestral property
Dear Sirs
I have a query. I greatly appreciate if the club members give their valuable opinion.
My maternal Grand father is Late H Sanna Somappa Died in March 1975-Hale Kunduvada Davanagere Taluk/District .My Grand Mother is Late Gangamma Died in June 1997
They had 10 children
1. H S Hanumanthappa -Died in March 1985 at the age of 52 years –Married 1955-8 Children
2. H S Parvathamma Alive – with 3 Male Children age 72 years as of 2015-Married 1956
3. S Revanasiddappa Died in 2004 at the age of 62 years – 3 Children (1 Male Expired) –Married in 1966
4. H S Nagarajappa Died in 1996 at the age of 51 years –Married in 1966-5 Childrens
5. H S Jayamma Died in 2012 at the age of 66 years-Married in 1959 5 Children (3 expired )
6. H S Heggappa Died in 2006 at the age of 59 years -5 Children Married in 1968
7. H S Sharadamma Married in 1966-Died in 2009 at the age of 60 years -4 Children
8. H S Bharamakka Married in 1966-Died in 2021 68 years -3 Children
9. H S Rathnamma Married in 197 Died in 2020 65 years -2 Children
10. H S Gangamalamma Married in 1975Alive age 67 years -4 Children
Late H Sanna Somappa had property as follows
Schedule 1
1. 56 Acres of Irrigated land in Hale Kunduvada Davanagere City Corporation. Which is worth of 56 Crores as of 2021 property value (Ancestral )
Schedule 2
2. 6 Numbers of Houses in Hale Kunduvada Davanagere City Corporation. Which is worth of 1 Crore as of 2021 property value(Ancestral )
Schedule 3
3. One building 2nd main 7th cross Vinobanagar Davanagere which is worth of 50 Lakhs as of 2021 property value(Sold in 2013 by male children and having the consent of only 3 female children of H Sanna Somappa and Gangamma ignoring other 3 female children ) (Ancestral )
Late Gangamma w/o Sanna somappa
Schedule 1. Owned =28 Guntas (Kana koppalau) which is worth of 3.5 Crores as per
-Inherited from her father.
Issues 1
The male children of Late H Sanna Somappa i.e. H S Hanumanthappa,H S Revanasiddappa ,H S Nagarajappa and H S Heggappa made a Jubani Partikath (Partition ) in 1980 in schedule 1,2 and 3 (4 shares) leaving the female children . But the partition made in 1980 which is written as done in 1974 which is false. The document was prepared in 1980. It has been shown that HS Sanna Somappa was alive. It is false. It is mentioned that H Sanna Somappa signed the partition. Schedule 1 2 an3 were equally distributed among 4 male children of H S Sanna Somappa and Late Gangamma leaving 1acre 20 guntas for life maintenance ignoring the 6 female children.
This Jubani Parikath (Traditional Partition) was later registered in Sub Registrar Office Davanagere
Six female children of H Sanna Somappa and Gangamma file a civil suit in Davanagere Civil Court in 2010 and Judgement came in 2018 with a decree to distribute the 1/10th share for 4 female children of H Sanna Somappa and Gangamma out of their Life Maintenance Property only 20 Guntas . The court did not consider the remaining 1Acre. Actually l 1acre 20 guntas for life maintenance. This 1 Acre has been stolen by 4 male children of H Sanna Somappa and Gangamma.
Now the 4 male children of H Sanna Somappa and Gangamma are expired and their legal heirs sold few properties out of 56 acres.
My Request is there any possibility of getting the share for the Female children of H Sanna Somappa and Gangamma in schedule 1, 2 and 3 as per the recent Laws /amendments of Supreme Court in respect of Properties for female children.
Issues 2
Late Gangamma w/o Sanna somappa
Schedule 1. Owned =28 Guntas (Kana koppalau) which is worth of 3.5 Crores as per 2021 property value -Inherited from her father
Gangamma w/o H Sanna Somappa expired in 1997. After her death the 6th Daughter of Gangamma & H Sanna Somappa i.e Smt Gangamalamma prepared a fake document in Rs 20 Stamp Paper and prepared a fake will deed. The LTM of Gangamma is fake. She transferred 28 Guntas Kanakoppalu in her name at Davanagere City Corporation and obtained Endorsement and paying the taxes regularly. She is not in possession. The civil court did not accepted the will. The land is vacant and few old building are there in 4 guntas.
My Request is that is there any chance of cancelling the will and transfer the property in Joint names of 10 legal heirs of H Sanna Somappa and Gangamma.
I greatly appreciate your valuable opinion and advice/recommendations to go ahead for the Justice
Please advise me how to approach.
Respectfully yours

Awaiting the response from the member friends
Dr Suresha
s/o Late H S Sharadamma. (7th legal heir of Late Sanna Somappa)

Anonymous   08 July 2021 at 16:22

Eligibility to government job

I am booked under petty case for going wrong way in one way. Am I eligible for government jobs or not? If not is there any other alternative?

pankaj Dev   11 June 2021 at 14:44

Central administrative tribunal order

I am working in Ministry of Finance (GOI). During my transfer(ICT) , My dept has violated the DOPT guidelines and I hence approached to central administrate tribunal. & parallel y dept has stop my salary by transfer my file to the GST dept where I was transferred . .Central administrate tribunal has set aside the transfer order and order the dept to allow me join my original position . Since last 19th month I am not getting any salary. Now my dept. has move to High court . Can I file the following claim during high court proceeding
1) My all salary with 18% interest per month
2) My all leave during court proceeding period
3) All the legal expanses with 18% interest per month that I have incurred for court proceeding
4) Personal penalties to the head of the dept of Rs 5000 per month with 18% interest per month who has issued transfer order
5) Can my lawyer issue SUMMON to the head of the dept who has issued transfer order

Aashish paudel   05 June 2021 at 23:06

Appointed, elected, nominated differences

What's the difference between being nominated, being elected and being appointed ?

Anonymous   22 May 2021 at 20:27

Person not giving my emi

I have sold my commercial car to a person. We have an aggreement that he will pay emi of rupees 13500 for next 3 years. This was done on May 2018. But from last year he is not paying the emi's and also last he did some accident and might be car is in police station. Please suggest what should I do now .