If a marriage is solemnized by an officer who is not competent to act as marriage officer under Special Marriage Act 1954, and if such marriage is void can the couple file suit against such Officer? What about the status of the child born of such void marriage? Are they legitimate or illegitimate child. If illegitimate due to the Officer can such child sue the officer on attaining majority? What steps should be taken to validate the marriage? Can such Officer take refuge under judges protection act of 1985?
What does the Indian Penal Code says with regard to the Incest? Will the honorable member of this forum share the problems of incest?
mutual consent filing before 1 year by the parties whether admissible? if the parties enter into an agreement for seperation how far it is supportive for the filing of mutual consent before completion of 1 year/
Is it legal for any judicial officers or other State Officers to solemnized marriage under Special Marriage Act 1954,even though such Officers have not been appointed as Marriage Officer by the State government under section 3 of the Act?If a party solemnized a marriage before such officers who is not a Marriage Officer, are such marriage null and void? Can there be any legal action against such Officers who exercise power without being conferred by the State under the act?
X died intestate. His legal wife Y and second wife Z are residing together under one roof. The house was registered in the joint name of Y and Z. Can Y and Z through a common deed of gift can donate the house and the cash/bank balance in favour of the children of Y ( Z has no children. Please clarify.
can a murder convict can get a share of the property in a joint family property?
Who is the legal heir if no will has been written by person and also he has no son,daughter or wife ?
if a hindu convert to christian and again reconvert to hindu and take a declaration before the Court that he belongs to his original caste, is it legal and proper? In such circumstances can his caste member refused to recognize him as a member of the caste though the Court has declared him as one of the caste?
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I have query, If a child is bron in a village and a perents slips to register the birth and the person wants to register it now (age of the child is 11 yrs) how he/she has to proceed, please let me know.
Section 14 of HMA Unreasonable:
That section 14 of the Hindu Marriage act 1954 is unreasonable and should be remove from the statue book. Why should the Law manacled the couple for one year when they have no desire to continue together, infact this will amount to mental torture to the couple. This one year period is unreasonable.