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N.K.Assumi   09 November 2008 at 08:08

See for All about surname and family name:

Family name what it is? Shakespear's says " What's there in a name?

A family name or last name is a type of surname and part of a person's name indicating the family to which the person belongs. The use of family names is widespread in cultures around the world. Each culture has its own rules as to how these names are applied and used.
In many cultures (notably Western, Middle Eastern, and African) the family name is typically the last part of a person's name. In some other cultures, the family name comes first. The latter is often called the Eastern order because Europeans are not familiar with the examples of China, Korea, Japan and Vietnam. Because the family name is normally given last in English-speaking societies, the term last name is commonly used for family name.
Family names are most often used to refer to a stranger or in a formal setting, and are often used with a title or honorific such as Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Dr., and so on. Generally the given name, Christian name, first name, forename, or personal name is the one used aby friends, family, and other intimates to address an individual. It may also be used by someone who is in some way senior to the person being addressed.
• 1 Research on individual names
• 2 History
• 3 By language
o 3.1 English-speaking countries
o 3.2 Spanish-speaking countries
o 3.3 French-speaking countries
o 3.4 German-speaking countries
o 3.5 Portuguese-speaking countries
o 3.6 Dutch-speaking countries
• 4 By country
o 4.1 Armenia
o 4.2 Azerbaijan
o 4.3 Finland
o 4.4 Georgia
o 4.5 Greece
o 4.6 Hungary
o 4.7 Iceland
o 4.8 India
o 4.9 Indonesia
o 4.10 Ireland & Scotland
 4.10.1 Surname prefixes
o 4.11 Iranian/Persian
o 4.12 Italy
o 4.13 Lithuania
o 4.14 Malta
o 4.15 Mongolia
o 4.16 Pakistan
o 4.17 The Philippines
 4.17.1 Unique Spanish family names in the Philippines
o 4.18 Romania
• 5 By region
o 5.1 Cultures of China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam
o 5.2 Scandinavia
o 5.3 Basque Country
o 5.4 Slavic countries
 5.4.1 Czechia
 5.4.2 Russia
 5.4.3 Poland
 5.4.4 South Slavs
 5.4.5 Ukraine and Belarus
o 5.5 Burundi/Rwanda
o 5.6 Eritrea/Ethiopia
• 6 By ethnic group
o 6.1 Jewish
o 6.2 Kurdish
o 6.3 Tibet
o 6.4 North Caucasian Adyghe Family Surnames
• 7 See also
• 8 References
• 9 External links

Research on individual names
Onomastics is the study of proper names of all kinds, including family names. A one-name study is a collection of vital and other biographical data about all persons worldwide sharing a particular surname. The Guild of One-Name Studies is a major UK-based organization in this field.
The oldest use of family or surnames is unclear. Surnames have arisen in cultures with large, concentrated populations where single names for individuals became insufficient to identify them clearly. In many cultures, the practice of using additional descriptive terms in identifying individuals has arisen. These identifying terms or descriptors may indicate personal attributes, location of origin, occupation, parentage, patronage, adoption, or clan affiliation. Often these descriptors developed into fixed clan identifications which became family names in the sense that we know them today.
In China, according to legend, family names originated with Emperor Fu Xi in 2852 BC.[1][2] His administration standardised the naming system in order to facilitate census-taking, and the use of census information. The surnames "Zhu," "Lee," "Chung" and "Chang" are most popular in Taiwan, and/or China. In Japan, family names were uncommon except among the aristocracy until the 19th century.
In Ancient Greece, during some periods, it became common to use one's place of origin as a part of a person's official identification.[3] At other times, clan names and p

N.K.Assumi   09 November 2008 at 06:58

Function of Chmber of Commerce:

What is the main function of Chamber of Commerce? Is it competent to collect fees or tax etc from the traders such as shops, hotels etc as membership fees though they are not members of chamber of commerce? Please elaborate me.

