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Action against govt employee holding ration card ?

Guest (Querist) 06 February 2018 This query is : Resolved 
Guest (Expert) 06 February 2018
Better try to rely on your own lawyer, who knows details of the case and would also have some action plan in his mind.
Guest (Querist) 06 February 2018
Sri Vijayan.A (Expert) 06 February 2018
Dear Swetcha,
You are trying to punish all your in-laws at once at any cost (I have seen your many questions at various threads).
Court will decide the case.
Be calm, believe in your lawyer.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 07 February 2018
do you mean to say she is having BPL (below poverty line) card despite being govt official.
Guest (Expert) 07 February 2018
So, you want to drag the experts in to a controversial position to make them your tool to fulfill your revengeful desires?
Better take help of your own lawyer.
Guest (Querist) 07 February 2018
@Sudhir Sir, Yes she is holding BPL (below poverty line) card despite being govt teacher.
Can you please help me on this.

@JIGYASU, if you are against woman and support the other party who are trying to escape by using loopholes in the system and still harassing me and my family though their power,influence, plz dont reply to my questions.
Iam fighting for my justice as my life is spoiled by impotent husband and his sadist family members.
Guest (Expert) 07 February 2018
Ms. Swetcha,

I am not against women, rather help those in distress, but against the pretenders of dvc and intentionally create distress even for unrelated persons also by misuse of law by implicating the whole of the family along with their other relatives even without their involvement in the case. In most cases, only one or two may be involved in dv against women, but the whole of the family members and their relatives are tried to be punished by some revengeful ladies.

Now in your case only, you have asked how to take revenge from your husband's brother and his wife, but you have not stated what was their fault in causing domestic violence. So, do you believe that the experts are idiots, who can believe your story without knowing the background of the case?


However, no objection, if Mr. Sudhir Kumar is ready to help you in getting the ration of the Government teacher cancelled. Even if the ration card is cancelled, there would not be any type of punishment to the lady, if you think so, and what of your purpose will be served by that, except your vain wish fulfillment of taking merely revenge from that lady.

If there is any truth in your story, better concentrate only on your dv case, but only against the real culprits, not against one and all of the family members, not on superfluous issues, like cancellation of ration card, etc.

Guest (Querist) 07 February 2018
@Jigyansu, its upto you whether you help or not.
yes she is involved in the harassment and threatening to kill me and my family thats why she is included in the case.iam educated enough who to include not to include.
they are using power,influence and money to escape all the way they can.
if you dont intend to help the victim, iam fine with it. anyways thanks for your help.
Guest (Querist) 07 February 2018
Its very sad about your opinion without knowing the genuity and severity and how much struggle girl faced and life spoiled in the hands of impotent and his family members. Marriage was happened around 3 and half year. with in a month i came to know that he is impotent but still stayed with him 6 months. as per Elders suggestion we took him for medical test in reputed hospital. He ran away without undergoing medical test.We tried all the possibilites and begged to cooperate and not to spoil my life. He and his family members took lot of dowry, furniture and jewellary from us. they did not even spend single rupee for marriage. Entire marriage expenses are beared by my family members.from very inital days itself started harrassing for properties, ATM card, salary and beaten so many times and threatings and attempting to kill by leaking gas cylinder if i tell anyone about his impotency. Due to their horrible torcher i went to depression and lost my job also.I lost everything not just married life. he and his famaily torchered not only me and even my father is heart patient. Due to their threatings he got hospitalised and in crital situation now. He and his family members know that he is impotent and cant be marriage is a business to them. simply marry the girl with huge dowry and harass and then abscond with that money. if any of the girl who is educated complains drag the case in courts by managing so that girl only suffer.Its a mental murder of the girl.Iam fighting for proper punishment and justice who spoil girl life due to his impotency purposefully. Thanks, Swetcha

Guest (Expert) 07 February 2018
I could have responded appropriately item by item on your description, as there are several holes and exaggeration in your story. For example, you have stated, "marriage is a business to them. If that is so, a vital question arises, as of business, how many marriages your husband has made so far?

