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g.s.sachdeva   08 June 2008 at 08:23

person under judiscial custody

if a person under juducial custody wants to file a civil appeal ( matter not related to his arrest). how his affidavit can be attested. Whether a oath commissioner can go inside jail to attest. If yes under which section and act. Is attestation by jail superintendent is a must. If he refuses. what is the remedy.

g.s.sachdeva   08 June 2008 at 08:21

person under judiscial custody

if a person under juducial custody wants to file a civil appeal ( matter not related to his arrest). how his affidavit can be attested. Whether a oath commissioner can go inside jail to attest. If yes under which section and act. Is attestation by jail superintendent is a must. If he refuses. what is the remedy.

Shiddhartha Banerjee   06 June 2008 at 21:43

need citation

my client sold a property after receiving the cheques.The deed is under the process of registration.I filed a declaration and injunction suit retraining the defandant from entering the property and declaration of inoperativeness of the deed.Because the cheques got bounced.
Sir , I need citation including the page numberand case number of AIR (1990-2008)in favour of the plaintiff.

umesh sawant   06 June 2008 at 19:08


i want to know the powers, functions and duties of NOTARY. I am recently appointed as a NOTARY by GOV OF INDIA.I also want to know about what precautions i should take while discharging the notorial works?

umesh sawant   06 June 2008 at 19:07


i want to know the powers, functions and duties of NOTARY. I am recently appointed as a NOTARY by GOV OF INDIA.I also want to know about what precautions i should take while discharging the notorial works?

Ladhu Ram Chowdhary   03 June 2008 at 14:41

addition of a party

- Addition of a party - Suit for specific performance - A stranger or a third party to the contract, claiming to have an independent title and possession over the contracted property is entitled to be added as a party in the suit?

lawyers friend   03 June 2008 at 13:36

bank file recovery suit for credit card payment us 37 against me how can i protect my self

Kindly let me know that if a credit card company has filed a litigation u/s 137,what are the consequences and what ae the remedies available to me as the defendent.

Someody has advised me that I can file an "INJECTION SUIT" ...kindly advice what does that mean and will it help

I have many credit card from all mnc bank in india, i had used these cards for almost 3-9yr and was a regular payer of all my dues on time.
But due to a sudden my financial crisis I had lost all my money which i took out of the credit card and hence i have no money to pay......Banks have issued notices,filed cases against me,I had visited many lawyers but of no use as some one say something....some say other thing what can i do....sir i am very poor guy and need right move to get out this legal problem......please help me sir.i know your time is very valueable but if u can help me i will be really very thankful to you..its like giving me new life.

SATISH KUMAR PANIGRAHI   02 June 2008 at 19:36

Judgement of National Commission on Consumer Protection.

I need the detail judgement given by Hon'ble National Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission on April 20, 2008 in the matter of Consumer Education & Research Society (CERS) & Ors. v/s Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) & Ors. regarding-Is a consumer complaint maintainable for supply of contaminated water?-can a citizen take action against Municipal Corporation for dirty water?

Satish Kumar Panigrahi
Advocate-cum-Consumer Activist
Brahmapur, Orissa.

Raja Sundarraman   01 June 2008 at 13:18

Partition and the right of Pre-emption

Respected Learned friends, Here is a case where three brothers have got their respective share of lands partitioned alongwith the right to use the irrigation wall and channel on a rotational basis by way of partition.Now, one of them has entered with an agreement for sale of his share with a stranger and other two brothers oppose the same and demand the share be conveyed to them on payment of reconsideration. Kindly get me informed as to what all the remedies are availble the brothers and the applicability of the Partition Act ,1893 in this case. Thanking you

ashish   30 May 2008 at 19:50

differnce btween regd. & notary power of attorney.

can u explain wat is d differnce between registered power of attorney and notarial power of attorney?
