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Hindu succession(amendment) act 2005

(Querist) 23 January 2017 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Sir
Hindu succession(Amendment) act 2005 has repealed by Gov. India. Is it true that govt. has repealed hindu succession act 2005 on13.05.2015.then what will be the right of married daughter in parental propriety,those daughter married and father died before 2000.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 23 January 2017
If the property is self acquired married daughter has a share, as per details (father died in year 2000).
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 23 January 2017
State material facts of the problem if any.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 26 January 2017
The author is still mum and has not provided the material facts, no further advice possible.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 January 2017
The author may respond.
Guest (Expert) 26 January 2017
" Author Is still Mum" is it a Legal Language Used by Learned Experts/Advocates.The Child should mind its Language Here.
Guest (Expert) 26 January 2017
Confused advice by Mr. Dooba, i.e., "If the property is self acquired married daughter has a share, as per details (father died in year 2000)."

Even otherwise also, his advice can only make a person perplexed, like sinking in some river, as DOAB IS KNOWN AS A LAND BETWEEN TWO RIVERS, denoting his fake ID.
Guest (Expert) 26 January 2017
You may recheck, as the amended provisions duly stand incorporated in the main Act w.e.f. 9-9-2005.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 27 January 2017
For some experts it is easy to advice others, rather to contribute for the thread.

Guest (Expert) 27 January 2017
The Child has to be Corrected for its mistakes Other wise it would be a Criminal when it is grown.The Child has to Post its Identity than being an Anonymous So that More Lessons Could be Taught.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 28 January 2017
Agreed with expert Mr. Rajendra K Goyal.

For sure Dhingra is NO ONE and NOBODY to advise.

Guest (Expert) 28 January 2017
Mr. Dooba,

Probably you want to celebrate without any cause. Your statement, "For sure Dhingra is NO ONE and NOBODY to advise, has no relevance, unless you prove my opinion as wrong by quoting a relevant section of law.

However, if you want to point out towards the remarks of Mr. Rajendra K Goyal, e.g., "For some experts it is easy to advice others, rather to contribute for the thread." .......... "Who is he to advice," better get that confirmed from Mr. Rajendra Goyal that was not aimed towards me.


Guest (Expert) 28 January 2017
Rajendra ji,

Please remove doubt of Mr. Doaba with your clarification, if your observation was aimed at me.

If not clarified today, itself, that may be taken that you confirm my assumption and the statement of Mr. Doab, to be intended to mislead the readers.

However, if aimed at me, on clarification, I would have also the right to respond to that observation appropriately.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 28 January 2017

YOU have been advised in other threads and that should suffice for the time being.
Guest (Expert) 29 January 2017
Mr. Dooba,

You are welcome again with your irritation and frustration.

If you carefully see, absolutely faltoo has been made by you without proving my opinion as wrong or getting the remarks confirmed from Mr. Rajendra K Goyal, if made by him against me, but you have posted faltoo without any context.

Moreover, Mr. Rajendra K Goyal has also not confirmed your conviction yesterday, as requested to him. That also proves that you only spat dirt of your mouth without any context out of your sheer frustration and hypertension.

Anyway, I can only wish you the best on this deplorable state of your health.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 29 January 2017
Dhingra XXXXX Dangar,

So Dangar,

Who has drowned ( Dooba) from your Tabbar (Pakistan's,Pakistani': JHANGI's: word for Kunba;Family) today.

{(Dangar: Pakistaan's, Pakistaani's word for animal that when old, diseased, crawls i.e rengtaa hai) and ( when unproductive and disrespectful toward his masters gets Laat, Ghoonsa, hantar i.e.kicks, smashes, lashes) and is handed over to skinner}

…………………. as usual and die hard habit …………….is jockering and littering nuisance in this thread also.

He has jockered in another thread also.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 29 January 2017
So Dangar (Dhingra),

Whom you have drowned ( Doobaya) today from your Tabbar (Pakistan's,Pakistani': JHANGI's: word for Kunba;Family) today?

Kumar Doab (Expert) 29 January 2017
So Dangar (Dhingra),

Who has drowned ( Doob Gaya) today from your Tabbar (Pakistan's,Pakistani': JHANGI's: word for Kunba;Family) today, since you are intolerable in your own tabbar?

You had threatened me ( Dhamki) that you will frighten me to that extent that you will come in my dreams.

On the contrary you are finding me in your dreams.

So you are unable to sleep.

Hence your condition has worsened.

Obviously still you have not shown the printouts of all of your posts in all threads in all years and more so OF LAST 8-10 MONTHS, to your medical board ( consisting of Psychiatrists, Neurosurgeons and all other that has already been drilled in your hollow head and nailed), your own balance tribe, your priest, Panda, and teachers (if you had any) and are day and night shouting on your own image in mirror in your private fiefdom that is probably a BridhAshram ( Old age home for rejected ones).

That is why your condition is worsening.

We are laughing everyday on your jockering.

NO ONE including me or Mr. Rajendar K Goyal and everyone else have any requirement for any explanation from you.

Now shut up, leave permanently ( Daffa Ho Jaa) and don't come back.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 29 January 2017
Dear LCI author @ Mr.subhash chandra,

You would be wondering why Dangar;;;Dhingra, is jockering in this thread also.

TO score some points and allure some unsuspecting querist/author.

DhingraXXXXX Dangar will be dying to tell you that he has pasted following message on my profile and that he is known to allure unsuspecting authors/querist like you to extract Dalaali, and then publish the emails, recorded phone calls, PM's ( Personal messages) ...............also.

You may show everything to elders in the family, your own counsel, your unions at our location and proceed as most suitable to you.

