Hi sir /madam I want to clarify one doubt regarding witness a case has been filed against me under 323 506 ipc and I also filed a counter case under same sections 323 506 and 441 of ipc here investigating officer IO kept witness of the opposite party who in none other than accused husband and his son in law as my side witness at present case came to trail
Here my problem is the witness in my case are belongs to accused person in counter case they never say witness in favour of me what to do now ?
Hi Regards to all, I have a shop in Mumbai which is going for redevelopment.The physical measurement survey of the carpet area of shop was conducted by the Builder. The measurement of the carpet area done by the Builder is coming less than the carpet area mentioned in Sale Agreement.There is a difference of 20 What to do, please guide.
My company holds 30% share in a dissolved company which in turn holds considerable stock in leading Banks and has a valuable landed property.
The official Liquidator knowing fully well of these assets dissolved the company in12020.
These shares are with the RTA agents along with the dividend.
I approached the liquidator asking him what are the dues that has to be settled.
The company has to pay 34% to the workers along with 4% interest.
This is 1/6 of the consideration of the shares and landed property.
Now I intend to file a case in High court to restore the company to the stage of winding up and claim my share. There are other 2 companies which have share in the dissolved company, but they have been liquidated, one voluntarily some 20 years back and the other by the official liquidator.
My question is what should I do?
1 Restore the company and claim my company's share.
2. Buy the dissolved company as I envisage, I will be getting it for a cheaper price.
need your guidance
Respected Sir,
I had filed child custody case for my son. An interlocutory application was filed by me for proper education from reputed school. High Court also directed ADJ to dispose application regarding schooling within two months.
In the meantime I had admitted ny son in Kendriya Vidyalaya in class one. My opposite party had refused to send my son to Kendriya Vidyalaya & admitted my son in local regional school.
After hearing from both side, the Court has directed to send my son to Kendriya Vidyalaya.
Opposite party is refusing to comply court's order & didnot send my son to Kendriya Vidyalaya.
Can I approach Court for tranfer of custody to me for future & welfare & contempt of Court's Order ?
Anything else, please advise.
I have purchased 3 bhk flat in on third floor in gandhinagar Municipality three year ago which has 4 blocks and first two floor on road side have two floor commercial shops and between two block there is open open space above second floor commercial shops.
At the time of handover of society the open space of above shops were open as it was not accesable to any residence.
After 1 year the open space above commercial shops are make accesable by two owners of residence of below my flat B 204 and same have been done by C 204.
B 204 ower has covered open area with iron fabrication and shed which is exactly below [My Flat 304] my main bacany and two bed rooms.
Because of this is am suffering from mental distrustion as kabootars and some time monkey make our condition miserable.No peace in bedroom and balcony.
I have complaint in society but it is saying it is temporary shed and the area is only accesable to these flat owner and bulder has given right to use this space in dastavej by taking undisclosed money from them (I have have not verified it)
I have problem of privacy also as shed roof can be accesable by below owner and can reach by flat and bacany.They don't any permission from society or Municipality for this.
My friends are saying this is normal in all society and Municipality will not take any action etc.But I am very frustrated and want to sale my flat as kabootars voice and nuisance is terrible.
What should I do.
Respected Sir,
1) My friend is central governmennt employee. He went to avail lunch break in due time, but security staff resisted him since lunch memorandum was not given to security staff by head of department.
2) Upon verbal request my friend went out from office in schedule lunch time & come back in due time.
3) After some days security staff lodge a complaint that my friend had been avail lunch & went home forcefully & it is against security rule.
4) Department issued show cause letter to my friend & my friend has stated that since head of f
department forgotten to sent lunch memorandum in due time, hence my friend went to home in schedule lunch time upon verbal request to security staff.
5) Being dissatisfied of above reply, the department ask my friend for representation of fact.
6) In reply my friend stated the facts.
7)Thereafter without any Court of Inquiry, depatment proceed for punishment againt my friend under rule 16 of CCS Conduct Rule, the department also stated that (in weiting) since accused did not requested for Court of Inquiry (COI), hence COI is not necessary.
Can my frend approach CAT for wrongful proceeding against him?
Stop punishment.
Shares of benifiaries of undivided immovable property have been shared on percentage basis and not been demarcated by metes and bounds.. Query under these circumstances can mutation in the municipal records take place
Amendment of application after death of injured applicant in MACT Case
What is Recovery Certificate in DRT?
Can i purchase 73aa land?
OBC person possess agriculture land with two separate survey number.one of them is 73AA land
Can I purchase his 73AA land?