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Rajesh   26 March 2008 at 20:21

release from a forced marriage

a girl is married forcefully to someone. she is not allowed to go outside the in laws, as she wants to marry some one else. its been 11 months. how can she be lawfully be released from this marriage? kindly help

satish verma   26 March 2008 at 19:57

Maintenance of child.

A man marries a lady whose husband has died. There starts problem with them. Now lady files maintenance claim against husband and her daughter who was born out of consummation of marriage with erstwhile husband.
Whether the daughter from first husband is entitled for maintenasnce u/s 125 cr. p. c from the person who is not her father.

Sumit Deb   25 March 2008 at 15:56

Cousin Marriage

I am a 30-year-old Bengali Hindu Kayastha man and by profession, a Software Engineer. For the past 7 years, I am having an affair with my cousin sister, and now intend to marry her soon.
She is the only daughter of my father's elder sister. She is now 39 years old, and working in a private organization as an office assistant. To be precise, I am 8 years & 8 months younger to her.

Our custom doesn't allow marriages between cousins.

In view of the above, please let me know :

1. whether I can marry her under Special Marriage Act, 1954,

2. if YES, whether there will be any other legal complication related to our marriage.

3. if NO, which process can be followed for our marriage to be legal & valid.

Gururja Rao   24 March 2008 at 14:11

Marriage- divorce

Hi all,
one"X" performed love marriage three years back at Aryasamaj,concealing the same with both the parants, since other members of girl family to be get married,and both are living separatly in their respective houses from the date of marriage. after two years the other members of girl family got married,but thereafter the parents of girl after coming to know about her marriage with "X" not willing to send her to his place inspite of her wish, and threating him with dire consequences, therafter "X" lodged a complaint before concern P.S but since the concern S.H.O under influence did not lodged any complaint and sent him stating to settle the matter amicably, now the parents of the girl changed their address and the boy does not know whereabout of the girl, in such circumstances what can be done by "X"? kindly advise me .

Kishan L. Agarwal   23 March 2008 at 01:07

Trust by Will

A man of 72 years wants to make a will giving all his belongings all moveable in Trust for public or private benefit but not to his heirs. Is it possible? If so, Pl advice the probable draft.

Dr Mitu Khurana   20 March 2008 at 12:59

what do i do, if not use the laws.

I am bieng tortured for past four years to get my daughters killed , and for more dowry

Vijay   18 March 2008 at 21:04

second marriage after divorce

what is the minimum period for which a person cannot get remarried after an ex-partie decree of dissolution of first marriage has been passed by a session judge?? please quote the latest legal authority on the subject.

paramjeet   18 March 2008 at 08:08

complaint case 125/498

i have a doubt on my lawyer in my case she is absent in court when it was necessery and also her voice has been changed means she also tell me that what amount you want to resolve your case with my in-laws.please answer --
1)can i change my lawyer?
2)what will effect it on my case if i change my lawyer.
they torture me lot so i want to punish them.but they want to compromise with me by pressure /they have political approachs / they also met many time with my lawyer in her house to resolve the dispute.court have already decided in favour me that 1700/-per month for me and my daughter but i not get it because my husband ask in court that he want to live with me and case in in lok adalat 19th of april problem is that never want to go with him because he tortue me a lot.we have three time already compromise through pancyat but he still remain asked me to bring dowery,nothing change.please help me my family is poor and fearing from them as they pressure us from all side .thanks

Chintan Mehta   16 March 2008 at 19:23

Need to know the chances of getting divorce

I got married in 2003 (Love Cum Arrange marriage). Its been almost two years now that we are living separately. I only have a younger sister in my family. My so called wife always used to fight with her on small things. She wanted her domination in house. According to her I should have given all the importance only to her & her family members. She always forced me to do things as per her wish. We used to have strong arguments & fights till late nights. I had tried my best to make her understand in every single manner which I could but things didn't work out. Ultimately I decided that we should get a divorce. She is at her parents house since Apr.' 06. She still wants to be back & isn't ready to give divorce. Request you to please give me some valuable advice by which i could come out of this marriage asap.

Chintan Mehta   16 March 2008 at 19:15

Need to know the chances of getting divorce

I got married in 2003 (Love Cum Arrange marriage). Its been almost two years now that we are living separately. I only have a younger sister in my family. My so called wife always used to fight with her on small things. She wanted her domination in house. According to her I should have given all the importance only to her & her family members. She always forced me to do things as per her wish. We used to have strong arguments & fights till late nights. I had tried my best to make her understand in every single manner which I could but things didn't work out. Ultimately I decided that we should get a divorce. She is at her parents house since Apr.' 06. She still wants to be back & isn't ready to give divorce. Request you to please give me some valuable advice by which i could come out of this marriage asap.