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My freind got physical harasment by own family member

(Querist) 06 April 2013 This query is : Resolved 
there is her case she sent me..

I got physically exploited by my mother’s sister’s husband. That person raped me and exploited me mentally and physically both. I was in severe deppression and not in condition to understand anything because of mental tension. In 2007 I got raped by that person in jaipur. When I was not mentally fine that time he took benefit of my condition and became physically intimate with me. I was not in position to stop or to fight with that person. When I came to know what is going with me it was to late everything was over. When I asked y he did that to me he said you were mentally uppset and I thought you will gone mad if I don’t do this. But you don’t worry I will not leave you like this but don’t tell anybody about all this. I love you a lot and will marry you. I was completely gone mad was not able to understand how to tell my mom bcoz she is daibitic and heart patient. And she is the only person in my home and in my life if will tell her all this she will die I was afraid to say anybody anything. Days and years are passing but he still continues to exploit me physicaly I told him to leave me or to marry me infront of society but he refused and said first we will make our career and then will get marry. And I will give divorce to my wife. But till that you have to wait. I was afraid that he is just using me so I decided to end my life and committed suicide but that was my badluck my mom took me to hospital and I still alive. That time he was also there in hospital. He said that if I did that again you and me both will lose our parents. And because of them I never told anybody. He always did emotional blackmailing to me. And he took me to his parental home also in vacations when his wife was not at home for a month I took care of his parents too at home. His wife was not loyal to him and not a good wife. As her past was very bad. He said my wife ditch me. And you are very nice to my parents also I will definetly marry you. When we will financially sound I will convence your mom also for our relation and I will take care of her also. But that all was just in talks nothing else. And because of his this talks I fell in love with him. He started taking work from me in his business also. But I was just a thing for him to use. After using me in every manner mentally physically officially he left me alone like a toy. He always played with my emotions soul and feelings. He torchered me physicaly also so many times he slapped me like hell. I was alone far from my mom’s home. I was in severe depression I started taking sleeping pills as I was suffering from severe migrane. Day by day I was becoming physically and mentally weak. Every time when I was in need for help he was not with me either I was admitted to hospital or any other work he always had an excuse but whenever he needs me my help I always helped him he always put emotional pressure on me you have to do my work. And bcoz of him I faced 2 miscarriages and in 2012 january I got pregnant again when we both went to hospital dr refused to do abortion she said if I will do that you will not be able to conceive again in life bcoz u are not fit completely physicaly. So we came back from hospital. He fight with me on that and said you have to go for abortion at any cost. After listening to that I took some abortion pills and some sleeping pills but ag ain was my badluck nothing happened. Months are passed he took me with him by emotionally blackmailed me that if you will tell to your mom and relatives they will kill you and your mom will die and all. So many times I told him to leave me I will go far away from everybody’s life. But he thought I will tell anybody and everything will be opened so he was afraid off that. In during my pregnancy he torcher me mentally a lot. So many times I fent for hours on ground alone nobody was there to take care of me. And doctor told me to take complete bed rest during pregnancy bcoz I was suffering from vertigo problem also and some neuro problems like nose bleeding mouth bleeding heavy blood vomats and all. But after that also he send me somany places in long distance travellings alone. And I take care of his mom also while he took her to treat in ahmedabad during my pregnancy. That time also he used me exploit me in all the ways he could. He slapped me somany times during my pregnancy also. And I worked in my full time pregnancy at his mines also. And while my labour pains started I was alone in room I requested him to come nd take me to hospital he was on mines that time but he refused to come after facing 4 hours of labour pains alone he sent a driver to room to take me hospital I travelled one and half hour in car during my labour pains alone from my room to hospital. That was 3 september 2012 I gave birth to a boy at 6.45pm and he came to hospital at 10.30pm. after meeting me within 15 minutes he return back to mines and left me alone in hospital. And after 12 hours of my delivery he told me to leave Udaipur andgo to ahmedabad months have been passed in his manuplations but one day my frnd told about my condition to my mom on phone then everything was clear infront of her she told everybody that he did this to my daughter but all family members are supporting that person. His wife is also involve with him. And he refused that this baby is his he said I am not responsible for this. But I have so many proofs that he is the only person responsible for this. And I have my baby’s birth certificate with his father’s name.I am staying with my mom now a days. I need suggestion and a good lawyer to help me. What should I do now.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 06 April 2013
meet local lawyer.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 06 April 2013
File a case of rape against him.
You being silent all these years, you can not escape your culpability in this offence.
Adv k . mahesh (Expert) 06 April 2013
take the help of legal services located in the court premises who help your and guide you for free but if you can afford money then go to a lawyer
tell the pains you have faced and show him the proofs also and kept those proof with you and do not give to any one till you get justice
Nadeem Qureshi (Expert) 06 April 2013
agree with experts
ajay sethi (Expert) 06 April 2013
file complaint aginst him for rape . he has used you and agreed to marry you but has now gone back on his word .

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