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Mahantesh U   13 February 2025 at 16:07

Akaram sakram plot issues

I Purchased 5 gunta akram sakram plot
and plot owner given proper bond, i am paying Land taxes in our gram panchayat
and entry also done
but now Old owner acquired our plot and not giving
I have all sufficient documents for this
pls suggest me to what I have do

Anonymous   13 February 2025 at 14:22

Illegal construction by an owner

Dear Sir,

I am the owner of a flat located on the 4th floor within a scheme of 7 flats in Nagpur. We are currently paying Rs. 1,000 monthly towards maintenance charges to one of the co-flat owners, who resides on the 1st floor. He collects the maintenance fees from all seven flat owners but mismanages the funds and never provides an account record. He often imposes arbitrary expenses on us.

Out of the seven flat owners, I am the only one who has requested him to show the maintenance account records. He has repeatedly stopped the elevator service. For many years, he has been holding on to the building maintenance charges without proper transparency. Recently, he constructed a 150 ft² room in the common parking area to store his surplus belongings, despite objections from four of the flat owners. He continues with the construction work regardless of our concerns.

What should I do in this situation?

Thank you

Neeraj Kaushal   12 February 2025 at 20:21

21 rule 32 cpc

I have filed an application under Order21 Rule 32 of the CPC, and the matter is fixed for final arguments. The decree was for a mandatory injunction to construct a retaining wall around the land of the decree holders. All judgment debtors are ex-parte. Now, Judgment Debtor No. 6 has passed away. If I file an application under Section 50 of the CPC to bring the legal heirs on record, they may start contesting the execution.

I need your advice on whether a provision similar to Order XXII Rule 4(4) of the CPC can apply in execution proceedings. Alternatively, should I simply delete the expired Judgment Debtor No. 6 from the array of judgment debtors? Kindly guide me on the appropriate course of action in this matter.

Srinivasa   06 February 2025 at 22:43

Limitation period calculates from which date

my father was expired on 13.3.2018 and i got my father land to as a successor in my name in the month of Nov 12 ,2018 entered as my land records in telangana state, however my land neighbour of land Mr.Srikanth bought from Ramesh reddy in the year of 2008 October (buyer) name as per land records land showing more 1acre, but physically less land is having, that is 1 acre short to me as per records, records showing different of 1acre to him between the physically land and land records showing ,hence resulted to me less of 1acre in land records, i am having 1 acre physically but no title of rights to me above land who is having Title of the records of srikanth ,srikanth also who bought above land from Ramesh reddy in the year 2008, Rames Reddy is my cousin, relative to my father(relation is to my father is Elder father daughter son) like nephew, at the time of sold ramesh Reddy not told to neither my father nor our relatives also, simple he sold and exit above land, but my father was not aware above the issue, he never told this issue or updated to me till his expire date of 13.3.2018, now can i file suit against srikanth, as a limitation period not expired since 2018 land records entered my name was from 13.3.2018 calculates of 12 years from immovable property is expired or not still existing, can you suggest case laws if any supporting this as per indian legal system.

Balaji Bakthavathsal   04 February 2025 at 16:50

Dismissal of appeal suit for the second time

Respected Learned Lawyers,
An appeal Suit was filed before the Additional Sub-Court against the ex-parte judgment/decree awarded by the lower court in a civil suit seeking permanent injunction. The suit was filed by the power agent whose power of attorney got cancelled but who went ahead and registered the Sale Deed. The appellant knows pretty well that he can’t win the suit and dragged it for more than 6 years without presenting his side of arguments through his counsel and the suit got dismissed for default of appellant on 27-06-2022. The appellant again submitted a petition with the prayer to revive the appeal suit and after the court granted his prayer, the appeal suit was further dragged without presenting the appellant side arguments. Finally the suit got dismissed on 03.02.2025 for the second time for the very same reason.
Now my questions are :
i) what are the options available to the appellant ? Can he submit another petition to reopen and restore the suit ?
ii) Can he file second appeal ?
iii) Where he is allowed to file the second appeal ? In the District Court or High Court ?
iv) How can further appeal can be stopped ?
v) Can I file a damage suit for wasting my time, energy, money and giving mental torture for the most vexatious suit which was not cared by the appellant and he simply wasted the court time ?

