a girl got married on 11/dec/2005... just after the marriage boy brought her in to the restaurant near by where boy wanted to discuss his future plan... but the girl said she is going to go to her home, are you welling to come? boy refuses and the same thing was shared with the father-in law on 18th of dec. 2005, where father-in law stated that due to the circumstance the girl has disrupted her way, if your's tie up will not run then i will break up the knot.... and then forced the boy to go to the honey moon, then on 24th they went to honey moon where the girl stated that she is not a woman , marriage was just for the social purpose and just "name show off"...
as soon they return to the home this sorry affair was discussed by the boy to the family of the boy... on the same day girl went to her house there she stayed for the entire months expect 4 days that she came in to, then this case discussed with the father of the girl, he said stars are not favorable we will not talk now let wait for some time then she turned in the month of fab. 2006 there she again said many thing to boy that she is not a girl and many time while they are on the bad... then after spending few days on fab. she never turned back....
her father said the things are not working out let sit for the settlement then he sat it and settled the matter on 9th of june 2006(with a4 size paper written work)... before that he has said many thing that boy need to improve in the career and change in the job also, there he stated that the girl was never wanted to do marriage as she has said to the parents of the boy also. "all this things are there in the form of recordings"...
then on 9th and on 18th of june 2006 he has taken away the entire articles and items which was gifted on various occasions..... then he and she went to America for 4 to 5 months in 2006, then there was no consent for the mutual divorce then with in one year of marriage the boy has filed the null and void or alternatively divorce.... Pls. guide me and tell me your point of view and pls. share if any other input required from your side to fill the GAP...
i want to now whether the son of doughter has same right as the son of son in the property of grandfather where the doughter has been died before the father.
this is sampoorna many of you no me very well i asked many queries about my case and many of my quries are solved now, the query is since my husband upsacnading from last 3 years my maintance case is pending in famaily court of secunderabad, there recentely i given an pitition to the court that my fathear-in-law know s my husband whereabouts with a evidence of affadivitti which is given by my fathear-in-law to bar-counsil that his son is in u.s.a and working in u.s.a his son depuetd him for recalll pitition for cc no 473 which is pending in criminal court of nampally for crime 498.the famaily court judge seeing that evidence he issued notices to my father-in-law to furnish my husband address of u.s.a but there my father-in-law expressed to that court that he don't know the whereabouts of his son. the justice had declared to me that he have no right to force my fathear-in-law to furnish my husband address.even though having an evidence.
so, what i should do it,in this.please suggest me the best..
thank you,
this is sampoorna many of you no me very well i asked many queries about my case and many of my quries are solved now, the query is since my husband upsacnading from last 3 years my maintance case is pending in famaily court of secunderabad, there recentely i given an pitition to the court that my fathear-in-law know s my husband whereabouts with a evidence of affadivitti which is given by my fathear-in-law to bar-counsil that his son is in u.s.a and working in u.s.a his son depuetd him for recalll pitition for cc no 473 which is pending in criminal court of nampally for crime 498.the famaily court judge seeing that evidence he issued notices to my father-in-law to furnish my husband address of u.s.a but there my father-in-law expressed to that court that he don't know the whereabouts of his son. the justice had declared to me that he have no right to force my fathear-in-law to furnish my husband address.even though having an evidence.
so, what i should do it,in this.please suggest me the best..
thank you,
If a woman with a child gets divorce and remarries, then what would be the name of child's father in school etc? The name of first husband or the second husband?
My client wants to obtain divorce from her husband who left their town about 10 years ago and did not return. What is the procedure. Whether to file a divorce application simplicitor or to file a suit for declaration to the effect that my husband died as he was not heard of continuously for seven years and then to file an application for divorce. Is it not time consuming and financially difficult. Advice me.
dear sir,
iam loganathan from trichy, i want to start family counciling in my city,
whats is the procedure to start?
Hi all, Can maintenance be filed by the wife who is in job? if so then would she be entitled to get ? pls. give some earlier case history where the girl/ wife was earning... and pls. if some one is having any details about the reverse " where the hasband ever get the Maintenance" pls. share.
irretrivable marriage, is it a ground under the Act?
RE: adoption
can one adult man age 25 years may legally adopted?