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Poonam   12 September 2009 at 12:47

consumer protection Act

can u pls tell the meaning of bsrriven

Thakkar, Paris   12 September 2009 at 12:13

306 - When is it really regarded as a criminal act?

What are the actions that must call for a 306 arrest or conviction? Does a suicide note call for arrest or conviction?riven

surendra gandhi   12 September 2009 at 12:05

Section 80IB

The assessee is eligible for deduction u/s 80 IB of the Incometax Act 1961. Along with manufacturing activivties, the assessee undertaking has started job work for outsiders and receives labour charges from the parties. Whether the amount of labour charges received form part of the eligible profit of the concern? Can the assessee claim deductionu/s 80IB on such labour charges received or the same is to be excluded for the purpose of determining eligible business for claiming deduction u/s. 80IBriven

tapas banerjee   12 September 2009 at 11:47

leave and others

I am a medical technologist(x-ray) and employed in a reputed medical college and hospital in Kolkata.
I work in emergency X-ray department for more than 3 yrs without any substaff or group D staff in my deptt. My working schedule is 24 hrs in a week that is 6 hrs per day and and two off days of the week. It is very nice.
But the problem is I never get any CL or CCL and if I need it. I have to arrange myself i.e. I have to appeal my colleagues if they are kind enough to do my job then I shall avail a CL but in the next week I have to do his schedule job. But if they dont agree I will not get that leave. The head of the department sheds off his responsibility and never any arrangement for alternative. So on every govt holiday (if those don't fall on my off days) I have to join my duty. Even I can't attain any social funtions like marriage ceremony puja holidays. Even all the public holidays like republic day, indipendence day, christmas day etc I have to join these days.Though a residential staff is there he does his schedule job that is 18 hrs at a time in a week.Means Once in a week. If I do my job on the public holiday I never get any CCL.
In the department only I do my job 4 days in a week means 52*4=208 days in a year whereas my other colleagues does 24 hrs in a week at a stretch that is 52 days in a year.But salary is remains same.
As it is a single man department if i want to take earn leave I have to beg others if they put consent sign then I can enjoy but they harass me so much that i feel em brass to approach them. Now position is just like a daily wage earner.I never get a full fledge leave. Even I will not get a holiday on Dashami though there is DEVI DURGA is worshiped in our own house.On that day I have to join my duty.
Now my q is how can I overcome this problem..a senior govt employee will do such job day after day. Can't I follow or worship my religious work? I cant bear such mental pressure. Can I approach human rights commission to solve the problem?
For your information except leave there is no problem in the job. Sometimes I think myself a slave who have no entertainment and do your job regularly without any fault. My another q is what is the status of the residential employee.
I will remain ever grateful to you if learned lawyer show my the right path.
My mail id is
With regards
Tapas banerjeeriven

Pramod Harkisondas Divecha   12 September 2009 at 11:45

Court fees currently applicable

Bombay Court Fees Act 1959, was amended and revised fees were prescribed with effect from 1st October, 2001. I would like to know whether there have been any subsequent amendments/revisions? If so, what are the rates currently in force and where to locate them.

Also, are there any process fees involved?How are these determined? Are they substantial?riven

Rajesh Rathod   12 September 2009 at 11:23

furious from BSNL service.

Hello Sir,

From last 15 days, i am suffering from the type of service provided by BSNL. Before 15 days, my BSNL landline got dead. i register complain at fault booking service, but there was no response from their side. i repetitively do the same thing for 3 times, but there is no action taken by BSNL staff member.

Can here anyone please guide me what do in this case?

I would also like to know that, is there any rule like "if phone is not working for more than 3 days, then we can get a relief in current month bill?".

Also please provide me a format of complain which i can send to their SDOP/General Manager for this kind of services.

Thanks in advance.riven

hussain   12 September 2009 at 10:10

share application money

The query is that the private company has received share application money in cash in bulk amount during the year and it has been return in next finanacial year the case is in screwtatni so in case how we can persent in front of ITO please sugges me its urgentriven

Amandeep Singh   12 September 2009 at 10:04

Pls the reply its urgent any expert who can suggest

I need your suggestion on the following matter :
My father got property share under arbitration award between three of the brothers including my father, but after the award got registered and became a decree and my father's brother challenged by giving objection petition on some false grounds claiming large amount of money from us and finally in order to settle the dispute we admit to give the amount of Rs549000 on sale of our property in which we are living and he is also living with us in a room occupied by him.Now when we are ready to sell our house he is demanding 8 lacs more to vacate the property otherwise he will get the property auctioned for recovering his claim but we are ready to give him Rs 549000 if he leaves the possession. We are at a loss to know what to do please suggest should we go to court again as the below mentioned compromise deed also written in the courts.

