Can i continue my engineering while doing government job?

Querist :
(Querist) 10 November 2019
This query is : Resolved
I am in 3rd year BE at present. My dad expired. He was in government job.So the compassionate job is available for me. But the rules is to take up job within 1 year.
My 4th year will be left uncompleted and my dad's dream was to see me graduate.
Now if i want to join govt job, i have to join on +2.
But it's ok for me. Even if i join as +2 holder, i may get upgraded later for completing engineering. But will i have a chance to complete engineering?
But i need to complete my graduation.any way i could do that?
My 3 years effort of engineering will go waste if i quit engineering and my dad's only dream was to see me graduate
But at the same time i don't want to lose job as i need to stand on my own.
Any help?
Any suggestions?
Please someone help me find a way. I am just 20 years and have lots of tension and confusion.

(Expert) 10 November 2019
Minimum age for Central govt and State gov jobs t is 21 years in India
(Expert) 10 November 2019
Ji, you are eligible for Government job as you have completed 18 years of age. After getting job, obtain permission to continue your studies if there are evening college/out of office hours.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 10 November 2019
sad to know your story.
But cold reality is that :-
(I) you cannot delay joining as offer once made and declined cannot be revised in compassionate case and that the delayed claim defeats the right in compassionate appointment.
(2) It is true that the job to be offered to you will be such on which just (+)2 qualification is sufficient.
(3) It is also true that many boys on completion of BE are joining clerical posts and some are even joining as peon in govt secret by open competition.
Now option available to you :-
(i) Option -I to forgo compassionate job complete one year of BE and try finding job on the basis of this qualification.
(ii) Option -II let your mother join service. You can then complete BE and try finding job on the basis of this qualification.
(iii) Option -III to join service and apply for leave to complete BE. This purely depends upon the discretion of the deptt whether to allow or not to allow you permission to complete study or even if permission is granted whether to sanction or not to sanction leave for completion of study.

Querist :
(Querist) 10 November 2019
Respected sudhir kumar sir
As you said i am aware about government job opportunity sir. It's once in lifetime.
And i have no problem in joining as +2 holder.
My mother is not willing to go to job
My only worry is that i should fulfil my father's dream
He was a cancer patient and his only wish was to see me graduate engineering.
Now that 3 years will be going complete waste and my father's dream will be left unfulfilled. That even hurts my emotions as i was his loving daughter.
And as a Girl i don't want to be depended on anyone so for that purpose i need job.if i am dependent on my family, They will marry me soon and my life will be very limited.
I am in great confusion sir.
I need to fulfil my father's dream as well as get the job
I don't need post which is given on engineering basis..but i need to complete my education just to fulfil my dad's dream.
Please help me decide sir. Please
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 11 November 2019
please speak to the authorities in the deptt.
you can join they may (or may not) (i) allow you to continue styd (ii)allow you leave for attending classes and examination.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 11 November 2019
you have nowhere stated at which stage the case is and how much time may be there for the offer of job to be given to you.

Querist :
(Querist) 11 November 2019
Respected Sudhir Kumar sir,
1st of all i would like to Thankyou so much for your patience and time to answer my question.
Details are as below:
At present i am studying 5th sem engineering
1. My father expired on 8th oct 2019
2. I have time till 8th oct 2020 to apply for compassionate job.
3. By the time, i will complete 3rd year and my 4th year will be started before October 8th
4. So i will have shortage of just 7 months to complete my degree.
5. Within next 8th October, i jeed to apply for job.
Or is there any chance i can continue my studies after few days of joining the job directly from 4th year?
Please suggest me the best solution possible.
(Expert) 11 November 2019
First of all do not post anonymous queries as per Forum rules. Disclose identity.
Because the learned Experts felt you are in the midst of a dilemma, they gone one step forward to advise you .You prolonged the query by disclosing different hassles in the direction of rehab employment. Now, it is the most advisable thing in your case to get in touch with the administrative authorities in the concerned deptt. and seek their advice by posing your problem. Personally , I also feel, you should complete your basic engg. degree first and then look for the job.

Querist :
(Querist) 11 November 2019
Respected H M Patnaik sir
I am sorry for the above caused mistake. I won't repat this again.
And thankyou for the advice
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 12 November 2019
Avail opportunity of joining the compensatory job, if your domestic financial position do not permit to continue studies and you can complete BE course at a later date.
Are you sure to get similar or better job on completion of your engineering course?
You are the best judge for your deomestic circumstances, which can be presumed by experts on this platform.
No dispute is involved for consideration and obligation of experts.
It is abuse of this platform and LCI Admin should have considered and filtered such query.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 12 November 2019
I tend to not fully agree with above views.
with BE qualification one cannot be sure these days of getting a lucarative job. Although people get very well paid jobs by this qualification but there are persons having this qualification who join as clerks and even as peon (now called MTS) in govt sector.
In your situation it is neither advisable for you to drop education or to drop job (particularly while your mother does not want to hold the job).
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 12 November 2019
you have still not stated at what stage your case is.
You (as appearing from given facts need only a time for 8 months). You nowhere satated whether :-
(i) you case has been adjudicated by the board (it may be considered three times)
(ii) whether you have actually been given offer now and called uppon to join.
(iii) whether you medical and police verification is complete which is mandatory before issue of appointment order.
You have also nowhere stated whether you met the authorities in the deptt and whether they are willing to give you leave on joining.