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Name change in land deed

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 10 October 2017 This query is : Resolved 

My name was Kotha Santosh Reddy. I bought a land in 2010 and the land deed has this name.

In 2016, I legally changed my name to Kotha Santosh (removed the word, "Reddy"). I have notarized affidavit, gazette notification and ads in newspapers.

Please note that my signature has also got changed in the process.

My questions are:

1) Should I definitely change the name and signature in my land deed - from Kotha Santosh Reddy to Kotha Santosh?

2) If I don't change the name and signature in land deed (retain my old name and signature in it), will it be an issue in future, when I try to sale it?

3) What is the procedure to change the name and signature in the land deed in this context? Please note that this does NOT fall under the category of unintentional error. It is a case of legal name change.

4) If the procedure to change name and signature in land deed involves the person from whom I bought the land and if he doesn't agree to this process, can anything be done?

Thank you
P. Venu (Expert) 10 October 2017
There is no necessity for such a name change in the title documents.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 10 October 2017
No advice from me to an author who is anonymous.

You can post the query in fresh thread with your identity and material facts.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 10 October 2017 NO reply...........
Kumar Doab (Expert) 10 October 2017
Pls post with your ID and you can get many replies.............
Your ID can be anything e.g; you initials, initials with name of village/community/country/state etc etc
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Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 06 July 2018
Query from Anonymous.No reply.

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