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Anonymous   29 January 2018 at 02:05

143 of land

Sir our land is 143 and we have the document for it but we are getting notice that the signature of officers are not in correct sequence date. Ur 143 is not correct. What is our fault. It is the officer mistake. Is it our crime

Daleep singh   29 January 2018 at 01:48

Land 143

Our property is 143 but officer make mistakes in signature

Anonymous   29 January 2018 at 01:27

Application for the safety of woman in inlaws house


My sister married for 9 yrs is continuously tolerating the domestic violence. We have asked her many times to stand against it and lodge a complaint. But she never does that fearing the future of her kid and divorce.

In the past few days she is getting physically as well as mentally tortured. But still living in the same house falling prey to the inlaws false apologies.

We can not do much since she is fearing leaving the husband's house. But we feels her life could have danger.

Is there any step that we can take to make sure that she will remain safe there. Like can we as girl's family file some application for her safe living there with her kid mentioning the domestic violence she is tolerating now?

Anonymous   29 January 2018 at 00:11

If wife made suicide attempt and husband file case or FIR

If wife previously made suicide attempt due to his husband and in-laws tortured and husband recently file police complaints against wife that in future he and his family will not be responsible for her suicide attempt. And for withdrawing this application from police station they ask for 5k within 1day. Is it any fee for withdrawing case . Because police is saying that case has not in their hands it has gone to family court. Within how many days case has been filed in family court after application into police station?

Anonymous   29 January 2018 at 00:03

Husband hit the wife

If husband hit his wife and admitted his crime at police station, does this matter immediately goes to family court? And if he wats to withdraw the case and don't want to take any action against on his wife on the very next day then ? Any charged of withdraw case like 5k has to be paid?

Shubham   28 January 2018 at 23:28

limitation required in filing a suit

Dear experts
We have to file a case in DRT against a borrower whose loan has become NPA. The limitation of this loan has expired in 2017. The borrower made a cash payment in his account in 2016 , but the cash voucher does not bear his signature. I want to inquire if the case will be accepted in DRT?
Any humble suggestions would be appreciated.

anu radhalll   28 January 2018 at 22:38

Wasool baqui

Why wasool baqui.what is the meaning?

Ashish Khandelwal   28 January 2018 at 22:38


1.One private finance company has put my name in place of guarantor and sending me notice to repay the car loan taken by some un known person.
2. When I came to know, I reply to the advocate of company that I never give any gurantee to the said person.
3. Meanwhile I received a notice from finance company about appointment of an arbitrator I replied that I am not a party as I never give any document or my concern for any loan or guarantee. but just after 5 to 7 days I received a letter from arbitrator that he put hearing of above case at *th feb and ask to appear me in personal or trough counsellor. If I not appear before him he will pass an ex party order.
My questions are
1. Should I appear before arbitrator even I am not a party as I never give any gurantee of above said loan?
2. If arbitrator pass any order against me than how and where can I challenge his order?
3. Can I deny to appear before him?
4. What action can I take against finance company and borrower also?
5. How can I take stay against arbitration procedure?
6. any other remmedy?
7. What I have to do now?

Anonymous   28 January 2018 at 22:29

Loan gurantee

1.One private finance company has put my name in place of guarantor and sending me notice to repay the car loan taken by some un known person.
2. When I came to know, I reply to the advocate of company that I never give any gurantee to the said person.
3. Meanwhile I received a notice from finance company about appointment of an arbitrator I replied that I am not a party as I never give any document or my concern for any loan or guarantee. but just after 5 to 7 days I received a letter from arbitrator that he put hearing of above case at *th feb and ask to appear me in personal or trough counsellor. If I not appear before him he will pass an ex party order.
My questions are
1. Should I appear before arbitrator even I am not a party as I never give any gurantee of above said loan?
2. If arbitrator pass any order against me than how and where can I challenge his order?
3. Can I deny to appear before him?
4. What action can I take against finance company and borrower also?
5. How can I take stay against arbitration procedure?
6. any other remmedy?
7. What I have to do now?

Anonymous   28 January 2018 at 22:26


1.One private finance company has put my name in place of guarantor and sending me notice to repay the car loan taken by some un known person.
2. When I came to know, I reply to the advocate of company that I never give any gurantee to the said person.
3. Meanwhile I received a notice from finance company about appointment of an arbitrator I replied that I am not a party as I never give any document or my concern for any loan or guarantee. but just after 5 to 7 days I received a letter from arbitrator that he put hearing of above case at *th feb and ask to appear me in personal or trough counsellor. If I not appear before him he will pass an ex party order.
My questions are
1. Should I appear before arbitrator even I am not a party as I never give any gurantee of above said loan?
2. If arbitrator pass any order against me than how and where can I challenge his order?
3. Can I deny to appear before him?
4. What action can I take against finance company and borrower also?
5. How can I take stay against arbitration procedure?
6. any other remmedy?
7. What I have to do now?