R.Manivasagan   08 November 2008 at 21:10

Motor Accident Claims

My Client's husband was an Employee in Tamilnadu Electricity Board and drawn salary of Rs.10358/- per month and after all the deductions, he had received a sum of Rs.7400/- per month. at the age of 40, he died in a Road Accident leaving his 27 year old wife and 3 year old son. there is no custom in their community for re-marriage. Now the question is
1. Is the deductions by the employer has to be deducted while calculating the compensation or not?

2.How amount the Legal heirs can get as Compensation?
3. What multiplier to be adopted?
Please solve my query with latest citations. please my dear experts.

R.Manivasagan   08 November 2008 at 21:01

How we can mention the sur name in Tamilnadu

In Tamilnadu many people do not have surname, unlike other states. Instead the son/dauther carries the first letter of father's name as 'initial'.

For example if father's name is Sundaram and son's name is Natarajan, The son will describe his name as S.Natarajan.If Natarajan has a son by name Govind, he will describe his name as N.Govind.

So far no problem. But many forms of Govt and banking agencies etc, either ask for surname or ask the initials to be expanded.

Where surname is asked for, the Tamilnadu people treat initial as surname. So Natarajan will suffix his father's name to his own name and describe himself as Natarajan Sundaram. This is simillar to Ashok Gupta, whose first name is Ashok and Surname name is Gupta.

Where the form asks for expansion of initials, Natarajan is described as Sundaram Natarajan and his Son's name is described as Natarajan Govind.

Thus in one document,the same person is described as NATARAJAN SUNDARAM and in another document he is described as SUNDARAM NATARAJAN.

In one particular instance,the Income Tax department, truncated the name because they are very long in their computer format. The result was that in the Pan Card of grand son (Govind in our example) carried the Grand father's name ( Sundaram in our example). The assessee concerned, living in North India had a particularly difficult time in getting his PAN Card fixed.

Now his employer switched over to a new computer system, which, addresses the grand son with the faither's name.It is like calling Govind in our example as "Dear Mr Natarajan", because N.Govind is expanded to Mr Natarajan Govind.

Now my questionis: (1) what is the legally correct way of stating one's name for Tamilnadu people shwon in the example.
(2)How to deal with the non-uniform way of treating the names by different organisations so that legal complications may be avoided in Future.

Ranganath.T   08 November 2008 at 15:43

requisition for Help regarding partition suit

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please give me your opinion towards following points:-

1) Can we challenge against Final Decree (Partition suit) after the time limit (i.e. Final Decree dated 18.3.1989)?

2) If it is coming under condonation of delay or not?

3) We can claim the mense profits after 19 years from the order pass.

Kindly spend your precious time to answer my requests.

Kindly oblige and do the needful.

Thanking You.

Yours faithfully,

advocate satya   07 November 2008 at 14:02

tender of affidavit

what is tender of affidavit in cheque offence cases , what is the procedure of doing that?

advocate satya   07 November 2008 at 13:59

suggesion and denial

if asking any question with witness, the witness denies in every suggession, what is the use of asking these questions as suggession and how we get benefit of these suggession when it is denied?

tarun   06 November 2008 at 23:57

about acceptence of a petiton in district consumer forum

A motorcycle was found missing from a vehicle stand which is licensed/permitted to be run from city corporation Varanasi.The Consumer had retained the receipt given by the employees of the vehicle stand owner.The Police registered the case under Section 406I.P.C. and Insurance comany is saying that the claim can only be given when the COURT concerned would accept Final Report sent by POLICE.The District Consumer forum also is not entertaining the Petition and saying to go to Civil JUDGE which will take indefinite time and money while I think that it should be dealt under consumer laws for a quick remedy and as a Consumer I have a right to get a remedy from Consumer Forum.

kaushikphm   06 November 2008 at 18:15

FMP Chart (Map)

Dear Sir,

We require FMP Chart to verify the
Survey Number of our land.
Could you please advice us the procedure to get the same from the Survey Department ?

Anil Kumar kamboj Delhi M-9650   06 November 2008 at 14:35

result of delhi judicial service exam which held on 2 Nov.2008

i request to the experts pls inform me at once through my e-mail address ,whenever a result of delhi judicial service has been announced by the govt.
my e-mail is