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Anonymous   18 April 2024 at 18:41

Can my friend appeal for divorce

I'm here ask. One of my friend facing an issue with his husband as he is not mentally matured. His family hided it and married. Now they are forcing here to intercourse with his husband. He doesn't know anything much about marriage a stuff. And they are forcing them to have child.As he not employed and my friend didn't finish here education . So, can she appeal for divorce. Can she demands " Alimony " From his property as he has property under his name. And she doesn't have any income.

SAM   18 April 2024 at 11:43

Re: 2nd marriage done by a woman without judicial separation


One of my client is a married lady who has filed 498a case on her husband in Police station. After getting anticipatory bail by her husband and family members in court the case is at trial stage. She did 2nd marriage during covid lockdown period and she completed all the formalities of marriage during lock down period and after marriage she delivered baby. Her Husband came to know about her 2nd marriage and got details of her marriage through RTI which includes her marriage application filed by her father, wedding card, permission for marriage, list of family members who attended the marriage ceremony.

Now her husband is planning to file for 494 bigamy case in court against her and her husband. My query is whether she will get scot free from bigamy case? because normally I see that courts don't punish women who has child and is living in bigamous relationship with her 2nd husband as Indian laws are more inclined towards females.

I advised her to withdraw 498a case from the court and do settlement with her 1st husband.

Kindly advise

Anonymous   18 April 2024 at 11:08

Disputed marraige


I connected with my wife via online matrimony 3 years back.
Both felt right to proceed and decided to get married. Ours is 2 sates scenario.
This happened when I was working in Bangalore.

Later on when I found my mother got macular degeneration issue in eyes which impairs her vision and makes dependent on other for basic tasks too(reading, writing, seeing things). So I quit my job in Bangalore and changed to WFH job.

My wife too agreed as she wasn't employed that time. Later she got job and it was office job but I mailed on her behalf requesting special permission for WFH stating my mother's health condition and it happened.

Everything was going fine but lately, my wife got some pseudo feminism stating she is working so she won't help in household chores. We have maids at home and only cooking remains as household duty. She doesn't help in cooking too. I said alright and I was joining in all household chores.

Now she is demanding to stay separately from my parents which I don't feel like to. After so many fights I finally gave in and decided to move nearby somewhere to my parents home so that I can look after them too.

Coming to discuss about living separately, my wife asks me to give hand in household chores to which I agreed. But she expects me to contribute more financially, do more household chores and managing home too. I should do cooking, help her in office related mails and tasks, take her out on trips too. I feel like I've got a permanent guest to whom I always keep serving.
I would not have mind if I was staying with my parents and helping them too.

After all these, I spoke to her parents and they are also taking her side that she is working so she can't do more work. FInally I thought to end the marriage and asked her that it's not going well then shall we get separate mutually calling off marraige. To which she is saying she'll use the law and won't go for mutual.

What can be done in this case?
Can I get divorce without getting in trouble?
If that has to happen then will I be liable to pay any alimony? We dont have any assets purchased after marriage and she is independent earning well.

Anonymous   14 April 2024 at 23:06


My brother's mother in law had registered an unconditional settlement deed for his wife 3 decades ago. They have no kids. His wife has 3 siblings. The Mother in law and his wife passed away. The siblings have not come forward to claim his wife's settlement deed which is in Tamil Nadu. Do my brother have the right upon the property owned by his wife after her demis If so how much percentage could be his share according to Christian marriage act?

Satyanarayana Reddy   14 April 2024 at 14:40

Steps to find out police report & fir for suicide

Hello All,

I would like to know the steps involved to file an RTI with Police station in Indore for the Suicide death of the first Husband of Wife in March 2017 and what all documents Police can provide as part of the RTI.

I tried to find the Citizens portal of indore i.e. with the exact death date, still i was not able to find anything. Netiher the FIR nor any Post Mortem Report.

Kindly suggest


Anonymous   12 April 2024 at 17:06

Against divorce

I am married for 18 years and after 3 kids now my wife filed a divorce case and threw me out of house. All these years, all properties were kept on her name including vehicles. She only suggested that i manage home and do part time work from home as she is in very good position professionally and earning. Now due to one miscalculated real estate deal i used 50lakhs of her brother's money which i promised can return back by selling my ancestral properties in my village. But all of a sudden she started using abusive language and forced me go out of home. I stepped out of the home as i don't want my kids to see & hear the fighting, considering neighbors etc.. But now she filed a divorce case. Pls advice how to contest and fail her. Today am being stranded on roads with out house, family, kids & career. Iam reaching 50 years.

Anonymous   11 April 2024 at 10:54

Release/gift to daughter in law by mother in law

Mr.X died in an accident. His legal heirs are his mother, wife and two children as per legal heir certificate. He had one house and two shops in tamilnadu. His mother wants to transfer her unapportioned share in the above properties to her daughter in law (Mrs.X) . Mr.X also have his father, elder brother and younger sister. I want to know whether Mr.x's mother transfer her share in the above property to Mrs.X in what type of transfer whether by release or gift. Mr.X and Mrs.X are not blood related. What is the stamp duty pertaining to the release/ gift. Which type of transfer is legally possible

Anonymous   10 April 2024 at 17:33

return jewellery received from inlaws as gift

I am a women,in case of divorce,do I have to return the gold ornament received as gift from my in laws?
My family has also given gifts to my all the wedding expenses were borne by my family.
My husband is abusive and has abondoned me and my 9 month old baby.He is not taking any financial responsibility.I am working in a pvt company.

Anonymous   31 March 2024 at 01:52

Live in relationship

I am a 34 year old unmarried woman currently living with my parents. I have a government job and have been supporting my parents financially since 14 years. I have a boyfriend who is married but is living separately from his wife since 8 years. She had already filed various cases against him such as maintenance, adultery, bigamy, section 9 and domestic violence. Except section 9, all cases are closed and he has filed for appeal in domestic violence. I want to know whether my boyfriend and i can live together in a live-in relationship. Can his wife or my parents take action against us? My parents have all my documents such as pan card, aadhar card, voter id, passport, lc, marksheets etc. I want my documents but they will not give them without a fight. How can i get help for this?

mabusubhani   25 March 2024 at 11:48

About vechicle rights

