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Agreement to sell

(Querist) 05 November 2017 This query is : Resolved 
I have a which i got subsidy from government..but that is not in my name but in the name of any other lady.. because of large amount of subsidy, this was done by my dad..but now my dad expire..and I cannot purchase that warehouse from that person.. because of government rule of 5 still 1 and half year wat can i do now so that the person wouldn't disagre in future.
I m thinking of an agreement to sale..any specific point fr agreement?
Please reply asap
Nikhil Gupta (Querist) 05 November 2017
Please help..urgent
Vijay Raj Mahajan (Expert) 06 November 2017
Agreement to sale with conditions and liabilities of both parties, in case other party refuse to complete the sale at fixed time these can be of help to enforce the agreement.
Some amount can be taken as guarantee to be returned to the seller at the time of actual sale process, if she refuse for selling the property this amount can be kept as looses suffered by you.
P. Venu (Expert) 06 November 2017
The query is less than honest with facts? Who is the "other lady"? How is that she is in the picture? What was the role of your father? The facts stated suggests a benami transaction.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 06 November 2017
Clear material facts not given.

How subsidy was received in the name of some lady when you say you are owner of warehouse?

Who is so called that person and how he is related with the warehouse?

In the given situation may proceed as advised by the expert Vijay Raj Mahajan..
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 07 November 2017
Vague query without complete information.
Consult a local lawyer with full facts.

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