Can a Law Department of a Company issue legal Notices and/or issue Reply Notices on behalf of its employer Company or should the said Notices be issued by a Practising Advocate only?riven
If a person working in centeal govt of india could not apply for medical leave as per the procedure but was able to intimate his higher officers in between due to temporary loss of memory. What is the procedure to be followed after full tratment by the doctor.riven
Dear sir,1)If a multistate organization denied promotion or given conditional promotion( to take outstation posting)to those staff who have good marks (90 and above marks)and given promotion to the staff who got less marks(less than 40 marks) and posted at mumbai or choice of theirs.because they are nearer and dearer of the chairman and director the jr.officer exam were held somewhere in year 2002-03.2)so many staff who have completed more than 5 years not promoted yet from jr.officer to sr. Officer as per policy while some of chairman and director 's special men got promotion in 3 years only while in jr.officers exam they got very less marks.this discrimination will justified if not than what staff can do individualy because union is puppet of management.which law and act will apply if any staff will file a suit against bank how much time the court will take to finalise the there any govt authority where staff can complaint against this injustification.if possible please give refarence of any court's judgement.your reply is eagerly waiting and highly appreciatedriven
Can a Private Bank ,which has purchased a DEBT/NPA under the Sale of NPA Guidelines, issue a Notice under the Securitisation Act u/s 13 (2). Especially when its application for substition is pending with DRT and yet to be decided. More So when the Issue of Sale of NPA to other Banks is under consideration with The Supreme court and yet to be decided.riven
A private limited company has paid professional fee to chartered accountant for setting up a project of Bio -Diesel and cultivation of Jetropha plantation . cheque in the name of Chartered accountants firm's issued for project report preparation fee. Another cheque issued to cultivate the nursery for plantation in favor of his HUF the karta of HUF is proprietor of Chartered Accountant's firm.( karta and Chartered Accountants are same)
After preparation of project report and raising of nursery for saplings due to some disputes , the karta of HUF has issued the cheque for entire amount to the company. The cheques returned and Director of the company has filled the suite under sec. 138 of N.I. Act.
Now question arises that whether the karta of HUF shall be liable for fees received by Chartered Accountants firm ?
Whether fees received by HUF returned to the company is a Debt or Legally enforceable debt ?
Whether cheque issued to return the fees is for consideration?
The karta of HUF has made an application under sec. 91 of Cr. p.c. for production of agreement , MOU, books of accounts, vouchers, other relavant records in support of transaction. The Company denies to produce any thing. And through its director furnished an affidavit that the company has no records, vouchers nor account books in his possession on nor in control and can not produce. The case is at evidence stage steel evidence has not started.
On the basis of above facts can a discharge petition be filed by HUF?
Or Director of company can refuse to produce the documents which the company is legaly liable to maintain under section 209 of Companies Act 1956.
Hi Dear sir,
i need urgent help from you what is the procedure of Registered marriage (love marriage,court marriage)please help me out...
thanks in Advance.riven
Dear sir
I need to audit the statutory compliance of various laws such as various labour laws, sales tax, excise duty,PF etc by the concerned departments in our organisation.May i request u to have the same.
Thanx and regards
Asst.manager(Internal audit)riven
if a flat is sold by A to c , nothing is mentioned during trial court proceeding and order has come after 10 year awarding to b,
case was orginal case was fought between a and b
for said property
What is in effect ? or is applicable ?riven
What is time frame inside which one can appeal against a trial court judgement
eg order was given in dec 2008 , till what date can one appeal against the same in high court ?
Pl adviseriven
Marriage Registration Rules of different States
Dear Ld. Members
May I request the Ld Members to upload their respective state Marriage Registration Rules for the benefit of other members as well as for me?