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Personal loan

(Querist) 25 March 2017 This query is : Resolved 
I have taken a loan in the year 2007 of Rs 38,000 from icici .I have paid emi of Rs 2226 every month for 20 months due to weak finance position I couldnt continue emis.Now after 10 years recovery agent is harrasing my parents to pay 40,000 when I am not at my place ?
Guest (Expert) 25 March 2017
Recovery Agent is just doing his Job.But Legally you are not bound to Pay basing on the Time Limits for Legal Procedures in Loan.They Can not harass Senior Citizens who were not connected to the Transaction as well.Seek the help of neighbours or good friends in such situation and you do not involve your self directly or indirectly and let your Parents say they do not know your where abouts.Also Strongly advise them not to give any Cheque Or to sign any Letter Or undertaking.If the Agent's behaviour is worse they could seek the Police Help with out involving you.Handle it carefully and Advise your Parents in the same Manner.Take Care
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 25 March 2017
Recovery agents have no right to harass your parents. May record the threatens and lodge police complaint. If they are senior citizens, they may approach senior citizen helpline.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 25 March 2017
Loan seem to be time barred.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 25 March 2017
you have taken loan in 2007, paid for 20 months.

Thereafter if the debt is not acknowledged by borrower in any sense, then it might be hopelessly time barred.

The recovery agents can not harass Senior Citizens/parents and force them to pay.

Record all calls/meetings.

They can lodge complaint with police/senior Citizen helpline.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 25 March 2017
If you had borrowed you should pay.

Settlement is adverse entry.
Even if you pay by settlement the CIBIL report shall remain affected.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 26 March 2017
The case is time barred for recovery but it is not time barred :-

(i) for declaring you defaulter in CIBIL.
(ii)recovering it, (if you scum) by pressure tactics.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017
Such loans (bad debts) are handed over to Recovery Agencies/ARC etc…………or sold.

Such agencies aim for fat profits.

That is why such tactics are applied.

If you succumb to pay under pressure, your credit worthiness shall still be worse.
Any negotiation and agreed amount less than Principle+ interest+penal charges etc may lead to settlement/Written off and these are adverse entries.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017
After settlement: Later if you want to borrow: Once again you shall be landing in the vicious cycle.

The agency/Lender (bank) may not agree at all to repair your credit worthiness.

Moreover it is you that is at fault, since you borrowed but did no pay in time as per agreed terms.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017

A counsel specializing in such/banking/consumer matters may succeed in finding faults, and building by our case and to get you relief from a court of law.

If faults,lapses of lender are proved then court of law may order to repair your CIBIL record.

There also you shall have to pay (minimum) Principle Amount.

Rest as decided by court of law.

A good counsel worth his salt and of unshakable repute shall let you know in advance your case is worth it or not!

Record all calls and transactions/meeting with agents.
Guest (Expert) 26 March 2017
Mr. Siva,

Was your problem about harassment of your parents by the recovery agents or rectification of CIBIL records, as I find most of the entries as of advisors on repair of CIBIL record, more particularly a person, named Kumar Doab, who does not have his true identity? In most of the cases, he tries to extremely sidetrack the issues by several irrelevant and vague posts.

What I understand, your present problem is about harassment of your parents by the recovery agent, NOT about CIBIL record for outstanding loan amount.

Guest (Expert) 26 March 2017
Since your parents are not liable to pay your debt, your parents may lodge a complaint to the police about harassment by the recovery agent.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017
Mr. Siva

All Readers/querist/authors/admin of LCI/members/Experts ( Except @PSD)

I have already posted in my 1st post in thsi thread;

"you have taken loan in 2007, paid for 20 months.

Thereafter if the debt is not acknowledged by borrower in any sense, then it might be hopelessly time barred.

The recovery agents can not harass Senior Citizens/parents and force them to pay.

Record all calls/meetings.

They can lodge complaint with police/senior Citizen helpline."

The true identity of @ PSD is already placed by LCI admin in threads beloe profile of @PSD:

Member Since : 18 January 2011

Member Since : 16 June 2016
Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017
@PSD has abused today Indian Married Woman for having a Name ' Naresh'.

Guest (Expert) 26 March 2017
Mr. Dooba, alias Doab denoting two rivers of Punjab, the satluj & Beas,

What abuse, when you have admitted if another thread that being male, even you can have husband.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017

On the contrary you have gone berserk today also and have been abusing in all threads today also, as usual.

By the way why don't admit that you have abusing everyday at LCI and your condition as rightly diagnosed and confirmed: has worsened in last 11-12 months and is currently beyond repair!

Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017

Who drowned you in your favorite rivers that you are unable to forget: satluj & Beas?

