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Husband don't want me but only need kid

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 10 March 2018 This query is : Resolved 
Due to some family issues with my parents husband is taking revenge on me. The reason he mentions is I have not taken good care of his mother,don't know to cook, I don't know to look after kid etc. We have been married since 6 years now. All of a sudden his behaviour is changed, ever since our child is born and a subsequent quarrel with my parents. He was actually looking out for a chance to throw me out from his house. We both were staying together since 5 years. For an occasion he allowed me to go to my parent's house for 2 days in June '17, at that time baby was 11 months old.Now baby is 19 months old. He has not taken us back. Now he is saying, he will be taking my baby with him forever without me.Also he needs a mutual divorce from me, but I don't want divorce. He has threatened me saying, I will be insulted in public if I don't agree for divorce, so I agreed. With him, mine is the 3rd marriage. We were in love even before my 1st marriage. I broke my second marriage only on his advice. He used me financially and physically for 5 years. It's his first marriage. He knew all my history before marrying me. I have apologised en-number of times, admitting my mistakes. He has not given a single penny ever since I am at my home. Therefore I started working again. I have been working even before and after marrying to him. When asked to give expenses for child, he said, if he has to give money then might as well he will take him from me.What do I do to resolve this issue and live with him. Can I get maintenance for me or my child? He used to beat me frequently for some reason. He has tortured me physically and mentally a lot, can I file domestic violence for this? Also he has threatened me saying, if he is not allowed to take child then he will cut my parent's hands. For this, should I file a FIR in the police station?
Vijay Raj Mahajan (Expert) 11 March 2018
I feel in your case what is missing mutual understanding and trust between both of you. You should go in for Mediation and Conciliation for fixing the marriage which is in trouble. With a child of 19months you both have long way to go and without the help and support of each other you won't be able to take care of the minor child and help in his development. The Mediation and Conciliation process will require both of you to attend and workout the dispute between both in an amicable manner. There is no need to break the marriage by moving to court with criminal complaint of domestic violence or lodging criminal complaint with the police because all these will be breaking your marriage irretrievably that you won't be able to restore at any cost.
I'm associated with International Mediation and Conciliation Network where such family matters are referred and help in resorting the family issues including marital disputes. You can check my profile here and contact me for it is you so desire.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 11 March 2018
My husband nor talks to me nor he responds to my any messages. Most of the day he comes for a while and see the child or sometimes takes him out for a small ride and drops back. But no expenses are borne by him since 8 months except few vaccinations. Can I demand for maintenance legally as it's impossible for me to take him for mediation and conciliation. Can I go for RTI for his income. Will it ruin the chances of restoring our relationship? Please advise me.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 11 March 2018
My husband nor talks to me nor he responds to my any messages. Most of the day he comes for a while and see the child or sometimes takes him out for a small ride and drops back. But no expenses are borne by him since 8 months except few vaccinations. Can I demand for maintenance legally as it's impossible for me to take him for mediation and conciliation. Can I go for RTI for his income. Will it ruin the chances of restoring our relationship? Please advise me.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 12 March 2018
No reply for an anonymous author as per rules of this platform.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 12 March 2018
This is to maintain confidentiality as the relationship is at the edge of breakup. How it matters to disclose the name for seeking a reply. Moreover, related questions were answered earlier, at that time rules weren't applicable.
Guest (Expert) 12 March 2018
Well Advised by Expert/ Advocate Mr.Vijay Raj Mahajan. Better to seek his guidance.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 11 July 2018
I agree with VIjay Raj Mahajan

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