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V.Raghavan   08 August 2008 at 19:36

Can the wife is eligible for maintenance?

In a matrimonial case(13(1 i-a) H.M. Act. the husband files a dissolution petition on the ground of mental cruelty by the wife and the wife files maintenance case separate;y. In the Dissolution case the wife files an interim application for the interim alimony. In fact the husband is not a permanent job where as the wife possesses property worth of 3 crors and having regular rental income from her properties. But she says she could not maintain her and hence maintenance and interim alimony petitions. Now what are all the ways to avaoid maintenance and interim alimony? Pl suggest. In the interim alimonsy husband side (my side) counter is due by next week.

Mrs.Padmini   08 August 2008 at 15:25

maintenance and divorce.

I am a lady aged 46 years. I have been married for more than 25 years.(My wedding date is 24.01.1983) I am a Brahmin married an Indian Christian. Marriage took place in the Registrar Office, Royapettah, Chennai.From the day of marriage I have lived a suffring life with a drunkard(with lots of abuses and domestic harrassments) Due to this habit of his,, we could not continuously live in any place and had to shift our residence more than 25 times. My son and daughter have studied in 4 different schools.We got him treated in TTK De-addiction centre in 1996 but he relapsed to the habit again.As we had to change our living place many times, we could not get Ration Card, Election Card for our family. My children suffer a lot, that too now, as they do not have these ID's.Mainly I donot have any proof to show me as a citizen of India other than my school and college leaving certificates.Literally speaking, in 2000 April, I was in the streets with both my teenage children as agathi without any place to stay or anyone to help us.
Now after we suffering a lot, he is not ready to go out of our house,not ready to give divorce,continuously stays with us torchuring me(mental harrassment).He is employed now, earning nearly Rs.15,000/per month,spends lavishly for himself without giving even a penny to household.He stays freely, uses all household things and abuses all of us.
Due to his drinking, my son suffered from Wheezing for nearly 15 years, I got TB gland in 2000 and still have health problems, my daughter was affected with TB in brain 2 years back.

Now he has stopped drinking may be due to aging or health conditions. He is 52 years old now. Healthy and energitic. Surfing for second shaadi in internet.

When me and my children have suffered so much because of him,that, we have lost respect in friends and relations circle and also in the neighbourhood wherever we live in.,Y should not he pay me atleast for my medication and survival as I am fully dependent on my children for my food, shelter,clothing and medication.
I hereby request, legal help for me in the above and also to get him out of my children's house.

LEGALHELPREQUIRED   03 August 2008 at 22:01


I sense a foul play of Divorce trials by my husband and inlaws.

I dont want divorce as I have a son.

I am married since Mar 07, but have been facing mental harrassment since just two months after engagement in August06, to the extent that they wanted to cancel the marriage.

My husband appears to be meek, but he is cool headed and does anything pre-planned.

I am straight forward and speak my heart openly.

He is not interested to stay with me, because he did not like my appearance due to my short hair or glasses(Everything was clear at the time of seeing me for alliance), he did not like my being good at my Academics, good English and earning better than him.

Now oflate, the issues have grown big and I started finding the faults that their family members have done by insulting me at various instances.

For this they say, that I am not obedient as a daughter in law, and that I am mental and hence shout at elders etc.

They did not care about me during my pregnancy, and did not care about the child after his birth, except that they came once and saw us in hospital.

In the 3rd month when my mother asked when they would take me and my son, they said they were going to Kasi, so would see in 5th month. In the mean time I was pleading my husband to come and see us atleast now after the child is born. He denies everytime saying that he would not come if I wanted to see him, but would come only if he wanted to see the child.

For doing annaprasana, they even made me write on a Bond paper that I have insulted my inlaws and husband and hence, I was staying seperately from husband(due to some arguments previously) and that
I am willing to bring my child up at Vijayawada since I am working in Hyderabad. (One of the conditions of my husband that I have to keep the child at Vja), and that they have not taken any amount for any expenses for marriage.
Also that I am writing this with my own interest without any force from anyone.

After that they gave the plea that since I delayed in signing the bond, they cannot take me and child back in 6th month, so we have to wait till 9th month. But they conducted annaprasana on 6th Month 6th day, asking us not to stay in Vja that day, as my son cannot do an overnight stay in 6th month.

