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Anonymous   22 January 2018 at 17:56

FIR not taking

Dear Experts,

My wife and Inlaws came to my home in my absence and took the my certificates & passport. When I approach her, she directly refuge to give.(demanding for divorce )

Police not taking case ( saying it's not theft ) even I approach DCP of my town, but no result.

My friends advising to file private case.

Note: Is it correct way to get my belongings and how many days it will take to file petition in court.

shailesh pandey   22 January 2018 at 17:55

Esic contribution for new area as per gr @1% & 3% deduction

Dear Sir,
Kindly advice that while deducting we are deducting @1% and with employers contribution @3% is being paid.I know there is a window where if we could click new then rate will catch as above.But if not opt for new then usually it generate as 1.75 & 3.75%.
If there is a difference between challan and payment then it will create problem in future? kindly advice challan amount and deduction is different .
shailesh pandey

Member (Account Deleted)   22 January 2018 at 17:40

Impotency- divorce-permanent alimony

Hi Experts,

Can you please tell at what stage can i request for permanent alimony in divorce case?
Will there be separate petition needs to be filed?
husband is impotent so how much amount we can demand as he spoiled my life and career and mentally murdered?
they intentionally spoiled by suppressing his impotency and took lot of dowry from us and beaten very badly and tried to kill by leaking gas cylinder.

Ashok RajGuru   22 January 2018 at 16:54

Deemed conveyance

Our Cooperative Society is part of a Special Township Project in Pune Maharashtra. The Society was formed on 24th January 2017. It is one year now and the Builder/ Promoter has not executed the Conveyance as yet. The argument put forward by the Builder/ Promoter is that in the Agreement to Sell the Purchasers have given unconditional consent to allow the Builder/ Promoter to execute conveyance after the development of the entire Township is complete, which may go on for another 10 years or more. The Purchasers have no choice to ask for an amendment in the Agreement to Sell as the Builder/ Promoter is in a dominant position and leaves no choice to the Purchaser.
Can our Society apply for Deemed Conveyance?

Anonymous   22 January 2018 at 16:26

Zone preferences for job postings

I have recently been selected for a government job in delhi. The appointing authority Without asking the zone preferences for the place of posting alloted the zones to the candidates on there own. They are having Three zones for the candidates to be posted.

As being a merit holder in the result I just wanted to know if there is any law/policy/judgement against which the appointing authority can be barred to ask for post preference so I can get the preferred zone if a case is Registered in CAT.
thank you

Dharshan   22 January 2018 at 16:23

How to cancle temporary injection order , dowry case running

I Have loan of 18lakh home loan in Bajaj finance, I have bounced 4 EMI, even Bajaj finance sent notice for recovery.
Problem is that there is dowry case running in court only summons has issued against me from my wife. My wife has occupied my house illegally.

Now I am staying with my parents’ house now.

I thought of starting divorce case after selling my house. During this time she has put temporary injection order and OS number has been issued against the property.
So that I cannot sell the property

Can I remove the injection order to sell my property. How can I do to remove the injection order.

What can I do to sell my house before I start the divorce case. I do not want to give single rupee to my wife

advance thanks for your reply

ashwani singh   22 January 2018 at 16:22

Should i file divorce application?

Respected Experts,
My marriage held on 13 Oct 2013, initially i was happy with my wife but after sometime i observed her nature is not good as i was thinking as she becomes angry in small things, every time she shouts on me , now a day’s my parents are also with me she also shouts on them & insult them .
I was not ready for a baby but her parents forced her for a baby & she used to fight with me in this regard also. Now we have a girl child of 11 months old as she is pursuing Cost Accountants final.
She was doing her Cost Accountants final her father told as soon as possible do marriage. After marriage i also emphasized her to complete her Cost Accountants but her parents always say , you can’t do leave & focus on family life . Whenever i say to her for studies she becomes angry & say i have study always why?
She also becomes angry if she has to wash clothes of baby, my mother told to her about arrange Almirah she again started shouting on her that everything is my duty , i have to do all the things , my mother said you are at home maker so who will do this ? Your husband goes for job.
Before my marriage i also intimated to her parents that my father is a drinker & i have under gone a brain surgery also.
On first day when we talked she told that her eyesight is -10 , i did not care , but her father did not disclose this to my parents & only said that she wears contact lenses.
I am a teacher in a private school & gets 32000/- per month.
We did not take & demanded dowry also, her father gave me Rs 25000/- only after marriage.
I am a Christian & fallow protestant faith where i also told to her before marriage that i believe in a faith where our wives don’t wear jewelries & short clothes she initially before marriage said yes i will follow but when i said to her she refused & fought with me . And also told that you did not tell.
But after seeing her dissatisfaction i allowed to her to wear whatever she wants.
After seeing her attitude & nature i am not willing to stay with her i want divorce but she is not ready as during fighting i told to her she said why i will?
What should i do ? Will it has any reverse impact on me if i file divorce application ?

Anonymous   22 January 2018 at 15:22

138 Negotiable instruments act

What is the court fees for filing 138 NI act cases in Tamil nadu?

Renuka4291   22 January 2018 at 14:59


Hello experts I was dating a girl from last 1 year. We wanted to get married too but our respective parents declined due to caste difference. We both were in different cities. My Gf emotionally blackmailed me and i got married to her in Arya samaj mandir and she shifted to my city but we were not living Together. I clearly mentioned her that i want to convince my parents and it will take time so before that we will not start our marital life. She too agreed. However we both consumated our said marriage. But after few days my gf turned wife started troubling me for start marital life as she was getting insecure and not able to live alone. But i needed time. This caused lot of incompatibility between both of us. We started fighting everyday. I lost my all interest in her. After few days i went on leave to another city where my parents lives, there also she starts irritating me on phone and msgs. I got too irritated and out of heat i told her that my parents fixed my marriage to some other girl and m getting married to her. Hearing that she went mad and went to my organisation and met my superiors and told them about everything. They called me back and scolded me alot. As she was my now in official records they got us a family quarter and made us live in the same. But i never applied for that family quarter. I never maintained any contact with that girl infact never shared that house with her and i used to sleep, eat at my friends house. I asked her to leave me and move on but she denied. I offered her some amount also as per my capability but she is demanding lot. Now she is planning to put a case of dv and etc on me and my family members. What to do

Anonymous   22 January 2018 at 14:58

Relating to power terrif due

Mseb, whuch supplies power to our city is falsely showing some due amount to my name. Its a huge account. They are threatening to transfer due amount to my existing meter.

Both connections have same name. The consumer who is defaulter is having same name as of mine. While his location rout and all things are different. When mseb engineer didn't find said meter in my premises the are threatening FIR against me.

What can i do in this regard.