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Indirect pressure from finance company

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 15 August 2011 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Friends, I was just browsing the google for possible ways for my solution and I ended up in this site. Very interesting.

I had pledged my jewel for a gold loan in an instituition to settle a long pending personal debt. A month later when I go there to pay the interest the employees tell me that the cashier had paid extra money to me that amounts to 40k. I was shocked at this situation. Neither I could believe them and I think they had the same opinion on me. They have almost confirmed that the excess money was given to me. On asking proof they showed the cashier's hand written denominations of currencies that he gave me.

The fact is, on that day in an urgency, I saw the cashier counting the money in machine and since it was heavy amount and the person waiting at my house to settle debt, I hurried away even without counting again and settled the debt finally. I was happy that I got rid of the debt.

I explained the same to the instituition and they agreed. They said they pledged one their explowees's jewel and closed the account for the day so that there was no negative impact for the instituition or the cashier. Now they say I've to pay back that employee it seems. Having pity at that employee I decided to check with the person to whom I handed over the money. I took a letter from the employee as a proof to show to the person that excess money had been transacted. I gave my number to be in contact.

Now I'm receiving calls from those guys almost asking me to pay back in different tones. I've recording of each call. How can I pay without confirming the truth? I need time to talk to the person to whom I settled. Maybe I need to approach his family to know more as he is a rude person.

How do I come out of this situation sirs? What do I do if the person does not return the money or if the instituition's claim is false? My jewel is with the instituition and I've paid interest also for that. I'm confused and unable to eat peacefully.

Please suggest me accordingly. Thank you for reading.
M/s. Y-not legal services (Expert) 15 August 2011
So, as of your statement the banker's endorsement on the denomination colum only. Am i correct? Then just send a legal notice to the banker that you are ready to repay the amount for your pledged jewels. They will issue reply notice to you.. Then you can get a line for proceed further. If your statement is true mean nothing mistake commited by you.
M/s. Y-not legal services (Expert) 15 August 2011
Apart from this, you know the truth. That whether you recieved excess amount than your loan amount or not? If its true mean as a gentleman you can handed over the excess amount. Because careless is humon's habit. Or else just face it before court of law. But they have no rights to threaten you. You can lodge a police complaint against their activities.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 15 August 2011
Thank you Tom. I completely go by your advice. But the situation is I do not know if I received excess money or not. I saw the cashier counting and I went directly and settled the debt I owed to the person who was shouting at my flat. It was a very annoying situation and thats why I took the jewel immediately to the instituition to settle my debt. Now I cant go back to him and check if I gave him excess money. Only if he confirms I can commit the same to poor cashier.

Please suggest me as to how I can negotiate with the cashier at the instituition if I do not receive money from the person. Hope my point is clear Tom. I just want to come out of this situation. Thank you again for your time and expertise. Have a nice day.
K.S.Srinivas (Expert) 15 August 2011
The cashier should have checked at the time of giving cash to you to the effect that he is correct amount. Once you have taken cash and left the place, you are not answerable to him. Is there any documentary evidence bearing your signature to the effect effect that you have taken more than the amount yo mentioned. If no, forget the whole episode and be happy.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 15 August 2011
Thank you very much Srinivas. May I request you to enlighten me with few phrases or statements that I can use when those people call me to keep them away? I am trying to be as soft as possible but I'm worried I may be over-ruled.

Please assist!
Thank you again.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 15 August 2011
I do agree with Srinivas.
M/s. Y-not legal services (Expert) 16 August 2011
Yes. My point also that only. If his endorsement on the denomination colum only mean you need not to answer him. Just let him to sue against you. You have good chance to break their case.
girish shringi (Expert) 16 August 2011
I am agree with Tom.

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