"P. S. DHINGRA: sssfi2016@gmail 24/01/2017 21:19:59 BEWARE, SOLUTION SEEKERS & VISITORS OF THIS PROFILE Beware of Kumar Doab, a fake expert (without real identity, without photo, without his location in his profile). As of his habit, he always tries cleverly to sidetracks the issues to entirely new direction with his multiple posts consisting of wrong, confusing an vague advice with totally unconcerned multiple pages of downloadable links to make the problem more complex due to which you can feel as if your problem is quite complicated. Although puts innumerable irrelevant questions to the querist, but normally he does not suggest any workable solution to a solution seeker even after his irrelevant 8-10 posts. As of his habit, through his multiple posts, at first, he normally advises a person to contact some very able counsel and then recommends the names of some of his favourable lawyers, but not knowing much about the subject matter, probably for earning his commission through them."
Guest (Expert) 29 January 2017
Mr. Dooba,

You are again welcome with your irritation and frustration.

Your own fake ID reveals that you are the land of two rivers, so doab appropriately fits with the rivers.

But, rest assured, your long posts full of irritation and frustration or clarification to the author, can neither justify your wrong and confusing advice i.e., "If the property is self acquired married daughter has a share, as per details (father died in year 2000)." nor your statement, "For sure Dhingra is NO ONE and NOBODY to advise."

The author could well have understood, what you are in reality.

You could better have proved my opinion as wrong.

Anyway, I can only wish the best for your deplorable state of health, as your latest posts have revealed very clearly.

You may now coin some more of the new abuses for me to hurl by spending sleepless night.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 29 January 2017
Dear LCI author @ Mr.subhash chandra,

You would not be wondering now why Dangar;;;Dhingra, is jockering in this thread also.

TO score some points and allure some unsuspecting querist/author.

Go thru:

This Dangar; Dhingra did not know the subject at all and mislead and misguided the unsuspecting querist and allured her.

Thereafter this Dangar; Dhingra willfully abuse and littered nuisance so that the thread does not progress further and he is able to hide his shame and shameless ignorance of subject.......

This Dangar; Dhingra khud to dubega or sabko le dubega { This Dangar; Dhingra will drown ( Doobega) himself and drown ( Dobbayega) everyone else that is partying with him} .

Kumar Doab (Expert) 29 January 2017
This Dangar; Dhingra is neither a lawyer nor the firm he flaunts "SUPER SPECIALTY SERVICES FOUNDATION (INDIA)" is a law firm.

He is a poser,pretender and is at LCI to allure the unsuspecting authors/querists.

He has mislead at his profile that he is member since; 16 June 2016 .

He has tasted corporate flavors as his previous ID was blocked.

The querist/authors/members/experts have been reporting abuse by him to admin of LCI.

He is shameless and Badtamiz.

Go thru all threads placed under his profile by LCI.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 29 January 2017
Dangar (Dhingra),

There is NO frustration and irritation in Anyone, except you at LCI.

You are responsible for your situation.

Due to your continued abuse and nuisance you became intolerable and are getting::: befitting response.

YOU are seeing rivers (two as per your own admission; 'Kabool hai' in Pakistaan, Pakistaani's language) in your hallucinations.

YOU are seeing drowning in rivers ( Dooba).

Who has drowned now ( Doob Gaya).

Whom you have drowned ( Doobaya) today from your Tabbar (Pakistan's,Pakistani': JHANGI's: word for Kunba;Family) today?

Dangar :: animal that when old, diseased, crawls i.e rengtaa hai) and ( when unproductive and disrespectful toward his masters gets Laat, Ghoonsa, hantar i.e.kicks, smashes, lashes) and not ; Doob, but Toori ( Pakistan's,Pakistani': JHANGI's: word for discarded grass/fodder) in its Tabela, and is handed over to Skinner}

Now shut up, leave permanently ( Daffa Ho Jaa) and don't come back.
Guest (Expert) 11 February 2017
Mr. Dooba,

You are again welcome with your sheer irritation and frustration.

The irony is that you are so stubborn that you don't want to admit about your irritation and frustration, but still your statements directly confirm your irritation and frustration.

For example, on one hand you stated, "There is no frustration or irritation in anyone EXCEPT YOU," BUT ON THE OTHER HAND YOUR OWN STATEMENT, "Now shut up, leave permanently ( Daffa Ho Jaa) and don't come back," VERY CLEARLY DEMONSTRATE THAT YOU UTTERED THESE WORDS WITH SHEER PAIN OF IRRITATION AND FRUSTRATION, WHEN YOU FIND NO LET OUT FOR YOUR WRONG DOINGS

About your statement, "It is very well known to you that you are a horribly sick (mentally and physically)," IT IS WELL KNOWN TO ALL OF US THAT ONLY YOU ARE MAKING MENTAL STATEMENTS, WHILE I AM RESPONDING THEM WITH CALM. Although your irritation and frustrations is revealed very well from your abusive statements, still, as I already stated against your post in some other thread, IT IS MY OPEN OFFER TO YOU THAT, BOTH OF US GO TO SOME TOPMOST PSYCHIATRIST OF INDIA AND LET US SEE WHO IS HORRIBLY SICK MENTALLY. Now except my challenge.

About the term dangar, I know well that you have already introduced yourself through some other post that you belong to that species (dangar). So, need not repeat that time and again that you belong to that species.

But, contrary to your animal heredity, why you have adopted fake ID of two rivers of Punjab (DO+AB), when you could well have adopted the name of some animal?

But, rest assured, your long posts full of irritation and frustration or clarification to the author, can neither justify your wrong and confusing advice to the author.

The author could well have understood, what you are in reality, as of your heredity.

Anyway, I can only wish the best for your deplorable state of health, as your latest posts have revealed very clearly.

You may now coin some more of the new abuses for me to hurl by spending sleepless night.


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