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Satish   09 May 2009 at 07:21

S. 27 Hindu Marriage Act

Pls. any expert member provide me the full judgment ---

Dharmbeer vs. Vimlesh Kumary 1985(1) HLR 187 (Del. HC)

And also pls give the citation of any other journal as I can,t get the HLR (Hindu law Reporter).

Thanks in advance.
Pls. its urgent.

Satish   08 May 2009 at 23:06

S. 27 Hindu Marriage Act

Pls. any expert member provide me the full judgment ---

Dr Suraj Prakash vs. Mohinder Pal Sharma 1985(2) HLR 632 (Pun. & Har. HC)

And also pls give the citation of any other journal as I can,t get the HLR (Hindu law Reporter).

Thanks in advance.
Pls. its urgent.

Chetan   05 May 2009 at 20:07

Regardign Divorce

My client married on 22/04/06, having a son 14 months.

Now the person wants divorce wheresas he told me that the wife is frequwntly visited her parents house and stayed there near about 2-3 months, The wife is not ready for divorce. therefore, the wife resides in her parents house ner about 25-26 months.

What to do under such circumstances. Under what ground the divorce petiton is filed Pls case law

yogesh   05 May 2009 at 12:30

heir not consenting

my father has appointed me as executor and major beneficiary in his will dt 8-6-2001. he expired on 3-8-2001.will was subsequently registered post death on 4-2-2003 at mumbai. for father's half share in a flat at ahmedabad i applied to apartment owners' association to transfer fathers' share in my name on basis of will. instead of giving consent my younger brother falsely asked society not to transfer flat without his consent saying that father has died intestate.when i have given registered will why can society not transfer deceased's share without brother's consent? my father has kept brother out of his estate as his behaviour was very rough with him. i have proof with me on record of my brothers's acceptance and awareness of father's will.

RAKHI BUDHIRAJA ADVOCATE   04 May 2009 at 17:31

quantum/proportion of maintainance from the income of husban

In one of my case the Hon'ble Court passed Rs. 2,000/- as interim maintenance, without giving the opportunity to defend the husband whereas the income of the husband is Rs. 5,554/- per month. Out of whish he is used to pay Rs. 2,000/- as rent for the accommodation where he resides. Besides that there are many more expenses for daily routine. More over, he is used to come at Delhi from Surat to attend the court proceedings. Against that order I'd filed a revision petition for which the Hon'ble court had asked me any judgement or law regarding the specific quantum of the amount of maintenance for the wife out of the income of the husband. If any of my friend has plz. refer me the same. Its most urgent. Plz. Thanx in advance.

Ranganath   30 April 2009 at 14:03


Ld counsels,

Wife has filed annulment of marriage on the grounds that husband was allegedly forced into marriage. If the husband contest the case, annulment may not be possible. But on the same proceeding if compromise need to be arrived is it advisable for the couple to say that both did not give full consent for the marriage and the marriage was performed mainly because of the personal preferences of the parents of the couple. The marriage lasted for only 6 days and non-consummated.
If this is the stand taken by the couple will the marriage be annulled on the proceedings initiated by the wife.

Husband as also filed a restitution and one couseling session is over on that. Since husband has filed restitution is there any harm in the reversal of stand taken by husband in the nullity proceedings.

Please clarify.

Ranganath   30 April 2009 at 14:02


Ld counsels,

Wife has filed annulment of marriage on the grounds that husband was allegedly forced into marriage. If the husband contest the case, annulment may not be possible. But on the same proceeding if compromise need to be arrived is it advisable for the couple to say that both did not give full consent for the marriage and the marriage was performed mainly because of the personal preferences of the parents of the couple. The marriage lasted for only 6 days and non-consummated.
If this is the stand taken by the couple will the marriage be annulled on the proceedings initiated by the wife.

Husband as also filed a restitution and one couseling session is over on that. Since husband has filed restitution is there any harm in the reversal of stand taken by husband in the nullity proceedings.

Please clarify.

Ria   29 April 2009 at 11:41

Divorce & maintenance

Mine is marriage petition pending in the court since 5 years, for 4 yrs and 3 months my husband was paying me maintenance now since my lawyer has resigned from her law firm she is not appearing for the case, my husband has stopped paying maintenance since then that is 9 months, the case has now been transferred to the fast track court, and my husband & his lawyer has not been appearing since the 3 hearings and when our current lawyer called my husbands lawyer they pleaded ignorance of the matter being transferred to fast track court, even the judge has decided to give my husbands lawyer a notice intimating the transfer of the case to fast track though a notice was put up about the transfer in the previous court, my lawyer also seems not argue properly, even my husbands lawyer has not conducted my cross examination since the last 3 years. Please advice Iam really suffering a lot .

ashish   28 April 2009 at 18:47

family decree order

Our being joint family.Our uncle and my dad live together from thirty years. they dont have any property from there father .everything is being created by both of them. my uncle has made a decree order that everthing created by me only and for sake I have made some property in brother name. and my dad has signed the decreee oder before district court . Now we are living seperatly from my uncle .Now i come to know abount this decree oreder after one year. how can I legally chllane thi order plase guide me.

Madhavi   28 April 2009 at 10:51

this is continuation

Hello all respected experts

My case is still pending with Human rights organization .And they gave us decision to stay together in a rented flat but at place selected by .
My husband not ready for this settlement .
And again husband has put a complaint at Stree mukti sanghtana for the family issue .
For this matter the people have called me to discuss .
Now i am under confusion when the case is still pending with Human rights and the decision is already given by them how can my husband go to another sanghtana and ask solution ?is it right .
And am i supposed to visit this sanghtana and discuss the issue ?please suggest
when i asked the human rights organization they said as per my permission they can apply for 498 and ask for maintainence .

But becoz of fear i would go for Judicial separation saying my husbands behaviour is not proper and so i am requesting to the law for separation and also will ask for the half of the salary from husband (for me and baby) even though i am working in good organization .will this be rightful or can someone pls suggest .Actually speaking i am afraid of putting him behind
bars as this will if in future will create a mess for me or my baby .