I am a working professional having around 10 years of work experience. I earn around 2.06 lakh rupees per month. I am a Post Graduate. I got married in 2019 November. Before marriage my wife & I decided that since I was working in Mumbai, I would be settling in Mumbai. My parents used to Live in Aurangabad (MH). My mother before my marriage was a Cancer Patient (SInce June 2017) and my Father was a COngestive Heart Failure Patient (since March 2018). My wife is a Chartered Accountant. Before marriage she was a working as a partner in a CA firm in a Tier 2 City in Gujrat and earning around 45000 rupees. Currently we are separated and I am taking Care of my Father. My mother and her mother have expired. If I earn as I mentioned above and she earns 80K per month and she is willingly living in Mumbai even after my strong opposition to that movement by her own. She is asking for maintenance. If she approaches court (she has already given me a lawyer notice and asked for 1 crore rupees mental harassment compensation), how much will the maintenance be in this case? We don't have kids. I support my father with 27000 INR per month. I pay my maid around 5000 per month. All household expense are around 15000 and Savings are around 30000 per month. I have a car loan of 44000 per month as well. I am not aware of the breakdown of her expenses. I only know that she is earning around 80K per month.
There is a unregistered (christian)family settlement pertaining to immovable undivided property where in agreed by all share holders that the property is to be equally divided.
Query is when one of the share holders dies.. Who is the rightful owner of his share? Is the share be divided among the remaining living share holders or the wife/siblings of the deceased share holder..
hello, my name is harish and i am from Mumbai. Recently in spite of filing my affidavit of assets and liabilities and bank statements the MMC has passed an interim maintenance order under dv act more than my declared income. the logic applied is weird and i wish to challenge it. The DV suit was filed 6 years ago and I don't have the money to pay 50% of the arrears to challenge it. I am apprehending arrest and expecting my wife to file a distress warrant. I need help to understand which court to file an appeal Sessions or High Court? Will the court accept my petition without making any payment? And till i get a stay how can i avoid getting arrested and how do i counter distress warrant ? is an appeal sufficient or a stay order is also compulsorily required to counter a distress warrant ?
My mil is torturing me and my husband both physically and mentally we have evidence of her tortures..we have only one property which was purchased by the insurance amount given by the court for my husband younger brother who is no more who met with an accident and was built by housing loan where my husband is the applicant for housing loan who is repaying emi from his source of income.now my mil is saying us to go out of the house..but my husband is scared wethr she will sell the house coz the house is in her name wherein my husband is paying the loan..what can be done to save the property..and v r ready to move out but the only thing is to save the house..
In a DV case against me, my Advocate informed me that he has taken adjournment but case has moved from Hearing to SHOW CAUSE as the purpose of hearing.
What does this means and what should be done next.
Respected Sir,
I have applied for custody ( interim custody, visitation right, pernanent custody) of my seven + year old son before court on 2021. Opposite party submitted that my son very excellent in sudy and going to school.
I inquired the matter & as per school attendance record my son was absent for more than eight months without any reason. Photocopy of the attendance record is submitted before the court for consideration.
After consideration, the Judge verbally said that it is not necessary to go to school for every child. My advocate repetatedly prayed to pass any written order for school admiision / visitation / interim custody, but the judge refused to pass any order. The judge further says that my opposite party's advocate is very close friend of him.
Seeing no other ways, I move before high court, wherein high court directed to dispose all interim matter within two months. After receipt of high court order the judge didnot hear anything and fix next date after 50 days.
In the meantime I admit my son to very prestigious school ( P. M. Shree Kendriya Vidyalaya). I have given school fees, dress, books, etc to my son. My son went to the said school for a few days but did not perform home task given by school. Thereafter my opposite party refused to send my son said school by saying central governmennt schools are worst.
I presume my son might be admitted to ordinary local school. My opposite part just want to destroy future of my son by not sending best school. I have heared that courts are always directing to admission in best school.
1) It it necessary to file again another written prayer sending to school ?
2) Can court refuse sending child to central government school ?
3) Since the court is not at all interested to hear the matter, I am afraid that the court may pass order against welfare of child. Can I pray for psychological & education evaluation with respect to age of my son ?
Hello experts
There is case petitioner want take custody her brother as her brother is mental ill health / insane since childhood now his age approx 70 years. Under what section of law can she file a petition before district court
SIR. I one querry as regards the property status as regards the deceased husband property. the husband purchased the property in the year 1999 by his own income and by registered sale deed. No involvement of joint income in the contents in the sale deed. after demise of husband the father and mother,sister were disposes to widow. by contention that deceased husband no income and property is joint family property. Whether the father of deceased husband entitle any right in the property? And what is the remedy available to widow to recover the property from father in law?
pls guide me sir
Matrimonial dispute
I got answer so deleting query