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l to the Hon'ble Supreme Court

(Querist) 10 May 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Could the Hon'ble members/experts suggest the exact section of Consumer Protection Act, 1986, under which a party aggrieved by the order of Hon'ble National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, can approach the Hon'ble Supreme Court ? For example, a party aggrieved by the orders of Hon'ble State Consumer Disputes Commission approached under section 21 of CP Act, 1986 to Hon'ble National Consumer Disputes Commission. What will be the criteria for Hon'ble Supreme Court to entertain ? Hon'ble NCDRC's criteria/jurisdiction is stated in Para 21 (b). If a party is defeated in Consumer Fourm, State Commission and National CDR Commission, what will be the criteria in Hon'ble Supreme Court of India ? Can the caveat be e-filed in Hon'ble Supreme Court ? What is the fee for Caveat ? Its urgent please.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 10 May 2009
Dear Sir

I Think it is Speal Leave Petition - SLP before the Supreme Court againsat the Orders of National CDR Commission

Advocate Fee according to the terms, between the party and Advocate on Record .
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 11 May 2009
being aggreived by the order of NSDRC u can approach the supreme court. Ca veat can be filed in the supereme court,
And I also agree with Y.V.V.Rao.
Swami Sadashiva Brahmendra Sar (Expert) 11 May 2009
Mr. Rao is right. SLP under article 136 of constitution of India can be filed before supreme court against order of National consumer commission. for e-filing procrdure, kindly visit the site of supreme court.
N.K.Assumi (Expert) 11 May 2009
With due respect to Members view, Please refer to section 23 of the CPA 1986,which provides for appeal to SC from the Order of the NCDRC.
MANISH (Expert) 13 May 2009
Dear friend,
Section 23 of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 provides for appeal to SC after the NCDRC.
I am practicing in Supreme Court and Delhi High Court.
My cousin is Advocate-on-record.
You may contact me at 9891115558 for further assistance.

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