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Departmental proceedings

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 26 October 2017 This query is : Resolved 
I am facing a trouble. My self working as a Probation Officer in West Bengal. I am appointed as per Sec 13 of the Probation of offenders Act 1958. My Department is Department of Correctional Administration. My department is started Departmental Proceedings under the Wb CCA Rules 1971. I want to know that DP against me under WBCCA Rules is possible or not or shall I appeal before the WBSAT.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 26 October 2017
No advice from me to an author who is anonymous.

You can post the query in fresh thread with your identity and material facts.
Guest (Expert) 26 October 2017
Of course a good academic question! However, for your academic query, you are required to concentrate on your study material to show your own talent about understanding of the law.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 October 2017 NO reply........
Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 October 2017
Pls post with your ID and you can get many replies...............
Guest (Expert) 26 October 2017
Two vague and irrelevant posts have been made by a fake expert with unreal name and fake ID, as of playing a number game. What a fun that Mr. Kumar Doab, who himself keeps a fake ID asks the querist to post his ID!
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 26 October 2017
Mr Dosh, if u not expert why acting as expert.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 26 October 2017
Kumar doab pls answer if you are an expert.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 27 October 2017
The post is anonymous and also vague.

You have conveyed nothing.
Guest (Expert) 27 October 2017
@ Querist,

Your request to Mr. Kumar will always remain unheeded. How he can reply when he does not know even ABCD of law? He is not an expert on law or even in HR. He is expert only in making vague, irrelevant and misleading posts, as he is fond of playing only a number game with the sole aim to ride on the top of the experts ladder, like his other associate. If you see his profile at the following link, he has mentioned there, "I SHALL prefer TO POST at LCI", not "I prefer to advise".

As I could analyse from multiples of his posts on various threads, his track record is that whenever he tried to advise any querist, he always confused the querists by posting multiples of posts containing his misleading and wrong advice. The qurist feels perplexed, whether to go by his advice or by the advice of other experts. Now the position is that whenever he and his close associate Mr. Rajendra K Goyal start making irrelevant posts, the real experts avoid to post their advice, so that their advice may not be treated as wrong in view of their multiple posts in order to dominate on the LCI.

The irony is, whenever any expert points out about his wrong and misleading advice, he starts making multiples of abusive posts, like a person of unsound mind.

Anyway, try your luck, if he can give you even 10% of correct advice. Also, when he has asked you to post your ID, you have also got the right to ask him about his real name and ID.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 27 October 2017
Mr. Anonymous,

Anonymous can not force any expert to reply as per his thoughts.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 27 October 2017
JIGYASU - Legal analyst ,

You have raised question on the Id of expert Kumar Doab.

Have you raveled your Id or any detail about you?
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 27 October 2017
JIGYASU - Legal analyst
Very easy to comment on other experts.
It is your moto and habit.
Nothing else you can contribute.
More than 90% of your posts are either vague or target other experts.
Should try to contribute if possible / have capacity.
What any expert is gaining by providing free and volunteer service on this platform.
You cannot digest the same and just try to gain cheap popularity.
Your motto is to comment and target experts of the site rather to contribute.
Your one point program seem to be that the forum should be closed.

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 27 October 2017
Hello Sirs,
I am really in trouble, Please help me. I am not a lawyer.
Guest (Expert) 27 October 2017
@ Rajendra K Goyal,

Your statement, "Anonymous can not force any expert to reply as per his thoughts," is quite vague, when the querist has not requested you anywhere to reply, what to say of forcing, as you assumed.

Can you show any of his post, where he invited you to reply, while you have stated "no advice" from you?
Guest (Expert) 27 October 2017
@ Rajendra K Goyal,

You have proved yourself to be an associate of a fake expert, Mr. Kumar Doab, as you unexpectedly raised a question on his behalf, "You have raised question on the Id of expert Kumar Doab." I am of the firm belief, he is a fake expert with unreal name and fake ID and unknown place of his location, as per his own profile at LCI. If he is a real expert, why on several requests by a few experts as well as the querists, he has failed to post his photo and location in his profile at LCI?

