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Anonymous   08 July 2021 at 16:22

Eligibility to government job

I am booked under petty case for going wrong way in one way. Am I eligible for government jobs or not? If not is there any other alternative?

pankaj Dev   11 June 2021 at 14:44

Central administrative tribunal order

I am working in Ministry of Finance (GOI). During my transfer(ICT) , My dept has violated the DOPT guidelines and I hence approached to central administrate tribunal. & parallel y dept has stop my salary by transfer my file to the GST dept where I was transferred . .Central administrate tribunal has set aside the transfer order and order the dept to allow me join my original position . Since last 19th month I am not getting any salary. Now my dept. has move to High court . Can I file the following claim during high court proceeding
1) My all salary with 18% interest per month
2) My all leave during court proceeding period
3) All the legal expanses with 18% interest per month that I have incurred for court proceeding
4) Personal penalties to the head of the dept of Rs 5000 per month with 18% interest per month who has issued transfer order
5) Can my lawyer issue SUMMON to the head of the dept who has issued transfer order

Aashish paudel   05 June 2021 at 23:06

Appointed, elected, nominated differences

What's the difference between being nominated, being elected and being appointed ?

Anonymous   22 May 2021 at 20:27

Person not giving my emi

I have sold my commercial car to a person. We have an aggreement that he will pay emi of rupees 13500 for next 3 years. This was done on May 2018. But from last year he is not paying the emi's and also last he did some accident and might be car is in police station. Please suggest what should I do now .

Anonymous   16 May 2021 at 20:13

Meaning of r/w in law

My question is why are charges or sometimes when something is issued it is written as r/w i.e. read with??
How it is decided what will be read with a particular section or Article?

for example if a certificate is issued under Article 133 read with Article 134A of Constitution of India. What is the meaning of this? why we can't simply write Certificate issued under Article 134 and Article 134A?
what is the relevancy of r/w?

Anonymous   13 May 2021 at 12:17

Mangalbhai ishwarbhai patel and anr v. union of india

Can I get the arguments in detail from both the sides from constitutional law perspective. I am writing a case brief and Finding it difficult to get detailed arguments from both the side. Please reply asap.
Thank you.

chandrabhanu   06 May 2021 at 12:14

Consequences of opening ca office during lock down

Chartered Accountant service is an not essential service during lock down. So if the office opens & caught by police or Labour law department under which ACT & Which Sections they can file cases. What is the proof they can get? What is the solution Chartered Accountant is having? Pls suggest in detail.

Anonymous   05 May 2021 at 16:46

Is any section declared unconstitutional by supreme court

Respected members,
If any section of any Act. Declared constitutional by constitutional bench of Apex court. does parliament repealed the same section in amending act. Or not.

Pls clarify at the earliest.....

Thanks & Regards

Anonymous   01 May 2021 at 21:11

Advise on setting up an online gambing company

Hello All,

I need advise on setting up an online gambling company; Below options I'm considering correct me if i'm wrong
1) Register company in GOA & make accessible via mobile app across India
2) Register company in Delaware, USA & run it as a foriegn operator in the Indian market; risks associated with this approach
3) Looking for option 1 as it is cheaper than 2
4) Any south asian countries where I can register my company & run it as a foreign operator in India
5) what is the current scenario of our Online gambling laws; ideal Indian state supporting this business
6) Any other suggestions

Mehul Agal   27 April 2021 at 15:18

Scope of section 35(1) advocate act,1961

in section 35(1A) it is written that "The State Bar Council may, either of its own motion or on application made to it by any person interested......" who all are included in 'person interested' and is their any supreme court judgement in which court explain the meaning of 'person interested'
