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Chandan Garg   09 July 2008 at 10:13

Judgment of single bench of high court

Pls tell , in a matter of land aquisition the single bench of high court gave a judgment against the private company . and similar matter are fixed in single bench of another judge of same high court of diffrent company , pls tell whether that another judge is bound by decision of the earlier bench.. wat can be the fate of the matter.

Thanks and regards

Chandan Garg   09 July 2008 at 10:07

is RTI applicable on private companies

Kindly tell whether RTI(right to information act )is applicable on Private companies.
is a private company bound to give information under RTI.

Ladhu Ram Chowdhary   09 July 2008 at 06:11

dying declaration

criminal trial -dying declaration-fit mental state -Certificate of doctor that the patient was concious-whether it should be hold as fit mental state ?

Tarabai   08 July 2008 at 22:20

Bank delete locker holder name without permission of locker holder

I have a locker account in the joined name of my husband. After death of my husband I reach bank .Bank employee said my name is delete from locker, and my son name is added. I am not given to permission delete my name and add my sons name. My husband has not given permission delete my name and adds my son’s name. After death of my husband my son open locker and remove all valuables from locker. I file criminal case and civil case .in civil case how can I proof of my valuables gold silver cash Rs. Above five lakhs is in locker .what is the Evidence for proof my five lakh property is in Bank Locker ? I have find all details and document .it shows Bank on basis of forged document Bank employee add my sons name but bank has no right delete my name and add my sons name in my locker. Sir please say how can I proof my all valuables was in Locker. The civil case is on the stage of Evidence. Can I proof my valuables in locker .Is court give me justice? Is court ask bank how can
They (Bank) delete my name from locker and why they give permission to my sons to open my bank locker .In the Manual (circular) of banking law bank has no right to delete locker holder name from locker without written permission of locker holder. Sir please give your suggestion that I can proof valuables is in locker. . I wrote a complaint to prime minister of India, finance mister governor of Reserve bank of India, chief minister. National commission for women but on effect. My case is on the stage of evidence. Please give me proper suggestion..
Thanking You...

A.P.Rajagopal   08 July 2008 at 20:44



Ravikiran Dalvi   08 July 2008 at 20:41

difference between public order and law and order

I want to know the definition of public order and law and order and also what is the difference between the two and in which book, case law I will find the same please tell me so I can read it.

vinod bansal   08 July 2008 at 18:21

Appeal/Revision for enhancement of sentence

I filed a private criminal complaint in the court of chief judicial magistrate u/s 494 ipc (Bigamy)against my husband & court held quilty to my husband and awarded 9 month imprisonment now i want to file an Appeal?Revision, i want to know, 1.whether i can file Appeal/Revision for enhancement of sentence or i have to obtain permission from District Magistrate or any other statury body/officer.2.If i can file than plz tell me whether i can File Appeal or Revision and what is limitation.

Mak   08 July 2008 at 17:51

Can lawyers get listed in directory

Hi, I know lawyers etc. are not allowed to advertise but I wanted to know is their any law that prevents lawyers, advocates, attorneys, solicitors etc. from getting listed in a directory ?
Actually, I have launched a social media network directory for lawyers etc. ( ) where lawyers etc. can register and display their profiles and contact details. If a person is looking for a lawyer with expertise in particular field this platform would help him to find that is suitable for him.

Is this type of platform also considered as advertising ?

vipan   08 July 2008 at 16:28

tds challan

hi all,

due some problem my senior while deposting tds through online challan deposited in wrong section i.e. in 194A instead on 194C

what are the remidies for the same,
Can we modify our challan

Thanx in anticipation

Amit   08 July 2008 at 14:09

Land acquired by Developement Authority

We have our Agriculture Land which is costing Rs.1.05 Crores if we sale it to any party,but now we are listening that this land has been acquired by the development authority for colony development,for which we will get around 5-7 Lac for the same.It will be big loss for us.
1.what are the options for us so that we can good money ,if it will be acquired by the Devlopment Authority?