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Rajesh   21 October 2008 at 21:16

i want to marry a girl in Philipines

Dear Sir
we are in love for long
how can v get married in india
she wishes to come to india
and i will pay for her tickets but
she do not want to return back
and get seetled with me here in india
and v too can not afford travelling cost
how can v manage
pls help us

Legal Fighter   21 October 2008 at 21:01

Consumer Protection Act Question!!

Hi All,

I have a typical situation. I had filed a complaint against a builder in State Consumer Forum for deficiency in service and unfair trade practices. The State Commissioner recorded my consent (wrongly) and passed an order to return back the property and the builder will return back my money within 2 months and didn't grant any interest or compensation. The builder didn't comply the order and in the meantime, I filed a revision petition in National Forum saying that the consent was wrongly recorded and I need interest and compensation. In this petition, I didn't ask for any stay on the order of State Forum.

Now can i file an execution petition in State Forum for non-compliance of the order as there is no stay on the State Commission's order and I am just asking for additional compensation and interest in National Forum.

Please advice as I don't want to keep that property anymore.

Bandana Biswas   21 October 2008 at 20:12

Divorce Suit

My friends husband has filed divorce suit against her. He had filed earlier separation case and an ex-parte order has been passed by the Family court. She is staying seperated from him for the last three years. My friend is not ready to file or contest the divorce case as she knows that its just waste of money and secondly a humiliation, as people will be taking advantage of this. I want to know whether she will directly get the divorce as she will be completing 4 years of her marriage in the month of dewcember'08.

susanth nair s   21 October 2008 at 17:09


respectedseniors what is the difference between easement by necessity and prescription whether severense of property is condition precedent for easement by necessity with bestregards

Khaleel Ahmed Mohammed   21 October 2008 at 04:39

advocate refused to give no objection on vakalath

My counsel denied me to give no objection on vakalath. I filed a leave petition and requested the court to allow me as party in person.
My question is should I file vakalath nama as party in person with the petition or not. Pelease inform me immediately.
Khaleel Ahmed

V.G.Rao Advocate   21 October 2008 at 04:09

what relief to be prayed?

hi all,
It is very serious and urgent matter, and I need ur help, One "A" purchsed property through Notarised Agreement of sale admeasuring 240 sq.yds which falls under Syno.144, at hyderabad in the year 1988 tohrough its lawful vendors rep by their Irrvocable GPA, and the same was revalidated in the year 1999 by paying deficit stamp duty, and thereafter in the year 2001 "A" constructed a two rooms and assessed and paying property tax bill as on today and is residing in the premises, and further obtained electricty connection, and he left open nearly 100 sq.yds of land, while matter stood thus in the year 2001 on Mr"B" tried to disposses him from the aforesaid premises under the guise of a registred sale deed for the said property purchased from one Mr.gyiasuddin,whereupon "A" has filed a civil suit for Perpetual Injunction and obtained stausquo order against him, during the pendency of the case "A" enquired and came to Know that Mr.Giyasuddin has filed a case against some others in respect of propertis in sy.No 144, 170,70,72,77 etc claiming others as land grabbers, wherein he deposed that in the year 1989 he enterd in to the comprose deed with the vendors of "A" and as per said Compromise deed the vendors were given of 9 Ac of agriculrural lands in Sy nO.144 by retaining him self other part of Ac 9 situated at Sy Nos 170,71,71, etc.,and it seems that by suppressing the said fact he sold the property in question to "B" which by it self is null and void,
and while matter stood thus Mr."B" during the pendency of the above suit has sold the same property while "A" is in possession and enjoyment of the same to One Mr."C", and Mr"C" taking advantage of open land left by "A" illegally tress passed in to his premises and made A compond wall and tried to dispoossses "A" from the premises, but "A" again filed a suit and criminal complaint fro tress pass, theft etc and obtained Statusquo order in Injubnction suiit filed against "C", but "C" while order in subsisting got a electric meter connection and installed the samwe, now my question is now what "A" cand do now what other reliefs can he pray by filing suits and to safe guard his properety.

Chhaya Soni   21 October 2008 at 02:50

Entertainment Tax

Respected Lawyers,

I want to know wat percentage or amount of entertainment tax one has to pay on production of the Marathi Film in Maharashtra, who is liable to pay i.e. a producer, director or distributor, to whom to pay and within wat period it has to pay, would be grateful for the reply.

jagan   20 October 2008 at 22:40

Amount DEBITED from SBH DebitCard - Delay in service

Dear Experts!!

One and Half month back an amount of 7000/- debited from my account - SBH.

after several complaints,i got response from the bank employee that, it was BANKS MISTAKE.

but still they have not refunded my amount.

Can you please suggest me something which banks will not repeat of this type again to any of the customer.

Bharat Gala   20 October 2008 at 22:23


One of our member was a guarantor and mortgage his Flat to Bank in Mumbai. Due to his ill health he died few years back. His family was not staying with him at the time of death. The said Bank under SERFAESI ACT 2002, took the physical possession with a simple letter to the Society not to transfer the shares of the said Flat. Meanwhile Bank for recovery of their dues sold/auction the flat to the buyer without informing the society nor taking prior NOC from the society.Due to the death of the member there were outstanding maintenance charges to be paid to the society. No information is gvien by the Bank with regards to sale of this Flat. The Purchaser informed the society that he has purchased the Flat from the Bank and he has given on L.L. without taking NOC from the society.
My Question is what is the procedure to take action against Bank for not taking NOC from the society to sale the Flat? Can society take action to recover the outstanding dues of this Flat ? Can Society refuse the purchaser to take him as member? Can society ask the purchaser to make the payment of outstanding dues of the society? Can he give his Flat on L.L. without obtaing NOC from the Society?Can he sale his Flat without transfering to his name directly to third party ? if he does what remeady available to the Society?

saka   20 October 2008 at 21:56

Book or CD for legal documents

Dear Expert,
Can anyone pleas suggest a good book or cd for preparing agreements, documents etc.
Thanks in advance