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Anonymous   11 October 2023 at 12:11

Foreign defendant

Proposition 1: In case where there are 3 defendants [2 Indian Defendants and 1 Foreign Defendant] – the Plaintiff does not have the address of 3rd defendant (who is residing in a foreign country) – in which case can the Plaintiff compel Indian Defendants 1 & 2 to provide address of the 3rd Defendant who is residing in foreign Country?

Anonymous   10 October 2023 at 18:21

498a trial quash

We got married in 2017 (Hindu) in India.She lived happily with our family members for about 10 days. Then we both left to USA.She lived with me (work from home)for six months without any major issues. As her employer didn't permit work from home,,she went to her place in USA.By 2018 end , she visited me to find a job in my place. She was with me for three days, visiting the nearby picnic places and moved away once for all as it was impossible for her to find a job in my place. By 2019 end ,at the instigation of her father, she came to India to register a COMPLETELY FALSE FIR without any preliminary enquiry (my parents were in USA at that time) and a divorce petition on cruelty grounds and went back to USA.We not only gave strong reply but also levelled charges against her.As we both were not interested in living together ,divorce was granted in 2021 without inquiring the charges . FIR quash was moved .Meanwhile she influenced to file charge sheet and so our petition was dismissed.
I am an Indian citizen and has not visited India in the last six years. Soon after registering FIR ,she influenced to issue LOC against me and my father by DC .This fact is not mentioned in charge sheet. and IO is unaware of it. We came to know when my father tried to move out of country two months back. Our advocate filed sec 91 petition ,which is still pending with the trial court. My parents and my brother's family got AB in 2020 itself and they attend trial hearings. For me ,till this time no summons was issued, though my advocate has given them my USA address
On arriving India in the beginning of 2020, she brought police to our home ,took my parents in illegal custody for three days and took my father to the bank locker where she had kept her jewels in E or S name and took all the jewels listed and kept her She has misinformed the police that I had jewels.

1)As she left her matrimonial home in USA and took shelter in her sister's house in USA for about 10 months, as per Rupali Devi's case, whether the court in her parental home has jurisdiction,as none of the alleged offences are said to have occured there in her parental home .Can quash is possible on this ground ?
2) I donot want to leave USA, whether LOC will create a problem here for local travel and visiting other countries
3)Whether LOC can be quashed without a copy of it ? How easy/difficult to quash LOC for both of us ?
4)Some suggest that ,if I donot come to India, the case will die by itself--is it true?
5)All her things were handed over and receipts got .It seems their motive is to extract huge money for compromise .Apart from defamation, what other offensive cases can be filed against her
6)Any other suggestion to fight this legal terrorism and come out successfully.
None of our family members told even a harsh word on her and there were only petty quarrels between both of us.Her father wants to take vengeance on all of us and extract money

shailesh   09 October 2023 at 16:53

Bank account details of a public charitable trust

Can a nationalised bank furnish information about bank account details of a public charitable trust.

Anonymous   09 October 2023 at 12:38

Surety for death claim.

My unmarried brother expired. He had taken 5No. insurance policies. My father ,Nominee to the policies predeased his son.My mother is the legal heir. Claim proposals are submitted along with Legal heirship certificate and my husband , SoninLaw to my mother has also given surety. The branch states that surety should not be from close relative. Kindly clarify, Why LHC is not enough. and whether surety is mandatory and if if it is mandatory
why surety from son in law is not accepted.He is not directly involves with claim. Can I request branch to settle the claim on basis of LHC

Anonymous   09 October 2023 at 12:37

Surety for death claim.

My unmarried brother expired. He had taken 5No. insurance policies. My father ,Nominee to the policies predeased his son.My mother is the legal heir. Claim proposals are submitted along with Legal heirship certificate and my husband , SoninLaw to my mother has also given surety. The branch states that surety should not be from close relative. Kindly clarify, Why LHC is not enough. and whether surety is mandatory and if if it is mandatory
why surety from son in law is not accepted.He is not directly involves with claim. Can I request branch to settle the claim on basis of LHC

Anonymous   09 October 2023 at 00:00

Conditional inheritance

My father passed away few days ago and I have an elder brother
My father has apparently done a will saying that I will get half a share of his self acquired property only if my wife and my children cannot claim a share or get a share
My father did not like behaviour of my wife
How can this constional will be fulfilled
does this need a notarized document saying that I will not give them any share
pls throw some light

Dilip   08 October 2023 at 23:04

Not paid subscription of trade union more than 6 months

If the worker not paying subscription of more than 6 months can the worker be disqualified from.the membership of Trade union. This same practice is going on in our trade union committee is not taking the subscription fees from the worker whom they found that he is active and may ask to many questions and creat a problem for them committee make such worker subscription pending so that later they can be suppressed by the committee I'd they ask any think or try to do some legal action against the committee. Pls look my query it's a request and what can be the remedy regarding this matter

Anonymous   08 October 2023 at 22:18

Cheating a senior citizen mother(widow) by her son

My mother is a senior citizen of 71 years. She is a cancer patient, too. She stayed with my younger brother for 4-5 months. During that period, my younger brother took her land papers and transferred all her money from her bank accounts. When my mother came to stay with me, she realized this. She called my younger brother, but he refused to return. In that case, what needs to be done? Kindly advice.
She is a cancer patient under treatment, which also requires money for her treatment.

Suraj Kumar   08 October 2023 at 10:20

Recovery of gold ornaments

I have entrusted 25 gram of gold ornaments to my relative. Sufficient evidence is available. Now my relative stating that he has sold my ornaments due to requirement of money & refused to return.
My lawer stated me that a case under section 7 & 8 of specific relief act may be made.
Is court fee as required in money Suit is required for this case ?

Dilip   08 October 2023 at 09:00

Trade union leader can hold office without voting mumbai

Is there any mandatory provision of voting in trade union and how long trade union leader can hold office without voting and can voting be done without the audit report of the union because they are not doing election and harrassing the worker of trade union
