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Abhimanyu Soni   10 March 2008 at 17:56

Employees' State Insurance Act

Dear All
I am working with DMS provider company.
A different co. has been providing workers to us on contract basis since Jan. 2006.
Both the co. are runned by a family.
The Directors are different.

My queries are:
1. Is it necesary to have a license of being a contact labour for the co. which is providing workers.

2. What could be the consequences if employer's contribution has been paid by the principal employer i.e. where the workers are actually working and emplyees' contribution has not been paid since Jan 2006.

3. Is it a criminal offence? if yes, What is the remedy for the same?

Pleas help me its very urgent

In anticipation of a quick reponse.


Abhimanyu Soni

Imran   10 March 2008 at 16:14

Becoming Co-owner

My brother has pruchased a flat financed through HFC, our mother is a co-owner. I would like to know: a) How do i also become a co-owner? b)What documentation is required and the Stamp Duty payable?

Imran Vora

sanjay   10 March 2008 at 16:06

Advice for Tax preparation

Dear Sir,

suppos one company doing construction which has based on cyprus, when this company state a construction before received money for cyprus, which fund, make a FDR in bank in srote terms and earned Interest and after this according year state work,

Please advice me this interest is mention other income or reduce to construcion cost, which borrowing capital taken after work state,

I waiting you reply


revinson.p.c   10 March 2008 at 11:02

can police charge criminal negligence against post graduate medical student

as a [postgraduate student is working under medical officer
as he is obeying orders of medical officer is he responsible for treatment care
is there any such cases in which courts decision what was it
in states like kerala where resident system is not implimented

Varun Jani   09 March 2008 at 23:46

Sale of Agriculture land

I have Agriculture land within municipal area and agreement has been done in the month of March-2008 with old jantry of Gujarat govt.And now jantry will be changed from 1stApril, our final documents i.e.DASTAVEJ will be done after 2 years from the date of what will be the rate OF DASTAVEJ?Whether it is on mention(agreement date) in agreement or date of Dastavej(i.e.after 2 years with new jantry.
So any problem from seller side?and what will be the drawbacks and benefit from it.

Sanjeev Lakhanpal   09 March 2008 at 00:57

Legal Interpretation of term "Restricted Through"

DGFT has issued a notification recently mentioning the sentence "Export of Non-Basmati Rice is Restricted Through".

I would be obliged if learned experts could clarify the legal interpretation of the phrase "restricted through" mentioned therein.

shivkumar   08 March 2008 at 21:50

provident fund

Whether we can challenge the auction of sugar at the hands of assistant provident fund commissioner under the provisions of Employees' provident fund and miscellaneous provisions act 1952 proposed by the authority due to non payment of amount ppf in civil court .

jayabalan Kris   08 March 2008 at 20:33

Enquiry regarding self argument (pro se)

08th Mar 2008 (Sat)

Respected sir / madam,

I am srinivas (aged 38 yrs) from Chennai, I got your reference through,

I require your valuable suggessions in criminology.

I worked in a private firm as a Business Manager for 8 eight years, during my job (in Sep 2004) the company bounced the cheques of around Rs. 80 Lakhs from various vendors (due to loss in exports) and after few weeks the M.D of the firm expired due to Heart attack .
Since the vendors started pressurizing me the amount, I have resigned from my job few days before the death of the M.D and I have all valid documents of my resignation and the company has also accepted & relieved me from the service.

Then the parties who gave credit & got the cheque bounced complained to the police.
The police had cornered me and asked me to pay around 2 lakhs to leave me from this case.
Since I refused to pay that amount ( I was not having such huge money & moreover I was not guilty ) they arrested me on charges of conspiracy & cheating and I was put in prison for 17 days.
With much difficulty I came out on bail and the case is still pending in the court.
No body has complained against me and the case is between me and the police.

Till this day I used to attend the summons regularly without fail and without a lawyer.
Now the police has produced the charge sheet in court & I am supposed to collect it from the court on 20 March 2008.

( In addition to me they have also arrested 2 directors of the company & 2 staffs related to
this case and every body has hired a lawyer of their own )

In this situation what I want to know is

1. Can I collect the charge sheet (on 20 March 2008) without appointing a Lawyer?

2. Can I argue in court for myself without an advocate, if so what is the procedure & whom
should I contact?

I will be very thankful to you if you could guide me in this issue. Already I have lost lot of money
during bail & I have also lost my name and experience in the Foreign Exchange industry without any fault of mine and now working as a Marketing Executive in a Private Firm and cannot spend much for my case.

Expecting your guidance,

Thanking you,

Yours Truly


kiran   08 March 2008 at 17:27

comtempt of court

any latrst case of cotempt of court with AIR page no.