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Citatations for father denying child visiting rights

(Querist) 25 October 2014 This query is : Resolved 
hello Sir,

in a case the father is a habitual offender and even violates the court protection order. he has never made interaction with the child but now just to put pressure on the mother for the divorce and case withdrawl file a child visiting application.

urgent help is appreciated so that we could reply to his application

thanks and regards
R.K Nanda (Expert) 25 October 2014
this is no citations search engine.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 25 October 2014
no citations here
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 25 October 2014
Citation not provided in this section.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 26 October 2014
1. Regular hypothetical query.
2. what do you mean by "habitual offender" for what type of offences? Subsequently you have mentioned in your queery "Court protection order" what is the order for protection of what and on what situation/circumstances the Court has passed so called "Court Protection Order"?In whose favour such "Prtoection" has been granted?
3. What do you mean to say "never made interaction with child?"
4. Number of other contradictions/ hyposthesis exist in your query.
5. Be specific and clear what do you want to know from the experts on this platform.
6. Take a note, this platform is meant for needy persons/querist (those who cannot afford consultancy charges)seeking expert legal opinion/advise and not as you are in the habit, desist such practice.
ajay sethi (Expert) 26 October 2014
we dont provide citations .
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 26 October 2014
Pl clarify points of Dr Vashista
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 26 October 2014
Pl clarify points of Dr Vashista
Rajesh (Querist) 27 October 2014
Hello All,

apologies if i am not able to represent the case in a presentable format.

1. Regular hypothetical query.
this is to clarify that this is not a hypothetical query. i am a law student and trying to help a needy person who could not afford the legal charges, so i am just trying to help her based on your expertise.

2. what do you mean by "habitual offender" for what type of offences? Subsequently you have mentioned in your queery "Court protection order" what is the order for protection of what and on what situation/circumstances the Court has passed so called "Court Protection Order"?In whose favour such "Prtoection" has been granted?
- there is a case of domestic violence also initiated against the husband and in the same court protection order was issued in favour of the women. in the protection order it was mentioned that the husband should not contact or harass the women but husband is continuously harassing her by using mobile, email and sms and for that there are numerous complaints are lodged and moreover 2 FIR's are also lodged in the local PS but they are still to be come in court.

3. What do you mean to say "never made interaction with child?"
- the husband never try to meet the child even at the birth of the child.

4. Number of other contradictions/ hyposthesis exist in your query.
- i didn't get this

5. Be specific and clear what do you want to know from the experts on this platform.
- in current time, when he has seen that women is not willing to give them divorce and not willing to withdraw the case even after facing so much of harrasment in the hands of husband and in-laws, so they have devised a plan to hit the soft button and that is child.
As the husband has applied for the visiting rights of the child and we are not against it but at the same time based on his past records we don't want the child to face any issue due to his erratic behaviour and violent nature.
so my question is that is there any way by which we could defend the visiting rights demand and thus save the child from any trauma.

6. Take a note, this platform is meant for needy persons/querist (those who cannot afford consultancy charges)seeking expert legal opinion/advise and not as you are in the habit, desist such practice.

- i fully understand the importance of this platform and i am using my knowledge to help the needy people only, i belong to an area where most needy people live and they could not afford the charges incurred in getting the legal consultancy. i am using this platform so that i could be make them aware about their rights so that they could take the right course of the legal path while managing their case.

still if you feel that i hurt the sentiments of any expert in law field, i am herby putting my unconditional apology for the same. but i am keep asking such questions for which either i am not sure or when i need an expert comment on the same.

malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 27 October 2014
Ask the needy to post the query in the portal directly so that any clarification required by us can instantly be given by the person who posted the query. You cannot use this platform for development of your knowledge. There are other platforms for that purpose.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 27 October 2014
Ask your teacher.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 27 October 2014
Author being a law student, can very well clarify the legal position of this academic query from his tutors/lecturers. You become a lawyer first and then start advising the needy people legally before that do not cultivate the habit of borrowing to lend, i.e., this may not be proper and may land in misguidance until the base knowledge prevails.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 28 October 2014
unfit reply is needed.

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