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Illegal usage of societies open ground for commercial use

(Querist) 14 October 2018 This query is : Resolved 
i am a member of a co-operative housing society and there are shops under our building. three to four years back a owner of the shop started his business of building material supply. as soon as he started his business, the open space owned by the society was being used by him as godown for stocking his cement, sand, bricks and other stuff. also he does not pay anything more than 500₹ per month for around 4000-5000 sq-ft of land. Moreover due to his activities our health is also being affected( the cement and sand flies through the air into our kitchen indirectly ending up in our food) we are not able to do anything as he has connection with builders and other gang members. What should we do in order to vacate the land ?. Please help...

Isaac Gabriel (Expert) 14 October 2018
It is the prerogative of the executive committe to let it for rent,lease etc.,m without hindrance to the residents. Neverthless, if you are aggrieved, you can take steps to call the Gneral body and decide what action could be taken and the way in which it could be better utilized or kept vacant.
Kishor Mehta (Expert) 14 October 2018
Each State has its own Co-operative society act, the Act of the State of your residence will apply. In Maharashtra the usage of Society ground is not permitted in the manner you have described.

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