Whom you had drowned in your favorite rivers that you are unable to forget: satluj & Beas?

The ghosts from these rivers ( JINN) are haunting you today also.

Did you get Lobotomy done on you?

Did it also fail on you?

Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017

Out of good nature:

In this thread also I wish you eternal peace and sleep.
Guest (Expert) 26 March 2017
Mr. Doab,

What is the use of making new post and editing all of your previous posts by adding police report, when in all of your previous posts, you rendered quite a misleading advice on the issue of CIBIL record, while the author sought advice on harassment to his parents?

BUT, you still committed error in leaving one post unedited, where you made mention of CIBIL report, e.g., "Even if you pay by settlement the CIBIL report shall remain affected."

One more thing I could observe from the same unedited post that that you don't have even commonsense and very openly make even a very small post full of contradictions, while rendering even a wrong advice.

For example, on one hand you advised that the author should pay, if borrowed, while in the very next sentence you forbade him from paying in the name of adverse entry and the unaffected CIBIL report, as you stated, "If you had borrowed you should pay." ...... "Settlement is adverse entry.
Even if you pay by settlement the CIBIL report shall remain affected."

In nutshell, you are accustomed to post senseless and vague advice for one and all.


Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017

You have miserably failed in your following post:

"Mr. Dooba, alias Doab denoting two rivers of Punjab, the satluj & Beas,

What abuse, when you have admitted if another thread that being male, even you can have husband.


Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017

Want to know meaning of PSD!

Guest (Expert) 26 March 2017
Mr. Dooba,

So, you have posted another 3 posts, while I was keying in reply to you!

Anybody can guess from your continuous multiple posts abusing me and even wishing my death through your statement, "In this thread also I wish you eternal peace and sleep." that only you have gone berserk, as you can't bear with the agony of your irritation and frustration of your getting exposed as merely an imposter without any real identity.

Anyway, you are welcome with your utter frustration and unbearable irritation!
Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017

You have miserably failed in your above mentioned post.

It is you that has abused an Indian Married Woman.

It is you that has been abusing at LCI everyday.

It is you that has been abusing today also and doing NOTHING.

My post have been precise and correct for author.

You need to visit your teachers (if you had any..................and ever) with printouts of all of your posts and threads

and get tamed and shamed by them.

Guest (Expert) 26 March 2017
Mr. Dooba,

You made still other two posts during my keying in response to your earlier 3 posts.

Anyway, you are welcome with your utter frustration and unbearable irritation!

I can very well judge that you will definitely spend sleepless night now, if you don't take a tranquilizer by taking immediate admission in some mental hospital.

May God bless you some sleep tonight!

Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017

Has your own family experience not taught you that;What lenders do when Borrowers do not pay?
Guest (Expert) 26 March 2017
O God, Mr. Doab, you are still continuing with your posts! Please adhere to my advice, get admission in some mental hospital without any delay. Your position seems to be deteriorating by & by.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017

It has been drilled in your head that;

You are NOT welcome with your utter frustration and unbearable irritation!

We have guided you enough.

Your own ghosts ( JINN) are not leaving you..................and won't let you sleep today also.

Noe prepare your abuse for your own family ( if you have any; God bless all of them)

and your teachers ( WE are sure that ; You never had any. Still god bless all teachers).

Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017

Out of good nature:

In this thread also I wish you eternal peace and sleep.

It is 2nd time in this thread and 3 times in other thread in which you have abused and Indian Married Woman.

Total 5 times.

Guest (Expert) 26 March 2017
Mr. Doab,

With your post, "Has your own family experience not taught you that;What lenders do when Borrowers do not pay?" you are still fart away from commonsense and the reality about the problem of the author. He asked about advice for relief from his immediate problem about harassment of parents, NOT on what borrowers would do.

You have really gone berserk.
Guest (Expert) 26 March 2017
Dooba still continuing!

Anyway, Mr. Dooba, you are welcome again with your utter frustration and unbearable irritation!

In one post you have stated, "Out of good nature: In this thread also I wish you eternal peace and sleep."

Earlier also, I asked you that when out of good nature you wish for my death, what you would like to wish with your bad nature? But, you have not replied so far.

Please reply, what is your heart-burnt wish for me out of your bad nature?
Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017
@ PSD,

While you go the nearest Majaar for your daily food, pray for self and all those from your own tribe whom you have drowned in your favorite rivers; satluj and Beas and whose ghosts are haunting you everyday.

At least in your grave ( Kabr) you may have some peace ( Sakoon).

Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017

You are NOT welcome with your utter frustration and unbearable irritation!

