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judge assaulted by Delhi lawyers

(Querist) 10 July 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Some of the Delhi lawyers have reportedly assaulted one Additional District Judge. What should be done to such lawyers.
A V Vishal (Expert) 10 July 2009
It is really shameful incident, the other day it happened in Chennai, now in Delhi and tommorow somewhere else, it's time to act more like professionals befitting a profession rather acting like goons, which will not just tarnish the image of the legal profession but against the entire judiciary, god forbid but sometime in future these goon advocates may go on to become judges, Such advocates must not be debarred from practise for rest of their lives but also stringent criminal action should be initiated. This shows how lawyers don't respect the law on which they survive, what to speak about the other law breakers.
n.k.sarin (Expert) 11 July 2009
No doubt It is really a shameful incident.Something must be done to stop this type of incident that do not take place in future.But one thing must be remember that judiciary also losing their dignity due to the abnormal behavior of some judges. In my view being a head of the judiciary the district judge and administrative judge of the Delhi court also responsible for the incident because of not to perform their duties properly,but it does not mean I am appreciating and justifying the act of said lawyer. Attack on judges is a shameful act.Honest inquiry must be done. Responsible lawyer must be punished, But action also required against the(judges involved in the incident) judiciary. It must be see what is the reasons? and why lawyer became so aggressive and reacted like this.
Amarjeet yadav (Expert) 11 July 2009
yes, this is a shameful act..... the lawyers who involved in this act should be punished and a strict action should also be taken by the BAR. atlast this is totally a contempt of court and the lawyer who are protecting the law should not take the law into their hand. it not only hurt the diginity of the bench but also does not lead to fair justice. if there is any problem with any lawyer/judge they should go before the District Judge and should take the bar in between. I understand that some judges are misusing their powers but for these there is a vigilance committee one should complain to them. instead of taking such step an aggrived person should take the help of the BAR. I pray that a honest inquiry should be done and both sides should be heard fairly.
Uma parameswaran (Expert) 11 July 2009
Lawyers are duty bound to give proper respect to judges. If lawyers have any complaint against judges they can put forward to proper authority. They have no right to take law in their hands. This is needed to be consider as a grievous offence.Proper and ideal punishment needed.
Really its very shamefull act. I do agree with the views of my Ld. friends.Some hard steps must be taken against all of them.
J K Agrawal (Expert) 13 July 2009
Judicial system developed so that the people do not take revenge themselves. When some body feel that there is no proper legal system which can provide to him effective remedy he moves towards some other type remedies he can avail. When an advocate think so it is not sufficient to say shame shame and forgate the matter. It is to be checked by us that if the poor fellows were really having no other way?
PALNITKAR V.V. (Querist) 13 July 2009
Mr. Agrawal I am afraid you are justifying taking law in hand. If that is justified, there would be jungle raj.
Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Expert) 14 July 2009
Palnitkar complaint for reportedly assaulted before apropriate fourm and just proove it,and if it prooved then the appropriate fourm shall justify.

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