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Anonymous   17 August 2021 at 13:45

Quashing of fir u/s 353 of ipc on the basis of compromise

Dear Sir,
One of my known person push the police person when he is coming in between in his family dispute matter and file the case against him u/s 353 IPC, Then the accused is arrested and he get bail from court, Now police man is ready to compromise , but he(police man) has a question that if he compromise willingly, is his Govt. job come in danger or hi can do so, And if police man ready to compromise can we quash FIR u/s 482 Cr.P.C

Member (Account Deleted)   17 August 2021 at 10:58

Domestic violence and 498a

I belong to middle class family and got married on mar 2021 and working women too. My inlaws seemed sweet in the beginning and as soon as I got married and went to there house I have got to know there true colours y they hv married to me to his son is only because of my salary. They harassed me giving silent treatment and stingy as hell even stopped giving food and demanded to go for joint account to purchase 3bhk flat u somehow managed to go to my parents house since I felt they would even kill me and silently I went with my dad and texted my husband why did he even married if they have to behave in a such a way that is making me to commit something serious and now keeping that messages his father is asking his to go for judicial separation and the guy even stopped talking we lodged FIR and even DV case but no progress yet they are neither ready to take or responding. Is there any other way to deal with such sick minded people. Few are telling I dont even get maintenance since I am working then what law is applicable if they desert wife this way.

SRI DATTA   17 August 2021 at 10:37

Jointly holding share holders claims query

Hello Sir, Myself Datta,

My father(B) has to 2 brother(A, C), who jointly held 1000 share in a Company (lets say M/s S pvt ltd), after the death of both the brothers(A, C) My father B has claimed the Share in the Company S, later my father also expired, before his death he has been issues bonus shares of another 500 with exclusively in his name in the share certificate. where as old shares certificate(for 1000) has been issued jointly in A,B,C names.

Now the Company S tells me to apply for succession certificate, so to claim the shares, how many shares am i entitled to , if in case i have a probate of will how may will i get

Thanks in advance

Anonymous   17 August 2021 at 01:30

Domestic violence act

my estranged wife has filed domestic violence case against me in the year 2018. earlier we had mediation at the mediation centre of the court where we decided to live together.There she voluntarily admitted that her complaints are false and apologized for those on an affidavit signed by herself, her advocate and attested by the oath commissioner. parties did not live together. later she used same false complaints in her domestic violence case.I have file application for case dismissal on this ground. she has filed her reply on another affidavit stating that her complaints are true. can i filed rejoinder to my application for case dismissal along-with relevant evidences to defeat her case.
thanks in anticipation.

P. Kumar

Member (Account Deleted)   16 August 2021 at 22:16

Divorce matter

Hi Sir,

My husband had filed for divorce within three months of our wedlock and now through Portal I see the status of the case as "To comply office objection" I haven't received any notice yet but want to know what means?

D ROY   16 August 2021 at 21:48

Can a vrs candidate trade equity through demat account?

Please inform me whether a VRS person who takes VRS from PSU, can trade equity through demat account. Give the Indian rules.

disha shukla   16 August 2021 at 19:21

Trade mark onilne attornery registration

I have applied for Trade Mark attorney registration through . I have submitted the required details and document and provided with request number and the message displayed that the attorney Code will be sent to the registered email Id after verification. Two days have already been passed still not received the Attorney's code. How I will gt the attorney's code. Kindly help and guide me.

rahul p   16 August 2021 at 12:26

Notice period


Currently, I am working in an IT firm, Bangalore. I got a new offer from another company and I put my resignation 4 days back. My notice period is 90 days with a clause of "Enforcement the option of notice period upon management". Still, now I am not getting any acceptance email from the HR department. Other than this clause nothing is mentioned in the offer letter.

Date of submission: 13-Aug

1. Can my current employer make extend or delay my notice period from my date of submission?. (If extends It impact on my next organization for joining)
2. Is the notice period calculates from the date of submission or the date of acceptance by HR?

Can you please help me with this?

Anonymous   16 August 2021 at 09:42

Evidence via rti to government hospital about fabricated mlc

What points should be mention to collect Evidence Via RTI to government hospital about Fabricated MLC Produced by wife.

Anonymous   15 August 2021 at 19:47

Property rights

My mother is single , we don't have any property from our father side as they were seperate when I was 6 months old and my mother had taken us in custody, now my maternal grandmother who was live with me until her death bed has given a property to my mother and my mother also gift her said property in same to both my sister and me, now I would like to sale off the property that registered under my name but my mother and my sister create an issue and threatened me that they will sue me and revoke the gift deed and throw me out from the property, so is there any legal answer to fight back or is that possible that they can retake the given property again??