Another example is that on one hand you have stated that when took to some reputed hospital for medical test, "he ran away without undergoing medical test." But on the other hand, as per your version, "his family members know that he is impotent and cant be cured" your belief is that his impotency CAN'T BE CURED. A vital question arises, what is the basis of your belief that his impotency can't be cured? In fact, you have the need to know that in most of the cases lack of mutual love, trust & belief becomes the major cause of disinterest of a man towards his wife, which becomes the cause of depression of a man and that is taken otherwise as impotency of the man. You should also know that Impotence Is treatable even without drugs in such cases.

Be aware of a vital fact, if you try to exaggerate the issues, you are sure to lose, whatever smart your lawyer be. Just imagine, if an unknown person, like me, can put such questions, why not opposite side lawyer would be able to grill you and your own family members abundantly with very odd type of his questions. Even your hint about your husband's impotence may become the cause of your own harassment by other side's lawyer. Harassment is sure to be there in the legal battlefield, but both the parties will be the sufferers at their own cost and time, besides deterioration of their lives forever. Of course, your own lawyer won't tell you about that secrecy in his own interest. .

Thirdly, you have not answered my question, why you can't rely your own lawyer, as he may well versed with your case?

Although I know, you won't relish my advice, but still my suggestion is that with all the calmness better make a review of your own attitude towards your husband and his family members. Now don't mind, if I say, if your attitude towards a third and unknown person like me is arrogant, what can be that towards your husband and others, who have to face you on daily basis. So, there is surely a sound reason for you to recheck your own behaviour towards your husband and his family members.

Mind it, marriage is not meant for breaking, rather a bond of mutual trust and belief. Cooperation begets cooperation. Any undesirable action and reaction are equal and opposite. SO, THINK TEN TIMES ABOUT THIS, AS I AM NOT YOUR ENEMY.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 07 February 2018
A govt servant is expected to maitain absolute intergrity even in private life outside office.

If a govt servant has taken a fraudulent BPL card then he/she caomitted professional misconduct.

But her deptt will take no action against her unless the card is cancelled and you take documents leading to the issue of card under RTI.

Further a govt servant is also under professional obligation to report to the deptt if he/she is on bail and you have to check if she has done so.
Guest (Expert) 07 February 2018
Interesting debate! But, it is not understood what is the connection between the dvc and BPL ration card and on what ground or Mr. Sudhir Kumar has termed keeping a ration card by a Government employee as an offense or professional misconduct! All Ration Cards can never be BPL Ration Cards. Ration Card can also be APL,