Again I started asking my husband to come sometime to see the child as he is already 6months old.
This time he talked rudely, and I said if you not very interested then why did u people make me sign the bond, Pls take life seriously, if you dont want me then you could have gone for a divorce instead of these cheap tricks.

This irritated my husband and he said that he will file for divorce.... and that I have to sign... (Till date they did not send any papers).

In the mean time the arguments with my husband irritated me to the extent that I started talking harshly and he started complaining to his father, and he wrote a letter that I am mad and should be put in mental hospital....

I fear that he is building all these proofs to go against me... Pls help

I dont want divorce... I want my husband and a happy relationship with all the family members.

I only seek the cooperation from the family and request them not to insult me for my appearance. (I am fair, sharp featured etc... to the contrast of my MIL and SIL).

Am I wrong... In expressing my anger at my inlaws for having brought up their son who doesnt show any responsibility towards his wife and son. He did not come to see me even once when I was pregnant (With diabetes). He has never been happy in front of me. He acts silence and non happiness only towards me. Where as when his relatives or friends come, he is a different person.

Even my inlaws have a very good reputation in their family and friends and in the neighbourhood. But no one can believe that they do all sorts of things to prove their son right.

They are creating proofs that I am not good by nature and I dont respect elders...

How do I defend

Sahdev Chaturvedi   03 August 2008 at 19:33

Family dispute

Dear Sir,
Aorund 10 year back we were as a joint family. My father is having five brother including him in his family. they were two got married other three were unmarried. They were decided to distribute the property of unmarried three borthers in between married family. Out of three unmarried uncle two is with my father and one got expired five year back, who has given complete property to uncle family. My one uncle was agreed to give some two acker agreculter land to my younger uncle family. Mean time younger uncle has became impationate two take land by thretening becuse his two sons missguided him some 6 to 7 year back. He has beaten to my uncle 4 times. Now our family relation got crased due to life thretening by them. My uncle is not ready to give him single centimetre of land. We are two brothers of my father and doing good job and serviving our life well. We do not want to wast our time in family querrale as well as land also not be given because his unethical action in family. There is no law to take any leagal action agants him till some thing not big incident will be done by him as expressed by lowers. Can you guide me for any leagal action to safe guards my family members before any undesired happening in my family??. If we are doing Police complaint than in worst scenerio that police are making 107 only. He is regulerly thretenign to our family for life terror. We are having already one case 324 against his both of son in court. I am requesting you please guide me how we cam come out from this without any big losses.

RADHA PYARI SRIPADA   02 August 2008 at 19:31

recovery of maintenance / arrears of maintenance

In any case where the court orders interim maintenance, when the respondent husband fails to pay the amount of maintenance or arrears of maintenance, then the next course of action is to commit him to the civil prison. In that case, the husband will be sent to prison only if the wife pays beta for his food in prison. In that event, instead of the wife getting maintenance for herself, she has to pay from her pocket to maintain him in the prison. is there any efficacious remedy available for wife in these circumstances?

punit   31 July 2008 at 13:11

indian succession act 1925

my uncel give me his whole property by the will.and in this time i m a sole owner of that but my uncel bank accout money is not in my passion i want to take this money from which prossess?
i will go the court and take succession or probate latter plz tell me

Jatin Sapra 9312223345,Delhi   29 July 2008 at 13:41

Mutual Divorce

I had filed a mutual divorce.First motion has been granted by the court.If after the filing of second motion one party refuse to appear wat are the possiblities arises out ant to wat extent the court can go.

Anil Kumar kamboj Delhi M-9650   28 July 2008 at 15:13

mutual divorce

what is the procedure for getting mutual divorce

sagar madan   28 July 2008 at 12:42

change of name

Please inform me what is the procedure for change of name of a woman after marriage in Maharashtra/ Mumbai?

Ambika.S   25 July 2008 at 20:05

exparte-divorce-conjgal rights

what is the effect of setting aside an exparte order of divorce petition?

The husband had filed a petition under section 13[1a] of Hindu Marriage Act. The wife did not appear before the Court and though due notice was served a paper publication was taken for the same. The wife remained absent and the Hon'ble Family Court allowed the husband's petition.
The wife filed a miscellaneous petition and set-aside the exparte order. The wife filed one more petition for conjgal rights and in that petition the husband remained exparte. It was allowed.
Presently, the husband has filed a miscellaneous petition to set-aside the exparte congjal rights.
The issue here is the status of the spouse and the litigation is for 10 years.