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right of tenant to buy property

(Querist) 19 October 2014 This query is : Resolved 
Respected sir,
sir i am a tenant in a property since 1960
from 1960 to 2014 two times i tried to purchase property i also enters into a agreement with owner before year 2000 but due to some disputes both time agreement fails and i was not able to purchase property.Now today owner is no more her doughters want to sale property . sir i have some queries as follows:

1. As i am tenant from more than 50 years my right to purchase property ?

2.If she agree to sale property to me but she quotes above my quotation?

3. legal remedy to me if she sale OR tries to sale property to some other party.

4. If she sale to other party then my right in that sale consideration.

please experts help me with your valuable views & advice.
Guest (Expert) 19 October 2014
Legal Heirs of the Owner will be the Present Owners and everything will be at the Legal Heirs Discreetion only.You were a Tenant What else you expect Legally.What Right you have in Sale Consideration.What Remedy you Expect.Do Not Misuse LCI guidance for Illegal Purposes.You could take time from them for vacating in an amicable way Or the New Buyer or Legal Heirs could initiate it Legally.
Ashish (Querist) 19 October 2014
sorry Mr. N.J.S rajkumar this querry is for legal advisor not for a saint who give moral lacture . sorry but i want remind you some basics of law .Emotions hav no place in law. We have to go by words of law not anyones moral openion. emotions are on both the side . thankyou for rplying.
Ashish (Querist) 19 October 2014
sorry for using hardwords but we are here to advice someone on legalplatform. i expect some respectalbe answer from our experts.
Advocate Bhartesh goyal (Expert) 19 October 2014
{1} You {tenant} have no pre-emption right to purchase the property.It is the opton of landlord to sale you or not.
{2} you can not compel landlord to sale the property on your quotation.
{3} Keep silence and wait for the action of landlord.
{4} In case landlord sales the property and new lanlord ask you to vacate the property and file case against you then contest the case on merits.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 19 October 2014
Guest (Expert) 19 October 2014
You are seeking a Right in the Sale Consideration.Is it Legal.Any how I am not disappointed with your reply Only Such Words could be Expected from you and Obviously I had avoided My Routine Dear Author.It is Some One's Property What Right you have in Sale Consideration Just because being a Tenant.You have said "we are here to advice someone on Legal Platform" Are you an advocate.Your Profile is not there and Obviously You are Anonymous.No Further replies from me you being Anonymous Unless and Until it is made Necessary by your great comments.Your English also speaks about you.
Ashish (Querist) 19 October 2014
thankyou sir for your valuable answers do we have any decided case on such matters. please provide if there, it will be a great help for me .
Ashish (Querist) 19 October 2014
ohh Mr.NJS after your great compliment to me i visited yr profile . what a Profile Content you have written, as same as new intern trainee who in each and every word praise own quality im specialised in this and that . I remember a saying " Adhjal gagri chalkat jaae " .
Guest (Expert) 19 October 2014
Other man's money and property would be poison.Seeking the possiblities in Law to become owner of the property just for being a Tenent.First Correct your English before jumping to Hindi.Or to Insult Me post a suitable proverb and the above doesn't suit me.
P. Venu (Expert) 20 October 2014
You have no vested right in buying the property, but there are many an advantage being the tenant continuously for half a century. Better wait and watch for the tide to be to your favour.
Ashish (Querist) 20 October 2014
thanx p venu.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 20 October 2014
yes, agree with experts.

Ashish, you are seeking complementary advice here. So experts have every right to answer your query in their own fashion.
You have to take those in that spirit. You have no choice.
Ashish (Querist) 20 October 2014
yes mam i agree with you and i respect all experts and their experience but experts hav no absolute right to insult any person feeling and their questions it is complementary to give advice not insult.
Guest (Expert) 20 October 2014
Being A Tenent Looking out for Possiblities to Grab the Rented Place with out any Right also seeking advise regarding How much they could demand and Right on Sale Consideration paid by the buyer Is it a worthy question to LCI.
Ashish (Querist) 20 October 2014
respected NJS no one is trying to grab property please keep you mind positive read question properly ,we had entered twice in agreement to purchase but on fault of owner those agreement fails and today also no one is trying to grab property free of cost owner is ready to sale and we are ready to purchase . The question is that we should get 1st right to purchse property as we are tenant from a half century now read the questions placed in my query and please im not expecting answer like a layman be professional.
Guest (Expert) 20 October 2014
You are seeking A Right in the sale Consideration in your query no;4.It is the Owners Right to Sell to any one whom do they wish to Sell.Of Course I am a Lay Man compared to your Greedy Wishes.You should come with Clean Hands For Legal Remedies.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 20 October 2014
author kindly correct my is not so difficult.
Ashish (Querist) 20 October 2014
sorry sir @devajyoti barman.
Ashish (Querist) 20 October 2014
Mr. NJS thankyou for yr valuable advice please i dont require yr advice any more.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 20 October 2014
Agree with the advise of expert Advocate Bhartesh goyal.

The comments of author on plain advise from expert is unwarranted, if he hope the advise would come as he want or think should be, may not be taken as correct by the experts.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 20 October 2014
""{4} In case landlord sales the property and new lanlord ask you to vacate thee case on property and file case against you then contest the case on merits."

In this case, the last Land lord loose his right to vacacte u.


next LL knowingly , purchased tenanted property, so he cannot get ground to vacate you.


ajay sethi (Expert) 20 October 2014
agree with MR B goyal
Ashish (Querist) 21 October 2014
thankyou VR Shroff & Ajay sethi sir.

Guest (Expert) 21 October 2014
In Your another Thread of Yours Even Today You had mentioned that You are a Tenant and want the Illegal Construction of balcony to be demolished in "Balcony of houses constructed.crossing plots area........ " thread. So ultimately what is your intention If at all you were living there for 50 years why the sudden query for demolitions.
Ashish (Querist) 21 October 2014
Mr Njs i am writing a tenant querry on someones behalf and balcony querry is my curiosity. Now please dont rply to my posts.
you know everything except law . Have a nice day. :)
V R SHROFF (Expert) 21 October 2014
REDEVELOPMENTS????????????????????????????????????? MORE MONEY, MORE SPACE, NEW BUILDING...
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 21 October 2014
If the comment of Mr NJS Rajkumar is right then the author seems to be misusing this platform.
Why are you so curious on behalf of other;s query?
Be limited to your own dispute only. This is not a classroom to know law on certain subjects.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 21 October 2014
I endorse the views of expert Mr. Barman's last post. The author either is posting an academic query or as rightly observed by expert Mr. NJS, the author is trying to misuse this platform for his own benefits. If the author expects a favorable advise to his queries he should not post his queries in public forums like this, if he has posted one, he has to digest all the replies, he has no right to ask somebody to give an appeasing reply.
This tenant landlord query is probably not his but he may be encashing it from his client by extracting the loopholes through replies from this forum. Sorry too say that it is unprofessional hence be in your limits.
malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 25 October 2014
Mr.Ashish. Mend your language first. You, being the tenant, want share in the sale consideration of property of the owner. How dare you to seek such advice on such illegal consideration? Nobody is preaching you morales here. But at least in the experts forum, we will not support the illegal acts of the query writer. For that you will have to shell down your money and get the support of an advocate who can twist the things in your favour. Please do not post any query hereafter in this expert forum.

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