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Sudhakar rao & ors. vs. u. govinda rao & ors. [july 03, 2013

(Querist) 05 March 2015 This query is : Resolved 
Sir please let me know the Efffect of Sudhakar Rao & Ors. Vs. U. Govinda Rao & Ors. [July 03, 2013-judgment on the service of employees appointed on the basis of transfer as per notification attached along with this query. Another point is to be noted here is that the retrospective operation of scheme is cancelled and only prospective operation is implemented.
Also request yourself to let me know the recent judgments on the basis of above sudakar case which will help us to deep understanding of the sudakar case case. .....With Regards.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 05 March 2015
read said judgement carefully.


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Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 05 March 2015
Read the judgement carefully or mention specific problem.

For judgement search
Anirudh (Expert) 05 March 2015
Dear Mr. Suresha,

It is nearly more than one and a half year old decision.

By this time, all of you might have definitely understood the ultimate outcome of the decision of the Supreme Court in Sudhakar Rao & Ors. Vs. U. Govinda Rao & Ors.

Before answering any further, can you please indicate whether you are a Direct Recruit Junior Engineer or a Supervisor turned Junior Engineer?

Are you still in service?

Are you in any way getting affected by the above decision?

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