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Where is ld. expert sh. prabhakar now-a-days

(Querist) 09 July 2012 This query is : Resolved 

I hope Sh. Prabhakar Singh; a ld. Expert in Expert section is hale and hearty.

I am sure many might be missing his valuable expert replies?

Have not heard of him for a while in Expert section thus enquiring.

Does any one know?

My sincere kind regards to Sh. Prabhakar Singh and love to have him come back here among us.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 09 July 2012
I also miss him.
Kiran Kumar (Expert) 09 July 2012
must be busy with some work.
Rajeev Kumar (Expert) 09 July 2012
Think busy with cases.I too miss him very much and his valuable advise.
ajay sethi (Expert) 09 July 2012

prabhakar singh has retired . he has retired from practise and although he wanted to continue being active on LCI he subseqnelty decided to retire from LCI too .

we all miss him .we dont have his contact number or would have called him up and requested him to rejoin
Guest (Expert) 09 July 2012
Of course, every one misses him. He must be busy in some noble task.
Guest (Expert) 09 July 2012
Of course, every one misses him. He must be busy in some noble task.
R.RAJENDRAN (Expert) 11 July 2012
Long live Mr.Prabhar Singh.
mahendrakumar (Expert) 12 July 2012
yes.I do miss him.

if you are reading this,please do respond.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 12 July 2012
मुज्हे इस वक़्त पर एक लतीफा याद आरहा है . एक शाएर थे जिससे शायरान बोरे होकर उन्हें महफ़िल से बाहर कर दिया ,पर शाएर तो शाएर उसका जी नहीं माना वो फिर महफ़िल में कुछ इस तरह आया :

"शायद मुज्हे निकाल कर पछ्ता रहें हों आप (धींगरा जी )I

महफ़िल मैं इस ख्याल से फिर आगया हूँ (ठुकराल जी )II"

सच मैं भी आप सभी को मिस करता हूँ पर सेठी साहेब का कहना सही है .

आप सभी को बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद ,खास तौर से इनिसिअटर को जिन्होंने

यह मौका पैदा किया.

आप सबको इश्वर सुखी रखे इसी कामना के साथ आप का ही

prabhakar singh (Expert) 12 July 2012
"ढाई दिन न जवानी यार चल दी
कुडती मल मल दी "

"आने वाली नस्लें तुम पर रस्क करेंगी हम असरो
की तुमने कभी फिराक को देखा था "

जाने कहाँ गए वो लोग ???????????

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