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Property rights of pakistani/ex-pakistani citizens in india

(Querist) 09 September 2015 This query is : Resolved 
What are the property rights of someone who was -
(1) An Indian citizen at the time property was registered then
(2) Became a Pakistani citizen and
(3) Subsequently gave up Pakistani citizenship to gain the citizenship of a 3rd country (Not India or Pakistan)?
Adv. Yogesh V Nayyar (Expert) 09 September 2015
Kindly specify which country you have sought citizenship and since when you are residing.
Seeking Legal Advice (Querist) 09 September 2015
[[redacted]] due to insufficient support.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 09 September 2015
Sounds academic query, state facts.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 09 September 2015
Post full facts of the matter. It shall help.
Seeking Legal Advice (Querist) 09 September 2015
[[redacted]] due to insufficient support.
Guest (Expert) 09 September 2015
Very vague academic query!

Particulars of property with place, your birth and other dates are crucial with particular reference to the partition of India, which you have avoided.
Seeking Legal Advice (Querist) 09 September 2015
[[redacted]] due to insufficient support.
Guest (Expert) 09 September 2015
You won't be able to get any solution through your extremely brief casual query with scant description.

Can you send me the property related document through which your name was added to the registration to enable me to examine in detail. Your nationality related documents will also be requred to be examined. If yes, you may send the scanned document at:
Adv. Yogesh V Nayyar (Expert) 09 September 2015
Kindly clarify: I would like to know if I still have a claim to the home as my name is in the registration or if there will be legal issues due to my having taken up Pakistani citizenship earlier.

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