N.B. : I am the primary respondent

Anonymous   04 February 2025 at 11:39

Property share

Daughter Born Before Partition Of Ancestral Property Prior To Amendment Of S.6 Of Hindu Succession Act Cannot Claim Right In Father's Share: Karnataka HC
Pls explain in detail

Madhu Mittal   01 February 2025 at 16:42

Review by plaintiff - leave to defend o 37 court fees

A Recovery Suit was filed for Rs. 115984/- by paying court fees of Rs. 7745/- under order 37 CPC. On the same date of application itself,
Unconditional Leave to defend was given to defendant xyz(a proprietary concern) on filing of application for leave to defend in which it was stated by the defendant that the amount which was obtained by loan has been fully repaid without producing any detail and any evidence of payment made. On the application for leave to defend filed by the defendant has only signature of advocate and not the signature of the defendant himself.
. When on the next hearing the plaintiff present the reply for the application filed by the respondent, court took the reply and mentioned in order sheet also and on next hearing (third) the plaintiff was told and on order sheet also written that there is no significance of such reply as the leave to defend is already given.
Now as a plaintiff we want to apply for review so please guide us on following points:-
Any citation that says review can be made against Unconditional Leave to defend by plaintiff.
What will be court fee for review?
Any other guidance.

Rajeev Jaiswar   01 February 2025 at 00:06

Somebody file false complaint against mmc act 394

Respected Sir/Madam,
My father has an atta chakki which is in a slum area in Chembur and my father has been running this chakki since 1988 and since 1988 we have renewed all the approvals like license, Gumasta and Factory permit from time to time and all the documents are renewed till 31/03/2025, but three months ago we had a fight with a person named Sunil Kargutkar, he asked for some money from us, which we refused, after which he filed a false complaint with the police that his wife got TB because of the chakki, for which 10 lakhs were spent on her treatment, in reply to which we had told that my father and brother stay in that chakki for more time than anyone else and everything is clear in their medical report also, i.e. they are completely healthy, so the police drove him away, then he filed the same complaint with BMC To which we have replied in the same manner and in support our MLA has also written a letter to BMC that no action should be taken against a mill which has been running for 40 years due to personal reasons of one person u/s MMC 394.
We are really worried about about earning we are facing financial loss and mental harsment due to this.
And today he bring bring one BMC medical officer for inspection and inspection the officer mentioned below points :-

On receipt of complaint No. ACMW/13392/92592/dt 23/12/2024 visited and inspected the business on dated 31/01/2025 at 3.30 pm when Mr. Nagendra Jaiswar in person was present and found that the following conditions were violated General condition No. (6) License is not displayed in the business premises (13) Disturbance in neighbor's house due to dust (flour) as per complaint Special condition No. (6) Premises should be maintained dust free You are directed to rectify the above condition within 7 days from the date of receipt of the commencement report, failing which legal action will be taken under section 394 of MMC Act, for which please note
(We have already install dust sucking machine and also put curtain in our chakki)
This is turning out to be a personal rivalry for which he is using the Chakki
Kindly advise

Oakley Thorne   29 January 2025 at 01:49

Hire a phone hacker at gearhead engineers

It is not easy for a man to admit to himself that his wife is a serial cheater. Well, that’s my current situation. My wife of 10 months has been cheating on me with multiple men and this came to me as a complete shock. I ignored all the red flags from the beginning, particularly the way we met, a one night stand at a friend’s place after she begged me to sleep with her. At that time I thought it was strong chemistry but it turns out it’s a habit. I was so blinded by love and desire for attention that I ignored all her negative characters. My delusional self began suspecting her after noticing she is always protective of her phone. So I got a hacker at gearheadengineers dot org to get the job done. I still have ptsd from all the things I found in her phone since the hackers gave me access to all her phone functions. Guys, please do thorough research on the person you decide to spend the rest of your life.

Suraj Kumar   27 January 2025 at 20:24

Child custody

I have filed child custody case u/s 12, 25 of G & W Act for my son against my ex-wife. I had filed an interlocutory application praying education from reputed school at my cost. The court passed order for visitation & education from reputed school. I am paying school fees for the school.

Thereafter OP did not complying the court's order and she didn't allow me to visitation regularly and refused to sending my son to school as specifically decided by court. She is sending my son to free local school.

Finding no alternative, I approach before the Court for compliance of order passed. OP has impose a condition that if maintenance @XXXX is paid then only she send my son to reputed school. Earlier in written affidavit she had said that she is from very affluent family and her new husband is billionarie.

1) Can ex-wife file any such application wherein she keep her condition for getting maintenance?
2) As per my little knowledge there is no provision in G & W Act for claiming maintenance. Can court pass order of maintenance in custody case ?
3) Can I pray application for modification of temporary custody order for welfare?