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vksondhi   16 June 2008 at 16:21

hindu succession act 1956

Is the H S Act1956 applicable with retrospect effect ?I became karta of HUF property in 1980 with my brother.On request for mutation of the said property in 2008, the revenue dept. insisted and e mutated the said property in the names of both the sons and daughters of my father as per H.S.Act 1956. Consequently, the dauthers have refused to give NOC/POA in my favour.What course of action is required to get legal relief? Any case law/jedgements in this case?

ANIL KHATRI   16 June 2008 at 13:44

Maintenance to wife

My sister in law filed a case u/s 125 on my brother and get a allowance of Rs. 1500 pm. At the time of final verdict in that case hon able judge pointed out in various places that there is no cruelty on her by my brother & the grounds on which she filed dowary case on us is suspected. My question is that when he find that it is a false case and we are innocence why he fixed monthly allowance ? what are the options opens to us ?

shubho   16 June 2008 at 13:18

Family court

Hello everybody

My current residence is in North West Delhi . Wanted to know if there is a family court in Rohini or should the custody case be filed at Tis hazari only.

Can somebody also let me know the court numbers

Thanks and best regards

col A P Khanna   16 June 2008 at 12:05


intend writing my will.Is it possible to provide me a draft will document containing all essential& detailed write up so that when i insert my property details & directions for their disposal, The document becomes a proper will?

Col A P Khanna(Retd)

Gururja Rao   15 June 2008 at 11:18


Hi all,
My friend hand his brother has got one property i.e g+1floor in the name of thier deceased father who died intestate in the year 2006,the father of my friend has got this property through succession and inheritance from his fatheri.e(grand father of my friend) and got mutated his name in property tax assessments, electricity department, and also in water department.The property is more than 100 years old. the age of my friends father at the time of his death was 65 only, from the above it can be understood that the property is not self acquired property of my friends father since the age of the building is more than 100 years old. My friends father out of his wed lock was blessed with two daughters and three sons, and during his life time he performed marriages of two daughers. out of two daughters one daughter and one sone expired during his life time leaving behind thier respective sons and daughers.Now my friend and his younger brother and one sister is surviving.
Now my friend wants the said property to be partitioned equally among all legal heirs of his father, and when damanded by him his brother denied the same and informed him that his father left the property exlusively to use and enjoy the same in his favor, but there is no evidence.
Now my question is
1. whether the said property is ancestral property or joint family property?
2. who are the necessry parties to the partition suit?
3 In How many parts the said proerty can be divisible?
4. To what share my friend is entitled for partition and separate possession?
5.How the couts Jurisdiction can be invoked in such kind of suits?
6 Is it necessary to issue notice demanding partition?
Note: My friends mother pre decesed her husband.

saravanan   13 June 2008 at 10:40

applying for conjugal rights

i and my wife are living separetly since last 9 months. we both are doctors by profession.[mbbs].she left me last sep due to lot of indifferences and misunderstanding.there is no means of communication from her till now.i tried talking with her over phone to reconsider things and a compramise.but it seems that she is not intersted and didn't give a prpoer reply. i can't get that in what idea she is now. her father and brother , lawyers by profeession, who seems to misguide her from giving me a reply. i wish to apply for a conjugal rights . please suggest me how to apply for it..

saravanan   12 June 2008 at 13:33

applying for divorce

i got married last june in my native town. both of us are doctors by profession .she lived with me for a period of two months sep 2007 she left me and living separately til now. she made simple things become big quarrels every day in those two months . she used to threaten me that she will commit suicide often . she is very much egoistic. her father and elder brother are lawyers by profession. thay came to my pklace on the day of separation and dealt with us in a aggressive way.. i and parents were verbally abused and got rash comments.rthey also told us that thay are capable of doing anything as they are lawyers. after 2 monthe i called her over phone.talked with her for an hour. she was not interested in talking with me. answered in mono syllables. finally she said that she she will reply that night. but didn't. till now there is no communication from her. she has also chanmmged her mobile aftre all these harassment i am at the decision to bget legally sepsrated from her. please provide me the needfull advice

somesh   11 June 2008 at 17:24

Need divorce

I got married six months back. I was not interested in the girl I got married to, but had to get married due to family pressure. I hardly stayed with the girl for about a month. I am looking forward for separation. But the girl will not agree,so this will not be a case of mutual conscent. Is it possible that I can file the case before an year? I can form a case on medical grounds. I dont want to stay in this forced marriage. Please advise what can be the earliest to come out of it.

Ali   09 June 2008 at 05:05

Registry Marriage


I am a 26 year old Muslim man from Chennai wishing to marry a 26 year old Hindu girl from Mumbai. I am currently in US and the girl is in London, UK. We are both on work assignments in these countries. Due to some resistance from our parents we wish to come down to India on a particular date, get married and travel back to US. Can anyone please advise on what will be the fastest and the most convinient way for us to do this?

Thanks & Regards

Dr. Gupta Prasad Sahu   05 June 2008 at 18:19

Anticipation of a false case u/s 498a

My younger brother has married on 15th feb 2006. His wife lived happily with him at bhubaneswar. When my brother returned from bhubaneswar after closing his business to live with my parents on december 2006,the problem by his wife started to live separately by disserting my parents at old age. But when my brother denied it, she simply went to her parents house on october 2007, and didn't return back for 6 months. after several requests when she did not turned up, my brother sent a legal notice for restitution of conjugal rights. But on reply she blamed my parents, me,my sister and brother for dowry torture. My brother filed a suite in the court of civil judge u/s 9 of hindu marriage act, which is posted to 1st july 2008. but now she is thretening through the state commission for women to file a case aganist our family. My fathers age is 70+ and having glucoma of eyes and can't see clearly, my mother also having slip disk problem. Now can u advise me what to do to stop the commission for women for unnecessary interference while the case u/s 9 is in court.?