However, if you believe that he is not a fake expert, you may volunteer yourself in clarifying, what is his real name and place of location. Also, can you send his picture to the querist through his email (not even to me)?

How, you would like to take this challenge and prove that both of you are real experts.

Guest (Expert) 27 October 2017
@ Rajendra K Goyal,

About your statement, "Very easy to comment on other experts," in your third and last post, I may inform you that I am an analyst and have analysed character of both of you, as fake experts. So, that was not my comment but an alert to the querist to be cautious about such type of fake experts. Both of you play merely a number game by making plenty of vague and irrelevant posts without any useful advice to the querists, with a single aim how to rise at the top of the experts ladder to be known as the most learned fellows, while knowledge of both of you is zero in most of the laws, but still pose as experts.

I have already asked you to prove your being an expert on the service laws, if you really feel to be an expert.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 27 October 2017
JIGYASU - Legal analyst

You just try to pose, you are master of law / knowledge / intelligence / the forum , you have right to comment on any one, fact may / seem to be reverse.

Forum would not gain anything from comments.

Is it a crime to be associated with any expert including Mr. Kumar Doab?

God bless the people who dare to say guilty others while self is full of evils, seems no goodness / quality in them.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 27 October 2017
I have not been able to understand that why some experts do not lose chance to make this forum a show down.
Guest (Expert) 27 October 2017
@ Rajendra K Goyal,

Any sidetracking reply may not justify yourself to be an expert. You supported Mr. Kumar Doab certifying him to be an expert. I asked you to clarify about his real name and location. You have not done that. I am sure you would also not have sent his photo to the querist to let him know, who is Kumar Doab. You are also hiding your face behind the face of a 2 years old kid.

You stated that "anonymous cannot force any expert to reply, I asked, when the querist invited you to give reply. Everything was from your own side.

The querist challenged Mr. Kumar Doab, to answer, if he is an expert. But Kumar Doab is still silent.

If expert, just confirm, if any of yourself or Mr. Kumar Doab knows about anything about departmental proceedings.

So, if not able to confirm or intimate the real particulars of Mr. Kumar Doab, who would be proved to be the poser, except you and Mr. Kumar Doab?
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 28 October 2017
Expert Sudhir Kumar ji,

Your comments are precious.

Some experts are expert in commenting on other experts.

When their ego is not satisfied, they come with other Id and through anonymous Id also to fulfill their moto.

Everyone can understand from the language / comments, who is the behind all these.

It is true, I do not like any comment on other experts, if I differ any point I do so with proper respect and honor.

I never initiate such comment / action, just try to contradict / reply when on me / on other experts in wrong way / unwanted / for satisfaction of ego.
Guest (Expert) 28 October 2017
@ Mr. Rajendra K Goyal,

Your clarification to Mr. Sudhir Kumar does not have any relevance.

The question is not about ego, but whether the forum can survive on vague and irrelevant replies just to mislead the querists by the fake experts like you and Mr. Kumar Doab, who always get ready to jump making vague reply without knowing the ABC of the subject matter.

The question arises, with a high qualification of LLM, what talent you have tried to demonstrate in majority of the replies made by you? Both of you had openly been playing merely number game.

I again question you:
1) Do you know the rules of departmental proceedings, as you stated about no advice to anonymous author?
2) Can you intimate the real name of Mr. Kumar Doab and his place of location, or send his photo to the author of the question, not even me, when uninvitedly you came to the support of Mr. Kumar Doab?

Except evasive replies on my questions, you did not divulge even a bit of your knowledge. Just give a hint, where on this thread you have made any real contribution that may indicate your expertise on the subject matter.

You need to be the querist or approved LAWyersclub expert to take part in this query .

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