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Caution money

(Querist) 27 September 2017 This query is : Resolved 
can I go to High Court with a WRIT if my University (Pvt. University) is not refunding my caution money. or i can only go to consumer forum.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 27 September 2017
You have not stated material facts of the problem.

Filing writ in High court would be more cost and time consuming.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 27 September 2017
first send legal notice to said university to refund ur caution money with interest.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 27 September 2017
Agreeing with Mr. R.K. Nanda, Mr. Rajendra K Goyal;
It is college or Univ.

You may also try by lodging complaint with VC, UGC , Council e.g; AICTE , Ministry of Human Resources….

You may try to take help of students union….
Kumar Doab (Expert) 27 September 2017
Go thru;

Try to build some irrefutable written record.
Guest (Expert) 27 September 2017
Quite vague type of posts made by Mr. Kumar Doab, when he referred two links pertaining to St. Stephen College, Delhi University, and that of the University of Calcutta. Probably he lacks in common sense that the querist did not ask for refund of caution money from the St. Stephen College or any college under the University of Calcutta.

Mr. Kumar Doab should have the least commonsense that the circulars of St. Stephen college Delhi and University of Calcutta cannot be applied on any college of Jaipur to which place the querist belonged.

As usual, Mr. Kumar Doab always try to misguide the querists with his absolutely wrong advice.

Guest (Expert) 27 September 2017
@ Mr. Jigyasu,

Marvelous observation on the part of Mr. Jigyasu!

It seems, Mr. Jigyasu has also well understood about the habit of Mr. Kumar Doab of misguiding the querists intentionally.

Since you have exposed Mr. Kumar Doab, now you should also be ready to face his abusive posts at any time from now by using his code word, "IT=@PSD", as per his habit of a hardened criminal or a suspected terrorist..

Please be aware, as per my guess, whenever he uses his code word, "IT=@PSD" that denotes that the concerned querist or expert has become the target of his hit list. He may be using 'IT" for 'HIT" with "H" as silent from his code word.

Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 28 September 2017
Some so called experts are in the habit of poking their nose in unrelated matters, it would be better for the forum / author to contribute and share knowledge if he / they can / have, rather to comment only for comments.

Guest (Expert) 28 September 2017
Welcome Master RK Goyal
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 28 September 2017
It would be better if the expert would have posted / contributed for the thread rather to go on posting just to satisfy his ego / irritation / frustration / showing his mentality.

Forum would not gain anything from comments by experts on other experts / contributors.
Guest (Expert) 28 September 2017
How was your school today ..............................................
Guest (Expert) 28 September 2017
Was there any beating for you from the class miss for your disobedience please.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 28 September 2017
it would be better for the forum / author to contribute and share your knowledge if you can / have, rather to comment only for comments.

Do not comment on other expert, if have problem contact administrator.

Guest (Expert) 28 September 2017
Master/Baby RK Goyal Do not insult the Querist posting as anonymous then you will not be exposed atleast by me please
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 28 September 2017

Seems you do not know what is insult. Refer dictionary or ask from some other fellow..

it would be better for the forum / author to contribute and share your knowledge if you can / have, rather to comment only for comments.

Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 28 September 2017
Some experts are in the habit of giving lectures having vested interests rather to advice in positive way / contribute for the query.
Their single moto is to close this forum.
Probably they may not succeed.
Guest (Expert) 28 September 2017
The Child is appreciated for imposition
Guest (Expert) 28 September 2017
imposition would/could improve the bad hand writing
Guest (Expert) 28 September 2017
The Child is appreciated......................
Guest (Expert) 28 September 2017
Appreciated ............................................................
Guest (Expert) 28 September 2017
Keep On ...................................................
Guest (Expert) 28 September 2017
Go On ............................................................
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 28 September 2017
Some experts are in the habit of posting cheap comment on me / experts. They should not take pain to send message for feeling sorry and regret to me at least.

Any regret message from anyone embarrasses me. I do not like anybody feel sorry before me and hence feel small. I believe in respect and equality to all.
Syed Arsalan (Querist) 29 September 2017
I am really sorry for any inconvenience caused by me. I have recently completed my law and starte practicing just a few months ago. Now some people are giving me advice to go to high court with writ and others are tellibg me to go to consumer forum for the above mentioned matter can you please guide me which one is better and faster.
Thank you.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 29 September 2017
Approaching Consumer Forum would be better, cheap and faster.
Guest (Expert) 29 September 2017
Dear Rajendra K Goyal,

With reference to your latest reply, now would appreciate your right approach to restrict yourself with the realistic and to the point advice to the querist.

Now I suggest you to replace child's picture with his real picture to avoid his mockery by anyone on the forum.

WHATEVER YOU ARE, BE YOURSELF, NOT A CHILD. People should know the real expert in you.

Guest (Expert) 29 September 2017
I hope, elderly advice of Mr. Dhingra would suit to Mr. Rajendra K Goyal.
Syed Arsalan (Querist) 30 September 2017
I am really sorry to interrupt but anyone else has any suggestions to my problem. I am in a bit of dilemma here and I don't want to mess this up.
So please any wise suggestions or rulings or refrences are welcome here.
Thank you.

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