Guest (Querist) 07 February 2018
I have answers for your all questions.
After they thrown me out of house for additional dowry, we met elders for help and amicable solution as i understand that he is impotent, noncooperative and just married for my salary and money only as he is jobless. he just want to settle by marrying me .He never come to elders for amicable solution instead trying to escape saying to elders that do what they can do , we know everyone, we know how to manage police and courts and giving threatenings to me and my parents. we became helpless as there are not coming forward for anything.we keep on going to elders and begging and asking them to come for amicable solution as my life is getting spoiled.Each time they say to elders one or other reason to escape . one time they say he went to Malaysia but actually he is in india only, one time they say their elder brother has to come from someowhere. one time they say that you people understand that he is impotent so he dotn need remarriage so we dont need to come for anything.Their intention is just to drag so that i will not get remarry and to spoil more and not to return any of dowry/articles instead if any case is filed so that they can manage the things with that money only as they dont have any human values and did not bother abt my situation. they dragged and we waited around 1 year to see if it gets solved through elders.
we know that if we file cases they will drag and ultimately i only the sufferer as he is not fit for marriage.they have been telling to elders that he is impotent and cant be cured.still we tried to do once medical checkup . based on that we can take any step not to just break the marriage.he came and ran way without undergoing the medical checkup. He could have done the checkup before itself and know that it can't be cured. If marriage is not business to them, why they did not come for amicable solution?
Infront of elders itself they said they will kill me and my family members as his problem has been exposed.
They started harassing us more by threatening with their relatives or some people.
After waiting for 1 year, i went to police station and gave complaint as there is no other way. They came to police station and they keep tell that he is impotent but dont come for anything and just managed and dragged another six months.we approached higher official due to their threatings and somehow case got registered. then again they played drama like they will come for amicable solution. we agreed for it. they say one thing and do different thing in the background and cheated us and did not come for anything. during this process we inquired in his town abt them and those people have told us that they are fraud people and advised us be careful with them.They tortured their elder daughter-in-law and her family too and took lot of money from them and made an agreement with their family like her parents should not meet her in her lifetime and should give whatever amount they expected" they had paid them and due to their torture her father died.this is just an example for marriage is business to them.Due to these horrible things ,i went to depression and lost job too and my father is heart patient and hospitalized many we need to file cases as they harassed me physically, mentally and took dowry and thrown me out of house,im not able to maintain as i lost filed 498A case, DVC case, MC case and Divorce cases.
since then they have been paying money to our side lawyers and dragging the matter. We have been changing the lawyers who are collided with other side party and fighting for justice. Due to all this, our image and prestige in the society is lost without single mistake from our side. Also, they have done lot of other damages. My father is hospitalized for more than 10 times in last 4 yrs. Who is responsible if anything bad happens to him due to their tortures?
FYI:They cheated us even when we agreed for amicable solution 3 yrs back itself. You don't know how sadists, psychos behave to spoil my life and my parents life.

Guest (Expert) 07 February 2018
Mr. Sudhir Kumar seems to be interested in escalating the dispute rather than suggesting some easy and practicable solution to the real problem.

Better concentrate on your real case of DV to fight that on merits of the case, rather than diverting your attention on trivial issues. I have already stated, actions and reactions are equal and opposite. Whatever you do, they will do some opposite as of revenge.
By the way, with what is the specific reason of your belief that the ration card held by the lady is only a BPL ration card and not any other one as ration cards are of different categories?
Guest (Querist) 07 February 2018
@Jignyasu Sir, its not me who is interested in courts rather the other party. we have been always trying for amicable solution but other party no as they say they are well aware of the system and loopholes. we have no other option left.
we know that it takes years to get justice but what can we do? "justice delayed is justice denied". its happening to me.
we are mentally murdered by other party.
Hope you understand my problem.

Thanks all for your support.
Guest (Expert) 07 February 2018
Justice is always delayed that too only when you have sincere and very experienced lawyer at your side. Even justice, if got is always associated with unimaginable losses also.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 08 February 2018
as far as delay of judtice is concerned that may still happen in new front you are going to open.

You have to gather evidence that the lady actually gave false information to obtain the document to which she was not entitled and that what benefits she can derive out of it. It may appear that it may only be misinformation to you.

However even if your belief is correct and you father evidence of the card being fraudlent still the competent authority has to follow due process of law before cancellation of the same.

After cancellation of the card she is liable for criminal action and departmental action. If she has not given written intimation to the deptt regarding being on bail still a formal complaint is to be made. In either case the deptt will follow due process of law
Guest (Querist) 08 February 2018
Thanks a lot Sudhir Sir.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 11 February 2018
I could not find even a single word in the query except ____________ and ___________
Guest (Expert) 11 February 2018
Original query as well as one subsequent clarification, being controversial have been erased/substituted by the author by dotted lines.
Guest (Querist) 21 February 2018
I got the answer so deleted the question as so called impotent husband is knowing the details and strategy from this forum only.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 15 June 2018

I agree with Sudhir Kumar.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 26 June 2018
I agree with Sudhir Kumar.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 04 July 2018
I agree with Sudhir Kumar.

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