The following is the transaction details:
a) My father purchased land in 1975 for Rs.x/- in joint names with my mother (i.e wife & husband)with his self earned money.
b)In 1990 he built a house of 3000 sft on the land he purchased in 1975 both names( wife and Husband)
My query is that I know the cost of land (COA-cost of acquasition)for the registered sale deed but I do not know the cost of construction for the house he constructed in 1990. There is no documentary proof bills for construction and imoprovement costs (COI-cost if improvement)thereafter.I only have the property tax receipts. How to compute LTCGT assuming i am selling the property in the assesement year 2008-2009 and how to arrive at COI is there a benchmark given or how do i value the construction cost in 1990 and improvement thereafter.Please guide me and inform which websites or information I can get myself. Or please cite example or case study or for the sub-registar officer or muncipal office
I, my brother and my mother have a piece of land in our name. We have inherited this land from our father.
This land comes under the category of agricultural land and is at Dehradun, Uttaranchal. My father wanted to give this land to my sister. However, since this land came under the category of agricultural land, the land got transferred in the name of my brother, myself and my mother.
Now all three of us want to transfer the land in my sister's name without incurring too much of an expenditure. What should we do
'A' registered dealer in karnataka sale made to 'B' registered dealer in Tamil Nadu.
'A' made sale to 'B'. In trun 'B' is effecting sale of same goods to sez unit in other state against form - I
whether sale made by 'A' is eligible against Form-H sales, is there any provision where sale to sez will qualify as export zone
I filed two cases u/s 138 of N I Act cases againast one person. The matter is settled before giving sworn affidavit.
Now we want to withdraw the cases. Is the petition u/s 257 of Cr.P C is maintanable to with draw case before taking considaration. if no what is the procedure to withdraw the complaints.
Father expired, survived by son (me - married, 2 children), daughter-in-law (wife of my late younger brother who expired in 2004, having two children). We stay in the same house, and I am the sole breadwinner.
How would the property (he built, and where we reside), be distributed?
As of what I understand, my sister (married in 1987 and living in her husband's house) would not get her share:
(30 OF 1956)
23. Where a Hindu intestate has left surviving him or her both male and female heirs specified in class I of the Schedule and his or her property includes a dwelling-house wholly occupied by members of his or her family, then, notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the right of any such female heir to claim partition of the dwelling-house shall not arise until the male heirs choose to divide their respective shares therein; but the female heir shall
be entitled to a right of residence therein:
Provided that where such female heir is a daughter, she shall be entitled to a right of residence in the dwelling house only if she is unmarried or has been deserted by or has separated from her husband or is a widow.
What is the difference between deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability.
Can any one tell me how to calculate deferred tax liability and how to create a provision for deferred tax in the financial statements.
what constitutes defamation on the internet?
Sub registrar can authorise to verify the validity of documents while registration of document. He can question about the property right of the vendor as per law of Indian Stamp Act. Pl
I am a public servant working for HPCL. I have been convicted in a case filed under Sec. 407 and 420 IPC. The case is udner appeal stage before a sessions judge. I am apprehensive about the judgement and wish to compund the case. Fortunately HPCL (Public Sector Undertaking) management is ready to compuind the case. As per prosecution charge sheet, HPCL is the party in respect of whom offences under the above section were committed. In this regard, i need your opinion on the following issues:
1. Under Sec 407 IPC, there is a maximum limit of Rs 250 (amount involved. In the entire case of prosecition, there was no mention of the amount involved in the crime. In such case who will decide the amount of money misappropriated ?
2. Who can compound on behalf of HPCL.
3. Can you brief about the procedure for compunding ? Please give some citations/judgements on the compounding at the appeal stage of the case.
mortgage by allotment letter
Presently I am handling a matter where a mortgage stated to be created by the predecessor in title. The present owners who are our clients have purchased the property 22 years back and are in peaceful possession and enjoyment of the property.
The claim that mortgage was created by depositing the allotment letter from the Tamil Nadu Housing Board which says lease cum sale agreement was the only document on which the mortgagee is making a claim.
At the outset we understand that on the ground of limitation alone the claim fails.
however I would like to know the legal points that governs and connected implications.