Sweep and wash the steps of Majaar before and after having your daily free food and go back to your tribe in your tribal badlands.

The author in this thread has been perfectly advised.

Now he can go back to his own elders in the family, own counsels and can do best for his own interest.

You have done nothing in this thread other than littering your trademark nuisance and abuse.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017

Out of good nature:

In this thread also I wish you eternal peace and sleep.

It is 6th time today.

Guest (Expert) 26 March 2017
As per your advice, I shall try to visit your majaar, provided you intimate me your address along with your real name.
Guest (Expert) 26 March 2017
O God, in this very thread you have wished my death 6 times, but your heart-burn is still not doused! YOU HAVE A VERY DEPLORABLE STATE OF HEALTH!

So, I once again advise you to take some tranquilizer to get at least some sleep in night.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017

You are a wavering mind, we all know of it.

It is Majaar whose address you already know or get a banging from your own tribal heads and then you will not forget the address.

Why did you forget?

While going there take care or you may drown your self or your own tribe again in your favorite rivers; sutluj, and Beas and number of ghosts haunting you will increase.

Guest (Expert) 26 March 2017
Mr. Dooba,

You have not even told me your real name, how can I know yours or you majaar's address?
Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017

Out of good nature:

In this thread also I wish you eternal peace and sleep.

It is 7th time today.

Probably your tribal heads have denied you your daily dose of heavy tranquilizers ( Opioids; from Opium if anything else has not been working on you............ that are otherwise and usually given under strict supervision to cancer patients in last stage) that is why you are struggling.

Struggle for one more night.

Don't sleep.

Remain awake.

Invent more abuse.

Abuse and confuse coming days also.

Decay further if that is your choice.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 March 2017

Sufficient for today or you are still struggling with your stuttering and stammering posts..................and breathlessness.

Get a Bipap or Tripap machine.

Out of good nature:

In this thread also I wish you eternal peace and sleep.

It is 8th time today.

Do the spelling errors in both threads.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 27 March 2017
carry on Mr Dhingra.
Carry on Mr Doab.

another opportunity for both of you.
Guest (Expert) 27 March 2017
Mr. Dooba,

You are welcome once again with your utter frustration and unbearable irritation!

But, please do confirm are you alive and OK? I was worried whether you may not get heart attack or a stroke of brain hemorrhage during your sleepless night.

So far as myself is concerned, I am still alive even after your repeated 8th time wish for my death and very much enjoying your unbearable irritation and frustration as revealed through your continuing irritated posts.

I really have sympathy for your utmost agony.

But, why not you avoid that agony to some extent by posting your real name and photo in your profile at LCI, WHY SO SHY OF COMING IN THE OPEN, if you pose yourself to be an expert in law?

BUT, I KNOW, SINCE YOU ARE A REAL DUFFER TYPE IMPOSTER AND KNOW NOTHING ABOUT LAW, YOU WOULD NEVER COME OUT WITH YOUR REAL IDENTITY with the fear of getting beaten mercilessly by the people who got harmed by your wrong and misleading advice and would always prefer to bear with the agony of being pointed out ABOUT YOUR WRONG & MISLEADING ADVICE to one and all OUT OF YOUR UNDYING WORST HABIT AND URGE OF POSTING MULTIPLE POSTS TO BE CONSIDERED FALSELY AS AN EXPERT. But rest assured, that will ever remain as your unfulfilled wish.

By the way, WHY AND FROM WHOM YOU ARE AFRAID OF POSTING YOUR TRUE IDENTITY WITH YOUR REAL NAME & PHOTO IN YOUR PROFILE AT LCI? Don't worry, if you remember me at the time of your need, I shall try to come to your rescue, if and when some people come to your place to beat you up due to the damage done to their cases by your wrong and misleading advice after they come to know your real identity.

Now continue to make your brain stormed for the whole day to invent some fresh abuses for me and to think for how many more times you have to reveal your wish for my death.

Guest (Expert) 27 March 2017
Mr. Sudhir Kumar,

About your unwarranted advice, "carry on Mr Dhingra." ...... "Carry on Mr Doab," I very well understand your uncontrollable jealousy filled itch also.

I very much knew that you have been falsely claiming respect for Mr. Doab but, you always enjoyed his exposure, as a brainless duffer, to the core of your heart.

A question of commonsense for you also, do I need any advice from you for responding the abusive posts of Mr. Doab, as aimed at me?

If you have so much concern about his abuses for me, why adopting dual policy, better come in the open either to endorse or condemn his abusive posts. Otherwise, better, continue to enjoy in your heart, instead of unduly poking your nose.
Guest (Expert) 27 March 2017
" Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people"_Eleanor Roosevelt

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