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Why fitness certificate is needed for appeal

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 04 March 2021 This query is : Resolved 
Why fitness certificate is needed for appeal from lower court to high court when the accused got punishment and is out on bail
Mine friends uncle got punishment and then bail
but the lawyer told mine friends uncle to come with fitness certificate for appeal of bail extension or for appeal from lower court to high court
please tell me what is fitness certificate .

kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 04 March 2021
Ask the reason your own counsel.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 04 March 2021
mine friends uncle dont know the reason and lawyer not replied to him , only he told to come with it in court so i am asking here because this is first time he asked him .
Doctor is charging to him 1500 to 2000 Rs for certificate but only after full body checkup

Is it covid 19 certificate or how different it is
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 05 March 2021
covid 19 is this because of this fitness certificate is needed for appeal
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 07 March 2021
please answer it and dont closed it thanks
Guest (Expert) 07 March 2021
High Court grants the Certificate of Fitness to the Party so as to make the other party Competent to File an Appeal. Discuss your matter in detail with an Advocate Practicing in Concerned High Court and it would be done.
J K Agrawal (Expert) 07 March 2021
Everything is confusing. No such certificate ever heard about. No reference in any statute. Please explain properly which certificate High Courts grant or seek at time of bail application.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 08 March 2021
Yes mine friends uncle advocate dont answer anything to him whenever he asks as mine uncle is almost uneducated . he says if u dont do this or this get another advocate or listen what i am saying and do . from 5 years same thing . and mine uncle paid so much amount so he cant change another advocate now . but now fitness certificate thats confusing for him mine uncle is 68 years old approx he is not going in gym or any phycial activity.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 09 March 2021
Mr. ?s. Anonymous,
No such certificate exists in law for filing an appeal before High Court as posted by you, it is a misconception.
Counsel of the appellant is well aware about facts of the case, wherein you are presuming in a confused manner.
Prima facie it is a hypothetical story.
Why you are keen/ interested and poking your nose in other's affairs.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 09 March 2021
because mine best friends uncle is uneducated and he now wants help without spending more money on this lawyer or hiring any other lawyer and he is approx 68 years old , he was just asking where he can get help without spending money and i think here i can get reply without paying . , he has spent i think more than 5 lakhs till now in 5 to 6 years and dont have more money

thanks for help sir and all
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 09 March 2021
very confusing is fitness certificate and covid 19 certificate same. when applying for bail or bail extension why any one is needed , lawyer did not replied to client even when asking why he is demanding it
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 08 April 2021
it was covidtest . lawyer told fitness test which was actually a covidtest to enter inside the court in mumbai
thanks for all the replies , now i am marking as resolved as mine friend uncle got the answer from his lawyer.
he will go after few days in court

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