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Regarding university recruitment

(Querist) 14 August 2021 This query is : Resolved 
I want to know that is it possible for a university to changed the seats of for assistant professor vacancy from its earlier advertisement?
Like if an university advertised in 2017 for 2 seat in gen, 2 seat in obc but it was canceled somehow and now new advertisement come 2021 as 1 seat for ews, 2 seat fo obc and 2 seat for sc?
Is it possible or is there any way to make a case or claim?
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 14 August 2021
No. You cannot file a case against the University.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 15 August 2021
University might have published cancellation of earlier advertised vacancies, recheck.
No case is made out against intended employer, i.e., University qua cancellation of advertisement, which is its internal decision.
P. Venu (Expert) 15 August 2021
You have not posted the complete facts.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate Online (Expert) 07 January 2023
did you apply.

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