My father Sarvjit Singh
His brother Kuljit Singh
His father Late Gurcharan Singh
HIs mother Surinder Kaur

This Compromise Deed is executed on 18-02-2009 at Ludhiana amongst Sh.Kuljit Singh-Petitioner and the respondent No. 1 & 3.
Whereas the aforesaid objection petition is pending against the Arbitration Award dated 11-12-2007 registered on 14-12-2007 with the Sub-registrar, Ludhiana in this Hon’ble Court.The parties have arrived at Compromise and terms & conditions of the same are as under, which is part & parcel and suplementary to the said Award.
1. That the H.No. B-I-815, Ludhiana will be sold in the open market by Sh. Sarvjit Singh within 6 months from the date of getting a T.S..-1 from M.C. Ludhiana. The original time period of 6 months for selling the house will be extended for reasonable time, if any legal complication arises.
2. That none of the parties and their family members of the Arbitration Award shall have no right to purchase the said house in any manner directly or indirectly.
3. That till the sale of the said house, Sh.Kuljit Singh –petitioner has a right to stay and enjoy the said house in a husbandry manner.
4. That after paying Rs.5,49,000/-(Rupees Five Lac Forty Nine Thousand only) to Sh.Kuljit Singh-petitioner by Sh. Sarvjit Singh-respondentNo.1, rest of the consideration amount will belong to Sh. Sarvjit Singh absolutely.
5. That the said amount of Rs.5,49,000/-(Rupees Five Lac Forty Nine Thousand only) shall be paid by Sh.Sarvjit Singh-respondent No.1 to Sh.Kuljit Singh-petitioner at the time of the sale of the house out of the sale proceeds.
6. That on receipt of Rs.5,49,000/-(Rupees Five Lac Forty Nine Thousand only) ,all the claims of Sh.Kuljit Singh-petitioner in respect of the estate of deceased Sh.Gurcharan Singh,father of the objector/petitioner,shall be fully settled and nothing shall be remained due towards Sh.Sarvjit Singh and his family and Smt.Surinder Kaur- respondent No.3.
7. That the above said terms and conditions are part & parcel and suplement to the said Arbitration Award and the same is enforceable and executable along with the above said terms.
8. That each party will give his affidavit regarding no objection for the change of ownership as per the Arbitration Award.
and property originally belonged to Late Gurcharan Singh but now distributed
sir please tell what relations are covered in the term family members and whether he has any right to get our property auctioned as we are already ready to give him sum of Rs 549000riven

Amit kumar   12 September 2009 at 09:14

fraud e credit transaction to my bank account

Name: Amit Kumar
Account No: 001101538211
Bank: ICICI (Andheri, West)

I am trapped very badly I am holding ICICI bank account from past three years having no objectionable record I am a working professional at NIIT LTD. Bandra, Mumbai.
I got an e-mail for part time job offer as a payment manager in india for bloom mordern textile in UK. I was responsible for transaction of money from Indian client for the company. 5% of the transaction amount done by me will be my commission. I use to get call of Richad powell from UK regarding the same. Before we complete our paper work formalities for my appointment letter Friday (04/08/09) he asked favor from me stating he has to make one urgent payment to one of his premium client so can they trust me to transfer the money for them then I agreed to it but I was very casual till that time how anyone can transfer money on mutual understanding.
On Saturday evening he called me and informed that he has transferred 50,000/- to my account and directed me to withdrawal 25k on Saturday from ATM and 25k on Sunday and keep 5k as my commission and as the bank open early Monday morning transfers the cash money to the account he messaged me i.e.
Account name: Meena Garment
Account number: 031010200027706
Pan Number: awupm8019r
Branch: Raja Park
Then On Sunday (i.e. 06/08/09) he again called me and informed that again he has transferred 30000/- more to my account and asked me to withdrawal 25k more on Monday morning and deposit 75k to the messaged account number (mentioned above) and keep rest 5k with me. Monday morning again I withdrawal 25k and deposited 75k to axis bank at 9.40am at Mira Road Branch.
Then again on Tuesday they were asking me to transfer my own 20000/- to one of their client and forwarded me the other bank Details i.e.
Account name: SARFARAZ KALAM
Account name: 20042159484
Pan No.: ARTKP2229B
Branch: TOPSIA
Bank name: State Bank of India
and promised me that by the end of the day they will for sure deposit my money then I refused they kept on chasing me many times to do so but I refused.

On Wednesday (09/09/09) I received a message from ICICI bank that my check of Rs. 400/- got dishonored then I called customer care & I came to know that my account is freeze for transaction. I visited my base branch but no one is giving me proper reply stating we are not updated with my details. When I am talking to customer care they say to visit base branch what do I do please let me know……..

Following are the contact number used for communication

I am ready to cooperate in any terms Please get me out of this trap I will ever been grateful to you all.
I am attaching all the mailing conversation we had among us
Looking ahead for your response………………

Amit Kumar

PRAKASHCHANDRA MARU   11 September 2009 at 23:59

judgement for the rape case for bail

hello all learned have u any judgment general which can help for the bail out in the offence of non bailable offence if u have particullary of the offence rape pls provideriven
