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Change of name in Revenue Records.

(Querist) 14 March 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Forum Members,

A person got the property through will.
What is the procedure for implementing the change in the Ownership in Revenue records?

With regards...
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 14 March 2009
Just by giving an application which is also known as vardi in Kannada(Karnataka) along with a copy of the will, to the concerned officer is sufficient
PALNITKAR V.V. (Expert) 14 March 2009
Make an application to the concerned authority. Attach the will/probate copy with it.The concerned authority will issue notices to the parties concerned. If no objection is filed by anyone, mutation will be effected. If anyone objects, the objection will be heard and decided. If decision goes against you, you will have to file appeal. If it goes in your favour, mutation will be effected.
Ramesh (Querist) 14 March 2009
Thank you Rajeev, for your instant reply.

This property is in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Can any one Guide me Please.

With regards...
M. PIRAVI PERUMAL (Expert) 14 March 2009
I agree with Mr. Palnitkar.
Ramesh (Querist) 15 March 2009
Thank you Mr. Palnitkar, for you kind reply.
Kamlesh soni (Expert) 15 March 2009
dear ramesh,
I agree with Mr. Palnitkar. Mr. palnitkar's advise is best as per my knowledge
Guest (Expert) 15 March 2009
I do agree with Mr. Palnitkar. Thanks.
n.k.sarin (Expert) 15 March 2009
I do agree with Mr. Palnitkar.
Best advise Respected Palnitkar Sir.
SANJAY DIXIT (Expert) 25 March 2009
You should give an application to competnant authorities with the copy of will and the death certificate of deceased and by way of mutation you will get the change of name in official records.
Ramesh (Querist) 25 March 2009
Dear Sanjay Dixit,

Thank you very much for your reply.Here I have a problem,in obtaining the death certificate of Testator 'X'.The concerned Municipality lost all the old records,and says they cannot issue the certificate, because of non availability of Records.

But, i have a will written by the above 'X's, daughter & son in law (since Dead), where in they had mentioned/addressed Late In Front of 'X'. Will this document is use full in any way to prove/obtain death (Certificate in court of law ) of 'X'.

With regards...
sanjeev murthy desai (Expert) 25 March 2009
Dear Ramesh,

In your case you did not specified that the property was belong to X or his daughter and son. Beacuse Will executed in favour you by X's daughter and son in law. So you can have only death certificates of daughter and son in law. That documents are enough to change the mutation in the name of you as stated by learned frinds above.


If the property was in the name of Mr. X then you can get an endorement from the mumcipality for non avialable death certificate of X and his daughter and son.

sanjeev desai

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